Materials: Nerf darts, clear packing tape or the clear/glossy surface scotch tape.
Tools: Scissors or relatively sharp fingernails.
Process: This is really simple. I recommend using packing tape since it has slightly stronger adhesive (I think) and you use fewer pieces of it (which is better, for reasons I'll explain later). Basically, you take and object (I used a wooden dowel) with the same Oouter diameter (OD) as the dart's inner diameter (ID) and stick the dart on it. Then you take a piece or two of the packing tape (several pieces of scotch tape are required, since it's narrower) and torque wrap the foam of the dart, compressing it slightly. You don't want to compress it too much, but a little is good (mostly to keep the OD of the dart the same before and after the tape is put on). I recommend doing two layers of tape (one piece, just wrap it around twice) so that the tape seals on inself and there isn't a narrow strip of open foam, but also so that the dart isn't unevenly weighted on one side. Do this along the whole length of the dart.
What it does: The packing/scotch tape basically forms a seal, preventing air escaping from the dart through the pores in the foam. Thusly, more air stays in the dart, powering it's flight.
Notes: If anyone wants to test this with more types of ammo and other guns, please email me the results of the modded vs. unmodded darts (fearnomoshpit [at] gmail [dot] com). Also, I said that packing tape was better because you use fewer pieces of it, which is because if your modding a dart you plan on using on a gun where you shove the dart into the barrel rather than overtop of it, like so:
Dart goes overtop of/around barrel:
____________________ <--- dart
<--- barrel
____________________ <--- dart
Dart goes into barrel:
____________________ <---barrel
____________________ <--- barrel
the process of of shoving the dart into the barrel can easily scrunch up the tape if there are overlapping sections of it perpendicular to the length of the dart, which is pretty much guaranteed to occur with scotch tape. One downside to this mod is that you may need to replace the tape around the dart, and removing it can rip off some of the foam, making the dart deteriorate over time. Also, as one last note, considering that this can make the dart wider, sometimes even if you do torque wrap it, you may want to duct tape the rubber "cap", if there is one, to the rest of the dart. This is because the dart will be more snugly fitting inside the barrel, thus making it harder to pull out if you need to do so, and with darts with the aforementioned rubber tips, it's easy to pull the tips off because of this.
If anyone tries this (or even thinks about it at all) please give feedback.
~ Bob
Edited by FearNoMoshpit, 27 August 2004 - 01:19 PM.