Posted 09 November 2004 - 09:58 PM
Oh and Mike…Fuck you
Posted 10 November 2004 - 11:11 AM
Why must you own us?Well the ownage shall now begin even more…I just picked up a 5k of eBay and I’m going to do cams bolt action mod. With the strapped onto my back and my BBB as my primary and my ssII in my holster (wont need) I shall own thy all! Well I am still scared of what cam has cooking with is 5k shell but if it involves my big stock of guns (not saying which) it shall be good. Well hope war shit is going good and that is all I have to say.
Oh and Mike…Fuck you
Don't forget about me! Im guna pwn all u n00bs back2n00d scool!!1
~Ehy Thwack
Posted 10 November 2004 - 03:35 PM
So as if now I'm gonna be the crazy mother fucker running around with my SM1500, 4 holstered NFs, and a BNA on my back. Don't screw with me. I'll climb up a tree and shoot everyone with the BNA.
Posted 10 November 2004 - 04:12 PM
Posted 10 November 2004 - 05:19 PM
I'm tarzan too, I've just never unleashed my Bn'A on your guys... I don't want to hurt you!Oh no we got Tarzan man in the crimson militia clan with the BnA but no hand! Mike…you have no aim…even with a BnA.
Mike knows I hate him, Tony knows I generally dislike him, and Julian knows I'm going to shoot him in the calf with my SM5k as CFM initiation.
We have anothe person coming, his name is Mike H. He's short, skinny, and I've known him far too long and still haven't shot him with a Nerf gun. The time is now to capitalize on the given situation... he must die.
That's all for now.
Not in the game anymore, but it was great while it lasted. Thanks for the great years of fun, NH!
Resident "Spawn of Talio"
Posted 10 November 2004 - 07:21 PM
My BNA actually looks slightly frightening. Remember my old Maxshot barrel? Yeah. Guess what's on the BNA. Remember my Rattler? Remember my rattler plunger casing? Guess what's holding my Maxshot barrel to the original BNA barrel. If I don't hit you with the dart, I'll just throw it at you. Then when I get to you, I'll pick it up and beat you to near death with it.
Posted 10 November 2004 - 07:57 PM
Posted 11 November 2004 - 07:52 AM
Owned... by a one man joke machine. Tony, you've been chruning out some golden jokes this past little while; what have you been eating?So you’re going for the same technique as last war but instead of a maxshot you have a BnA….Nice. You got to love it Mike.
Oh, and yes, midget Mike is attending. I hope he doesn't cancel.
Not in the game anymore, but it was great while it lasted. Thanks for the great years of fun, NH!
Resident "Spawn of Talio"
Posted 11 November 2004 - 09:04 AM
Wait, you have to shoot me in my bare calf from close range so I can be in the CFM?
Well, as always, I better damn be coming.
Posted 11 November 2004 - 03:38 PM

Posted 11 November 2004 - 04:07 PM
Yeah, plus an SM1500 and 3 NFs.So you’re going for the same technique as last war but instead of a maxshot you have a BnA….Nice. You got to love it Mike.
And after I get shot, I WILL throw all 6 of my guns at your head, steal your BBB and SM5k, and bludgeon you with them.
Edited by Spectre2689, 11 November 2004 - 04:07 PM.
Posted 11 November 2004 - 06:28 PM
Some kind of pill…my mom says it will make me have more friends but I just seem to pass out a lot…weird?Owned... by a one man joke machine. Tony, you've been chruning out some golden jokes this past little while; what have you been eating?
Mike…4NF…what are you doing! So many guns! Well what ever floats your boat? Jeeves you have to make it, it’s not a war with out you! Well any who I must go but what time does the war start/end. Awesome idea with the bolt…I love it cam.
Anthony S. Esquire
Posted 11 November 2004 - 06:41 PM

Posted 11 November 2004 - 09:05 PM
Posted 15 November 2004 - 10:12 AM
I'll probibly mod my guns this week if brass guy gets me my brass.
I'm such a dirty post whore.
EDIT: Someone please get some exact specs up for this war (Time, what to wear, ect.).
Where the hell is my CFM letter to parents?
Edited by 1/2 Newb 1/2 Nerfer, 15 November 2004 - 02:51 PM.
Posted 15 November 2004 - 04:32 PM
Meadowvale Nerf War Official News Letter
Okay people, this is the official newsletter for the ‘Mississauga Meadowvale Nerf Out’. The MMNO 2.
Now, I would like to outline a few key concerns I have about the war. These will be divided into their respective categories: Apparel, Safety, Time, Location, games, and finally, everything else that doesn’t fit in the above categories.
For a Nerf war, you will generally want to be dressed in something very comfortable, and easy to move in. You will be dodging darts, running around, and it will be a mild day. Suitable apparel is anything you are comfortable wearing. There are laws, however, against certain choices of attire… such as not wearing pants in a public area. I shall hope we all show up ‘dressed to kill’, which is a double entandre.
Bring a backpack for all of your guns and parts, darts, and accessories. When and if we go out for lunch, you don’t want to be seen with a gun… plus, why carry it around?
You will be shooting projectiles at people, and having them to you. Safety is number one, and I will MAKE SURE that everyone is protected. The biggest factor is eye protection, and it will be REQUIRED at this war. Eye protection is goggles, glasses, shades, anything. I will be sporting some rubber science goggles, unbreakable by these darts.
You will also most likely need clothes that will soften the impact of darts. We do however need to be able to feel the hits so that there is no arguing over if you were shot or not.
Gloves are also something to consider, nothing like white knuckles after getting hit multiple times in the hand. Gloves are also good for crawling and such, if you use those tactics.
We have our war date set for August 14th 2004. We have set the start date at 11:30 am, and the war will rage until about 5:00. We find this to be a suitable time frame, so that when you leave it isn’t dark, and your parents will be able to get your home for dinner.
The location is a school called Meadowvale Secondary School. It is a Public High School located just off of Edenwood Drive. It is the facility beside Battleford Road. The area should be clear, there may be a few people walking dogs and such.
(NOTE: If you need maps to this area, contact Spectre2689@sympatico.ca)
The weather here in Mississauga is predictable, and never changes much. For August, we expect a temperature range of 19*C to 30*C (maybe higher), after all, it is August. Wear what is comfortable.
The location has many characteristics that we can use to our advantage. It is a large school, and it’s basically a large box. The place we will be playing at is the forest in the back of the field. The forest is amazing. You will see pictures displayed shortly, once we can get them taken.
There is a plaza with places to eat not far from the location, walking distance (10 minutes). There are larger establishments within driving distance from our warring area as well. Washrooms shall be bushes.
We haven’t really figured this out yet, we think that the games will be decided at the time. I would like to try a lot of rule sets and games to get the most out of this experience. Bring your ideas with you, and don’t be afraid to share your thoughts.
Our main game types would be CTF (Capture the Flag), Assault (one team defends and objective, another team tries to complete it), and just a Team Death Match sort of thing.
Everything Else
Bring a lunch if you can. This will make it easier on us as a group. Bring friends. Have fun. Laugh more than you cry. Goof around, but don’t be stupid. Remember safety comes first, and always others before you. Be polite and mature, and don’t get into stupid arguments. Try your best to not get hurt, and have as much fun as possible. Talk your parents into watching a round of Nerf so they know what we are doing.
I hope this answers all of your questions. If not, e-mail Mike (Spectre2689@sympatico.ca) or Cam (stonedsquirrelz@hotmail.com).
- Written by: Cam

Posted 15 November 2004 - 05:14 PM
Posted 16 November 2004 - 07:13 AM
The problem, I'm not sure if we can stay for the whole thing. If thats the way it is, then I'll probibly be leaving after about 3 hours. If not, then I geuss I'll be staying for the whole wallop. It all depends on how much my parents like you guys pretty much.
The last war was 5 1/2 hours? Wow.
Well, my parents are going to be sitting there watching the entire thing in there lawn chairs. My brother is also coming, so he says instead of just sitting down he'll be playing. So thats good.
The last newsletter was great but I would still like a new one, perhaps to show to my parents.
Today I might make steffans.
Posted 16 November 2004 - 07:46 AM
Awesome, an aduience to finally watch how much I totally suck during the cold winter wars. If it's not warm, guys, I swear I'll cut you all.Well, um, yeah, I'm pretty much coming. Except we haven't talked to my uncle yet. Even if he is to busy for us to come over, we'll probibly still come.
The problem, I'm not sure if we can stay for the whole thing. If thats the way it is, then I'll probibly be leaving after about 3 hours. If not, then I geuss I'll be staying for the whole wallop. It all depends on how much my parents like you guys pretty much.
The last war was 5 1/2 hours? Wow.
Well, my parents are going to be sitting there watching the entire thing in there lawn chairs. My brother is also coming, so he says instead of just sitting down he'll be playing. So thats good.
The last newsletter was great but I would still like a new one, perhaps to show to my parents.
Today I might make steffans.
Julian, the news letter hasn't changed since MMNO, so just copy/paste it into your Word processor, and change the words that need to change to bring it up to date. Mike is looking for the letter to parents on his home computer... aren't you, Mike?
This is looking good, two more weeks and we're going to be blasting eachother again. It even looks like we'll have a 7+ turn out, which is a bunch more than we're used to.
Not in the game anymore, but it was great while it lasted. Thanks for the great years of fun, NH!
Resident "Spawn of Talio"
Posted 16 November 2004 - 11:49 AM
But right now, school beckons me, and I must go. I'll edit this later with more information.
[EDIT] Ok, wow. Way to go, dickless.
Anyways, I'm going to try to hook up my old hard drive later and dig up the letter to parents. If I can't find it, well...then...well, Jeeves has it, right Jeeves?
And yeah. More edits to come once I think of something to edit.
Edited by Spectre2689, 16 November 2004 - 03:17 PM.
Posted 16 November 2004 - 12:54 PM
I too, will post later on.
Not in the game anymore, but it was great while it lasted. Thanks for the great years of fun, NH!
Resident "Spawn of Talio"
Posted 16 November 2004 - 06:05 PM

Posted 22 November 2004 - 05:31 PM
I just made 140 darts, they dont suck very bad.
Brass guy might not get me some brass so i pretty much need some guns. 4 would be great. Thanks.
Posted 24 November 2004 - 10:21 AM
Well brass guy did not get me my brass. But Tony said I could borrow his Splitfire, Cam said I could borrow his Lnl and Mikey said I could use his Airtech something and his SuperMaxx1500. Thank you all.
My brother is coming.
I dont think we will be staying for the entire war. Probibly only 2-3 hours.

Jeeves, are you coming?
How many people are coming in total?
Mike needs a hug.
EDIT: Cam, do you have a holster for that extra Lnl?
Edited by 1/2 Newb 1/2 Nerfer, 24 November 2004 - 01:15 PM.
Posted 24 November 2004 - 08:05 PM

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