most "accurate" flywheel/cage setup?
Posted 30 June 2017 - 09:13 PM
With my stryfe, my biggest concern and goal is accuracy or precision, with the tightest dart groupings possible (I know dart choice plays a role, but I want to stay on the topic of blaster internals and not dart choice. But I use mostly nerf accustrike and ekind waffles if that plays a role in wheel/cage choice)
I like the idea of canted metal flywheel cages imparting a spiral on the darts, and concave flywheels having more grip surface area, according to some good videos I've watched from some highly regarded, or atleast highly popular nerfers on youtube. I'm not really too interested in high crush cages/wheels.
The first metal cage I saw was the canted dr snikas which seems like a very good, quality product but a little too expensive since it seems it would have to be imported from germany. Though if it is the best I could consider forking out the dough possibly. I have seen other canted metal cages from artifact, worker and a few others. What would be the most "accurate" canted cage? Incase its the dr snikas, what would be the second choice?
I have seen a lot of different concave wheels but don't know which to use. I am slightly biased towards the plastic concave grooved worker wheels as they seem to be the lightest of them all according to some flywheel comparison videos I saw on youtube. But I don't know if I should use some other companies smooth concave, diagnal grooved concave, straight grooved concave, or if metal would be better than plastic even if they are heavier.
Again I am def more concerned with "accuracy" than fps and range (though I don't want 30fps and 10 foot range to have accuracy, ya know) so please help me decide on which flywheels and cage I should be looking at. My stryfe will be re-wired using mtb rhinos and most likely waffle tip darts.
Thank you for your responses!
Posted 30 June 2017 - 10:44 PM
Hoping Nerfgeek416 will post here, since he's doing/helping do OFP cages which are supposed to be fairly accurate. (NG - I've got Rhinos in a stryfe with stock and blaster parts wheels available, what cage should I use? I'd like to use the BP wheels if I can with the motors I have without sacrificing performance over what I can run with stock wheels)
scruffynerfherder, on 01 Jul 2017 - 02:13 AM, said:
Hello NH, wondering what everyone considers to be the most "accurate" flywheel and cage setup for a stryfe.
With my stryfe, my biggest concern and goal is accuracy or precision, with the tightest dart groupings possible (I know dart choice plays a role, but I want to stay on the topic of blaster internals and not dart choice. But I use mostly nerf accustrike and ekind waffles if that plays a role in wheel/cage choice)
Darts are probably the biggest impact, barring a really unbalanced setup.
scruffynerfherder, on 01 Jul 2017 - 02:13 AM, said:
The first metal cage I saw was the canted dr snikas which seems like a very good, quality product but a little too expensive since it seems it would have to be imported from germany. Though if it is the best I could consider forking out the dough possibly. I have seen other canted metal cages from artifact, worker and a few others. What would be the most "accurate" canted cage? Incase its the dr snikas, what would be the second choice?
I feel like I've either told you directly or hinted at this several times, but let me sum it up again differently: Dr Snikas cages are a case where the quality manufacturing causes good results despite questionable design. Canted cages haven't yet been shown to increase accuracy, but do cost FPS and can cause whirlybirding. A straight bore Artifact Red or OFP cage are, AFAIK, the best options on the market right now. When the Snikas cage came out, there were no other precision cages on the market. It was tested against stock cages, and because it is well-made and stiff, it looked better. We've gotten other options since and - unless missed something important - they've proven to be better.
scruffynerfherder, on 01 Jul 2017 - 02:13 AM, said:
I have seen a lot of different concave wheels but don't know which to use. I am slightly biased towards the plastic concave grooved worker wheels as they seem to be the lightest of them all according to some flywheel comparison videos I saw on youtube. But I don't know if I should use some other companies smooth concave, diagnal grooved concave, straight grooved concave, or if metal would be better than plastic even if they are heavier.
NerfGeek will, again, know better than I (IIRC he tested a bunch through OFP cages?); but from what I hear you want Containment Crew Cyclones or Hooligans (smooth plastic concave).
To be maximally precise, you would need to check the balance on your wheels and ensure they're perfect before using them; rejecting any that aren't balanced. The goal is a system with no vibration, where the wheels are always rotating in the same spot so darts feed into the system leave it predictably (FYI - Canting causes unpredictability as the spin ratio can change with the RPM of the wheels).
Posted 02 July 2017 - 02:13 PM
Posted 03 July 2017 - 10:34 AM
I know worker makes a metal/brass flywheel case and they also make aftermarket flywheels I've heard of them improving accuracy but I can not confirm that this is true.
Posted 04 July 2017 - 10:50 AM
SeeingRed777, on 02 Jul 2017 - 7:13 PM, said:
Is their any testing against other flywheel blasters?Wow not sure if I can help much but I just learned a lot so I'd like to try and contribute. The hyper fire is extremely accurate and I believe this is partially due to the type of pusher it has it feeds everything uniformly and smoothly so that each dart hit's the same area as long as this is the same dart type. The mechanics of the hyper fire are great in my opinion I need is one of my favorite if not my favorite blaster hopefully this information can help you with your " Accuracy " situation
More importantly, this is asking for aftermarket cage-flywheels and therefore will see use in modded blasters. While great stock form, the hyperfire's canted cage is terrible when modded. The pusher is even worse with no cycle control.
My opinion is that cage and flywheels can't really effect accuracy,(edit: almost all quality stuff give similar results) so get a ofp cage, hellcats, and worker/artifact plastic. This gives highest fps possible*, and with waffle-tips, is accurate too.
*with single stage brushed standard cage
Edited by Speedr117, 05 July 2017 - 07:48 AM.
Posted 04 July 2017 - 02:30 PM
Speedr117, on 04 Jul 2017 - 3:50 PM, said:
My opinion is that cage and flywheels can't really effect accuracy
What? Of course they can - a terribly alligned cage and unbalanced wheels will certainly hurt accuracy.
Whether a cage can improve accuracy with design gimmicks instead of manufacturing precision is questionable though, and I agree with your recommended setup.
Posted 06 July 2017 - 09:36 PM
Sorry it took a while for me to get to this. In my (OFP) designs, I include a dart ramp, which really improves feeding consistency. This is more about reducing jams than improving accuracy, but I bet it has a positive impact on accuracy. The best thing you can do for accuracy is get well balanced wheels. Hooligan and artifact are the best currently on the market. After that, a one piece cage really reduces noise and vibration. A metal cage is a further upgrade, but probably unnecessary.
Posted 07 July 2017 - 04:37 PM
Is it generally agreed upon that non-canted are better than canted for accuracy and velocity?
Are there any aftermarket flywheels lighter than the plastic worker wheels?
Posted 09 July 2017 - 02:31 PM
scruffynerfherder, on 07 Jul 2017 - 9:37 PM, said:
I am def more interested in a milled aluminum cage than any plastic cages.
Is it generally agreed upon that non-canted are better than canted for accuracy and velocity?
Are there any aftermarket flywheels lighter than the plastic worker wheels?
Based on available information, ye non-canted are are better than canted.
No, pretty much all aftermarket flywheels weigh more than the stock and Worker wheels. The Worker flywheels are the lightest aftermarket flywheels out there at the moment.
Edited by dangman4ever, 09 July 2017 - 02:32 PM.
Posted 09 July 2017 - 05:51 PM
DRS cages are pretty good! They are made out of milled aluminium and come with special flywheels. The only problem for some people is reliability with bad darts and the 130 or so FPS average.
Posted 10 July 2017 - 11:24 AM
The Riot cage from Hooligan (full disclosure, I designed it), is another option. It's a milled aluminum design. High crush, with custom super high concavity wheels, for very consistent, high FPS.
Wheel wise, with good motors (Fangs/Hellcats), the spin up penalty is negligible. Worker are not a good option for consistency.
Posted 11 July 2017 - 12:37 PM
Posted 12 July 2017 - 07:45 AM
Cyclones will give you a bit more crush than Hooligans. I would take Artifact plastic wheels if you could find them.
Posted 02 June 2018 - 04:28 AM
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