Edited by Daniel Beaver, 15 August 2017 - 12:50 PM.

SPANO 2017
Posted 18 July 2017 - 04:22 PM
Posted 18 July 2017 - 04:25 PM
whould a singled drain blaster shooting stefans be legal
Posted 18 July 2017 - 09:04 PM
Count me in boys.
22:32 hookerninja I would just switch to 2 full 69's
22:32 hookerninja that would diddle shit
11:44 Zorn Her butt is too tiny even for limp 6th grade penis?
11:44 Zorn ergo the dildo
Posted 19 July 2017 - 10:09 PM
jaxonnerf5811, on 20 Jul 2017 - 01:53 AM, said:
According to the rules, as long as the tips are soft then they're fair game.but if the stefans were silicon tips whould that still be cool to use
Honestly though, I don't mean to be rude, but are you really going to travel all the way to Minnesota to attend the war? Or are you just asking useless questions?
Posted 20 July 2017 - 01:30 PM
Bubba Longshot, on 20 Jul 2017 - 03:09 AM, said:
According to the rules, as long as the tips are soft then they're fair game.
Honestly though, I don't mean to be rude, but are you really going to travel all the way to Minnesota to attend the war? Or are you just asking useless questions?
Hey hey now Bubba, 'how to nerf' questions are rarely useless even if not attending. Seeing as how we're neighbors it would be fun to see more Canucks in attendance.
Also, I am IN for this one! So jacked, time to HAMP all up in yo grillz!
-Guns shoot bullets that kill people
-Blasters shoot darts that tag people
I do not play with guns.
Posted 20 July 2017 - 08:26 PM
I'm there.
Posted 22 July 2017 - 06:46 PM
Posted 26 July 2017 - 08:54 PM
6 hour drive but im still coming
Posted 08 August 2017 - 11:27 AM
Has everyone actually SHOT the blasters they are planning to bring? Better to do it now and have them break than do it Saturday and be SOL and look like a fool and a tool
Does everyone know what all they are bringing? If your plan is to just grab every friggin tote bin and box of crap you have to your name I would also recommend bringing your own card table...or dialing back. Either of those options will make your life and the lives of everyone at the war better.
-Guns shoot bullets that kill people
-Blasters shoot darts that tag people
I do not play with guns.
Posted 11 August 2017 - 10:57 AM
Got the DCT props ready to roll so bring your rockets, darts, balls, megas, mongos, and other silly ammo!
-Guns shoot bullets that kill people
-Blasters shoot darts that tag people
I do not play with guns.
Posted 11 August 2017 - 02:38 PM
SonReeceSonJensen, on 08 Aug 2017 - 4:27 PM, said:
Has everyone actually SHOT the blasters they are planning to bring?
Also, those DTC targets rock my world.
Posted 12 August 2017 - 09:58 AM
Posted 12 August 2017 - 04:07 PM
Posted 15 August 2017 - 10:13 AM
Oh man it was SO good to be back in the action! So much to say but first : THANK YOU FACEBOOK. Half the attendees found the ward from Facebook and just showed up. Also thank you Beaver for doing Facebooking.
-Attendance was grand!
-Participation levels were high for all rounds!
-Everyone did their part to have their shit together for the starts of each round and this let us get a lot of gameplay in.
-After 10 wars my HAMP broke...Time to rebuild!
-The inflatable cores worked very well!
-Dart pick up was great, I attribute that to 80% stock ammo
-Timmy showing the world the power of his balls.
-Multiple people successfully defending the core with single shot pistols and good field placement.
-Constant stand-offs with Stark
-Carbon being the Razor Ramone to my Kevin Nash during CTF.
-Dom showing proving that tacticool can also be tactiFUNCTIONALY EFFECTIVE!
-Wrecking shop with my hamp before it died.
-Some awesome dad-type who brought cool kids, nerfed himself, and brought giveaway blasters!
-The dude from BlastCorps with the bionic wrist blaster and legit-vintage Nerf shirt.
-People bringing manageable amounts of stuff to the war!
-Clicker Deathmatch is the tits.
-Venom showed up as Venom, nerfed as Venom, and it was glorious.
-Sword-throwing tacti-kid.
-Excellent field selection and logistical support from Beaver.
-I only regret not bringing more darts that actually worked for the blasters I brought.
I have one more comment: I have been exercising and I felt a noticeable difference in my performance. If you want to get in shape, being a beastmachine on the field is excellent motivation.
-Guns shoot bullets that kill people
-Blasters shoot darts that tag people
I do not play with guns.
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