That was very fun.
+ One round every 30 minutes
+ 17 attendees, only a few had to leave early
+ Most of my stuff worked
+ Everybody had fun
+ Everybody followed the rules
+ No Law enforcement showed up, and no locals complained
+ We were done in time for a High School group to show up and take over the pavilion
+ I wasn't the oldest person there
+ Pizza delivery guy was on-time and didn't get lost
+ No injuries
+ I went literal with the "dart sweep" and bought a huge dust pan with a long handle and broom to use for sweeping darts. It worked and kept me from having to bend over to pick up darts and HIRs.
+ Attaching multiple Triads to my belt loops using zip-ties, and getting a dozen kills with them
- I managed to cut my artifact-length darts just a hair too long to fit my 22-dart artifact mags which showed up the day before the war. But thankfully someone let me borrow two Worker short-dart mags for a round or two
- The wye hopper in my Piranha which I had just upgraded decided that it didn't want to feed men-gun darts. I may not have cut enough material out of the inside corner of it and had to use my very small remaining supply of felt-tipped stefans in order to use this blaster.
- Off-and-On rain for 80% of the day, but nobody complained. We just played wet.
- I am very sore
- I didn't get my mag-fed pistol done in time
- Zero kills with the Spiderman Wrist blaster I zip-tied to my left arm
And the attendee that is interested in buying my Piranha (or commissioning one) needs to send me a PM.
The little critters of nature, they don't know that they're ugly. That's very funny, a fly marrying a bumble bee. I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me. Why didn't you believe me?