shandsgator8, on 13 Apr 2017 - 11:24 PM, said:
You could use CPVC in a 3 shot or 7 shot configuration (assuming the 7 shot configuration fits; the 3 shot definitely would).
Ok.... but still, how?!?!? I know that's how I do it, but where do I start, better question, what do I go and buy to make it???!? I know I should use either a twist fit or a regular coupler but then what about the actual piece that holds the cpvc, like what holds those pieces in place. I don't know if any pvc part that would fit in the back of that launching tube, like what size coupler or piece what I use
Montymarks, on 14 Apr 2017 - 01:37 AM, said:
Been done, no offence intended, but wasn't this on an SBNC show? Where some dude did what your asking about? Cuz if thats what your thinking about, I think he explained how he made it.
But seriously, just cut out the inline barrel thingy, put some CPVC inside, and puddy that shiz up
I mean, I honestly would just couple it with CPVC and use it as a built on HAMP system.
Checked, I know which video you are talking about but no he mentioned conduit, not what we could use here in the U.S, and I mean I want it to be REMOVABLE and able to fire one dart or three. I will ask the question and clarify more here, I want a REMOVABLE system where I put one coupler piece, and then can select different types of barrels so I can use megas, three darts, one dart, missles etc. What I don't get though is how do I make said attachments, and what materials do I use? Like what size coupling would actually allow me to use three darts and then also one?
And also, I don't care what I have to buy/use to do this, including if I have to print something because I have a 3D printer, I can make next to anything but need to know how
Edited by Pineapplepies, 14 April 2017 - 12:19 PM.
<p>It's nerf or...... every other blaster brand that is better
Darth nerf "I used to like the deploy, I ''twas but a learner, now I am the master" Obi buzz bee kenobi "only a master of nerf evil darth"