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Milwaukee Area Nerf Outings (M.A.N.O.) 2017 Season dates!

Milwaukee Wisconsin

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#1 hummer



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Posted 25 March 2017 - 06:09 PM

Where: Milwaukee, Greenfield Park; forested area South of Picnic Area #3 Parking lot

Address for your mapping site of choice: Park Drive and W Lincoln Ave (North, into the park, once you are at this intersection)




Time: 12pm - 5pm



       April 15th(Saturday)

            April 29th (Saturday)
            May 13th (Saturday)
            May 28th (Sunday)
            June 24th (Saturday)
            July 22nd (Saturday)
            August 5th (Saturday)
            September 3rd (Sunday)
            September 23rd (Saturday)

            Halloween war: October 28th (Saturday)



+ At least 1 pistol for the pistol rounds. Clipped blasters counts as a pistol if 6-shot clips are used.

+ Melee Weapon if preferred. Must be 4 feet long at longest and less than 6 inches wide.

+ Eye protection is mandatory

+ Food/water

+ Appropriate clothing. Or inappropriate. We're not picky.


Don't bring:

- Ammo. I have a tub filled with elite darts for the community dart bucket.

- Slugs, Stefans, VTN, ACC or Full Vinyl Jacket (FVJ) darts. If it has a solid tip, basically

- Modified stock ammo.

- Anything painted entirely black, silver, or any form of camouflage

- Douchey attitude


Relevant Information/Rules: I now have a Google Doc that I keep updated with my current rule set

~ Don't be afraid to ask questions! The only dumb question is the one not asked.


~ Anybody is welcome to attend, including family and friends. Said people should be 13 years of age or older due to general shenanigans.

~ Homemades are allowed if they are pistol-esque, are shot gunned to 3 or more barrels or shoot large ammo.

    “Pistol esque” guidelines: ~75ft ranges. Plunger tube no longer than 6 inches. Inner Diameter of

plunger tube no larger than 2 inches. Barrel Length no longer than 6 Inches.

I reserve the right to allow or disallow any homemade.

~ West coast rule-set


~ Blasters MUST have an orange tip

~ A hit is defined as the projectile in question changing direction upon the striking the player first. If there is a dispute, the host is right. Please don't break the flow of the round over hits, it's just a game.


~ Barrel taps: if you think you have to barrel tap with something at a stock-ammo war, you're doing it wrong

~ Blasters count as shields

~ Shields are broken by large ammo and count as a hit

~ Large ammo hitting Melee does not count as a hit


~ High rate-of-fire battery operated blasters will be dis-allowed for zombies rounds.


~ You are not out if you catch small ammo with only your hand. Large ammo still tags you.

~ You can choose to be a "Wisconsin/Walker" Zombie, losing anything except handtag and you may only walk, but you are invincible to small ammo. During zombie rounds only. Or not. We won't judge.

~ You may throw ammo by hand. It is encouraged that you yell “LIGHTNING BOLT” for maximum hilarity.

~ Bayonets or melee weapons attached to blasters will not count as melee weapons. You’ll poke your eye out, kid.

~ Large ammo is anything other than a standard Nerf dart or rival ball.

Edited by hummer, 25 March 2017 - 06:18 PM.

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Into the fires of battle!
Onto the anvil of war!
QUOTE(BustaNinja @ Nov 23 2010, 04:09 PM) View Post

He parkours over flat land while yelling tactical orders at no one. Demon Lord is the most legit ballsy nerfer of all time.

#2 Pineapplepies



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Posted 04 April 2017 - 01:21 PM

hummer, on 25 Mar 2017 - 11:09 PM, said:


Is anyone going to this in the Chicago area? I'm looking to host a war around 60025 and since you guys seem to be near wondering if we could possibly get some people from here and sort of combine the people willing to come to the war. I mean where anyone who is near us and is willing to come to ours join us, and I can provide about 5-15 people for your war, as sort of a way to increase numbers and level of fun. For ours we have about 5 people so far and planning on doing this around may 20th or 21st. We also will be using more open rules.

Edited by Ice Nine, 04 April 2017 - 01:30 PM.

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<p>It's nerf or...... every other blaster brand that is better 

Darth nerf "I used to like the deploy, I ''twas but a learner, now I am the master" Obi buzz bee kenobi "only a master of nerf evil darth"

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