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Hell Before Halloween: Resurrection

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#1 skullface44



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Posted 05 July 2023 - 09:11 AM


 TANG and Skullface44 Presents:

Hell Before Halloween: Resurrection
October 21, 2023
Start time 10:00 am
Brownsdale Community Centre
2226 Golf Course Rd, Newcastle, ON L1B 1L9
This event will be rain, shine or even snow.
That’s right, we are bringing back the classic Canadian NIC war that was held by Forsaken_Angel24 & K-10 from 2007-2012. Years ago they handed the reins over to Daniel Murray aka Skullface44 on Nerfhaven. This will be an old school NIC war with some new school flavour allowed.
Sponsored by:
The Eh Team,
Al the Geek
The community centre will be the staging area with tables, power, even fridges.
There will be a $13 admission fee to attend this event. This will help cover the cost of the hall rental and the insurance.
-Primary, pistol and darts
-Certified Eye Protection that wraps and covers the sides.
-Water, food, snack
-Minimum age requirement is 16 (13 if a parent is present)
-300 FPS cap.
-Rule zero - Don’t be a dick
-Tags on any part of your body or blaster count
-Barrel taps and tags are allowed. You can show mercy and not blast someone point blank but you don’t have to.
-No shields or melee
-No removable/internal magazines are allowed.
-No removable drums/turrets/cylinders ie tomcat drum.
-No exposed brass barrels, we don’t need anyone being cored.
-Inlines, wye hoppers and RSBCs are allowed.
-Air blasters will be chronographed at the max pumps and can not exceed the FPS limit.
-Want to use a flywheeler go ahead just have to single load it.
-Want clarification on a blaster just ask.
-All blasters are subject to Chronographing
-We have final say if it meets the vague restrictions.
-No Rival, hyper, vortex, mega, mega xl, ultra, etc
-Aftermarket darts are allowed, as long as they don't have hard plastic tips.
-Homemade darts (slugs/stefans) are allowed, provided they have at least one inch of foam and no exposed metal. If you bring homemade ammo, it will be checked by Daniel before you will be allowed to use them.
-These rules only apply to pistol rounds. A single shot one handed blaster that hits no more than 200fps. old school speed loaders are allowed. No inline clips.
GAMES MODES (round schedule TBA):
3:15 TDM
Wingman pistol
360 Core
Monster mashup
Defend the fort
Kill of the hill
Free for all pistol
2v2 rounds
Capture the skull
Carpe Testiculum
Freeze Tag
Civil war
-Costumes are Optional.
-MUST BE A SCARY OR HORROR COSTUME. Absolutely no stupid costumes, like a cat or something. Do not wear something you are worried might get damaged or ruined at a Nerf war.
-If we think your costume does not fit the requirements, we will horrify it for you. I promise you do not want that.
-If you do not wish to wear a costume but still want to support the HORROR feel of the event. Wear a T shirt, long sleeve shirt or hoodie that has a real scary print on it.
-Bonus points for vintage horror.
Best scary costume.
Best scary print on a shirt.
Headhunter trophy
Maybe more…
There will be a couple of free play blocks where you are free to use anything you like including mags.
-TANG admins and Daniel’s say is final.
-We are not responsible for your stuff, but I trust that everything in the staging area will be safe.
-Ask permission before you touch someone else stuff
-Keep the place clean and put away your trash
-Everyone who plays is required to help dart sweep, we will be watching.
Want to help by sponsoring the event reach out.
Got a question? Ask it.

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#2 Daniel Beaver

Daniel Beaver


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Posted 14 July 2023 - 11:49 AM


-No removable/internal magazines are allowed.

-No removable drums/turrets/cylinders ie tomcat drum.
-No exposed brass barrels, we don’t need anyone being cored.
-Inlines, wye hoppers and RSBCs are allowed.

Bless you. Spending all your time between rounds reloading box magazines brings wars to a crawl.

I would make the specific suggestion of simply not allowing players to start the game with any darts loaded into magazines, dart clips, or anything like that. I think what specifically makes detachable mags such a drag on the pace of the war is that people get some "capacity anxiety" and spend way too much time pre-filling mags. What makes inline/wyes/hoppers (and speedloaders) nice is that you can top them off in seconds, and so there's never any significant interruption in play.

Edited by Daniel Beaver, 14 July 2023 - 11:50 AM.

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#3 skullface44



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Posted 08 September 2023 - 10:54 PM

Thank you. Yes  I agree. With all these off the shelf "pro grade" blasters nerf has lost a little bit of what made it so special . Don't get me wrong I still enjoy the hobby very much but I fear we may end up like paintball and airsoft were its very much "pay to play". Who ever can spend the most has a huge advantage. 


Unless is gets very poor attendance or post war feedback. We will stick to the no mags of any kind rule. Just some good old mods and hoppered homemade blasters. 


Grease up those old snaps and rainbows 

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#4 k9turrent



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Posted 18 September 2023 - 01:36 PM

No mags huh? definitely throwing back to when we used to be running BBBBs on speed loaders. I hope you can revive the scene out here.

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That's about it. And thanks Angela who helped me with these pictures.. It looks huge in her hands.



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