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Custom Battery question. (most likely a stryfe)

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#1 Jettdestin



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Posted 11 April 2018 - 12:04 PM

So i have recently gotten one of my friends into nerf modding. After seeing me mod his brother's apollo and repair one of his damaged longstrikes, he decided to mod a blaster himself in order to participate in backyard wars and such.

To get to the point, he's settled on a stryfe, and wants to put about 40$ into it. He has at least a basic knowledge of electronic projects like this, so he's not a complete noob. He wants to replace the stock motors with rhino's, but he wants to make a custom battery. (sounds totally safe right?) As long as it does not surpass the voltages and etc of a 3s and stays cool, it would work right?

(i'm not asking if this is practical or cheap, considering you can basically custom order lipo's nowadays.)

He's also going to put a voltmeter in, don't worry.



tldr, would my friend be better off using something like a 9v even, rather than using a custom built powersource?



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#2 Elithenerficorn



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Posted 11 April 2018 - 12:52 PM

Don’t run rhinos on a 3s, neo rhinos are meant to be run on a 2s. 9v are shit because their current is shit, and making your own power source is both extremely unsafe and will very likely melt a hole in your blaster. you can buy a balance charger for 12 dollars and a 2s for less than 20 from outofdarts’ Etsy page if you are in the states. The Lipo and charger will be necessary for any 2s builds he does in the future.
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#3 natmat



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Posted 11 April 2018 - 12:55 PM

I am not an expert when it comes to batteries, but i would recommend Bobololo's video on batteries on youtube. However, I definitely do not recommend 9vs for use in nerf; they are not a good idea because of their current.

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#4 Meaker VI

Meaker VI


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Posted 11 April 2018 - 03:16 PM

Jettdestin, on 11 Apr 2018 - 5:04 PM, said:

and wants to put about 40$ into it.

Last I tallied everything up, you're looking at about that if you want to do a full overhaul. Don't let him change the wheels without also changing the cage if he wants to do those things; wheels can fail if they're removed once installed.


but he wants to make a custom battery. (sounds totally safe right?) As long as it does not surpass the voltages and etc of a 3s and stays cool, it would work right?

People who know how to build batteries are fine building batteries. People who do not know how to build batteries are free to try, but should test it before installing it in a blaster (or using it at all), as with any activity ever. Toruk builds batteries for his blasters IIRC.


tldr, would my friend be better off using something like a 9v even, rather than using a custom built powersource?

No. 9v are terrible for this use. Setting that aside, as long as he knows what he's doing and/or does it right it'll be just as good as a bought battery. If he has doubts, a lipo from a reputable source is like $10-15. Make sure he's using cells sized for our demands, if he's building it out of AA-sized batteries he'd doing it wrong for NERF (but it might be fine for something else). IIRC 18500 cells are the minimum size you want/need.

Elithenerficorn, on 11 Apr 2018 - 5:52 PM, said:

Don’t run rhinos on a 3s, neo rhinos are meant to be run on a 2s.



Neo Rhino 130 Motors by Make Test Battle
– 12 volt operation. Ideal for a 3s LiPo battery.

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#5 Elithenerficorn



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Posted 11 April 2018 - 03:43 PM

I thought it was rhinos on a 2s, hellcats on a 3s. I guess I thought wrong, thnx Meaker

Edited by Elithenerficorn, 11 April 2018 - 03:44 PM.

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#6 Meaker VI

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Posted 11 April 2018 - 04:58 PM

Most MTB motors are 3s, you're probably thinking Foamblast stuff. They're big into 2s for some reason. IMO I do not know why anyone would choose one over the other, but it seems to me that 3s rigs are more robust.

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#7 Elithenerficorn



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Posted 12 April 2018 - 08:04 AM

Yeah, but the performance diference is not very much between 3s and 2s without changing the cage and wheels. For a Stryfe with stock cage, 2s is more than enough, but if you are going to a high crush cage like an eclipse cage, a 3s setup is necessary to get enough torque

Edited by Elithenerficorn, 12 April 2018 - 08:04 AM.

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