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Georgia War: C.O.S.T.C.O.H. III

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#1 flyingchicken



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Posted 02 December 2016 - 01:19 PM

Chicken’s Old School Testicular Carnival OHorror III

All I want for Christmas is NO HOPPAZ


The premier Southeast winter war returns.
No hoppers. No melee. No mercy.

Date: Saturday, December 17th, 2016

Time: First round starts at 10:00 am. Be there by 9:30. We play until dusk.

Location: McCurry Park, Fayetteville, GA 30214

It’s a big park, and we’re only using a small part of it. Our staging area is a large pavilion with picnic tables.
The parking lot is right off of McElroy Road, as you can see in the picture:


What to bring:

1) BLASTERS: Bring at least one reliable PRIMARY, a springer PISTOL, and an AWFUL (if you wish to participate in Awfuls rounds).

- If you need a blaster, someone may kindly lend you one, or there are loaners to rent.

- Blaster restrictions: DO NOT bring anything crazy overpowered. No homemade airguns or singled Titans/Hydro Cannons/drain blasters. If I deem your blaster to be too powerful, I WILL ask you to put it down.

- Pistol restrictions: Pistols may not hold more than 6 shots, and may not shoot more than 70'. Rainbow Pistols are not pistols.
If you do not have an adequate pistol, you may borrow one from the loaner pistol bin.

- Realistic blasters are dumb.


- Blaster hits WILL count and there will be NO barrel taps. 


- No hopper clips and no melee weapons are allowed.

2) DARTS: You may use stock darts, stefans, megas, discs, whatever. I recommend at least 200 darts per person.

- Dart restrictions: no darts with exposed metal. No darts heavier than a 3/0. All darts must have at least one inch of foam.

- Special disc rule: discs that bounce off of trees will still count as a hit.

If you don’t have darts to use, there will be stefans for rent as well.




If you do not have an NIC primary and stefans to use, for $5 you may borrow primaries or darts, and for $10 you may borrow both (they're not crappy, I promise).


Loaner pistols will continue to be free.


- LUNCH, I personally think it is much more efficient to just bring one with you instead of taking an hour to go get it. Trust me, a turkey sandwich tastes just fine after you have been Nerfing for a few hours. You are free to do what you want though.
- WATER, hydration is important.
- EYE PROTECTION: PRESCRIPTION GLASSES DO NOT COUNT AS EYE PROTECTION. You must be wearing something that completely covers your eyes. I don’t care if you’re over 18 or not, YOU WILL BE WEARING THEM.
- Money/Blasters for trading. We like to do a lot of this down here, so bring what ya got.
- Intelligence, Don't be an idiot.
- A good attitude. Don’t be a crybaby.
- Please do not bring any open alcohol, illicit drugs, or real firearms to this event.
- We will be renting the pavilion for the day, so I would really appreciate if people brought a few dollars to contribute.




Freeze Tag: Kill Confirmed
Carpe Testiculum


Speed Rounds

All gametype rules will be explained at the event.

Some rounds may also have prizes, so be sure to bring your A-game if you want to win some cool stuff wink.gif


Raffle! Please try not to bring absolute garbage. We will be doing it as a picked first = gets to pick what they want. Santa may be putting some cool stuff in as well. 

Facebook event: https://www.facebook...24418284651085/


- flyingchicken

- NerfOmania

- Red

- Spud

- Mellow

- Drac


- N00bman133712

- Chainmailleman 

- TheNerfZilla

- Like 20+ more on Facebook


If you’re interested in coming to this event, we’d love to have you! Here’s the war video for last year’s COSTCOH:

Feel free to ask any questions!

Edited by flyingchicken, 16 December 2016 - 07:49 PM.

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#2 Spud Spudoni

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Posted 02 December 2016 - 03:39 PM

I'll be there

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#3 TheNerfZilla



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Posted 05 December 2016 - 08:16 AM

Hopefully I can make it up for this war, I've been looking forward to it. Put me down as a strong maybe
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How to Get Started Nerfing Pt. 1
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#4 Snoop Doggy doge

Snoop Doggy doge

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Posted 05 December 2016 - 09:20 PM


Mags allowed? huehuehue

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#5 Silencer



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Posted 07 December 2016 - 05:21 PM

I haven't been to a war in years (used to nerf up in NJ). I'm done with classes on the 15th and may be home in time for this. If I can make it I will, consider me a maybe

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#6 AssassinNF



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Posted 14 December 2016 - 02:01 AM

Count me in!

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Probably dead by now, or something.

#7 DemolisherBo



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Posted 15 December 2016 - 04:03 PM

This will be my first war. I am looking forward to it. Can we have rival masks on?

Edited by DemolisherBo, 15 December 2016 - 04:04 PM.

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#8 Spud Spudoni

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Posted 15 December 2016 - 04:35 PM

DemolisherBo, on 15 Dec 2016 - 9:03 PM, said:

This will be my first war. I am looking forward to it. Can we have rival masks on?

Anything that can protect your eyes is allowed

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#9 flyingchicken



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Posted 16 December 2016 - 07:52 PM

A few things to note:
- Please do not bring crappy stuff to put in the raffle. It's not a time to unload your junk: no one wants to see it full of Mavericks, Reactors, and the like. Put in good stuff to get good stuff. 
- Awfuls blasters cannot shoot more than 15 feet with any ammo. Mavericks shoot Elites farther than that. These need to be truly bad (I'm using a ball blaster).
- Lunch break will be 45 minutes. Plan ahead as to if you want to bring your own, or look to see what's around the area.

- It will be cold, so dress warmly!

- Bring tables and chairs to set up.


Turnout is looking real nice, I'm gettin excited!

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#10 Snoop Doggy doge

Snoop Doggy doge

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Posted 16 December 2016 - 09:33 PM

flying down right now
Loaner awfuls?

NYCNO too rainy

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#11 flyingchicken



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Posted 16 December 2016 - 09:54 PM

Snoop Doggy doge, on 17 Dec 2016 - 02:33 AM, said:

flying down right now
Loaner awfuls?

NYCNO too rainy



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#12 TheNerfZilla



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Posted 17 December 2016 - 09:51 PM

Recap time! (Are these even still a thing? Let's go with yes)

+Territories, which was a cool new gametype for me
+Afternoon weather was beautiful
+Super old-school
+The return of Modman712
+Winning free-for-all
+everyone was super generous with the raffle at the end, there was great stuff in there
+XBZ longstrike finally got through a war without breaking. First time that's happened since I built it a year ago
+Seeing everyone again after something like six months

+\-Lots of people for the size space. It's so cool to see so many people getting involved, but for a lot of rounds the space just felt cramped for the blasters we were using
+\-Lots of flywheels out there. Without a doubt added an interesting dynamic, but it felt slightly out of place at an old school war. It did make the fights against other NIC style primaries and homemades extra special, though.

-super cold at the start of the day
-delay at the beginning because of rain
-dart sweeps were tricky because of all the leaves and pine straw
-didn't have time to build anything new for this war, but all my old stuff is still running great
-No wildcard

Great war, had a blast. Everything ran reasonably smoothly and the amount of old-school stuff on the field was incredible. Looking forward to next year's, but I'm hoping I can make it to several wars in between.

Edited by TheNerfZilla, 17 December 2016 - 10:04 PM.

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How to Get Started Nerfing Pt. 1
Eat spaghetti to forgetti your regretti 

#13 AssassinNF



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Posted 21 December 2016 - 12:43 PM

Only one recap post?  Let's fix that.


+ Territories was tons of fun as always (and we did it twice!  woooo)

+ Started cold and warmed up.   You can see my clothing change throughout the day in the COSTCOH album as it got warmer.

+ My old faithful Doomsayer performed great.

+ Had a lot of fun with a Destiny, a Double Dealer, and Dual Superdrums.  Screw all your newfangled homemades XD

+ Got in lots of blowgun time as well

+ Met up with lots of old friends and made some new ones (Vernard is such a fabulous person).  Saw several people I hadn't seen in like 6 years.

+ The Raffle!  I gots me a sonic green Vulcan.

+ Nice meal at Olive Garden complete with tons of awful jokes.


-/+ I gave one guy an old Buzzbee doubleshot, which immediately shattered into several pieces in his hands as he primed it.  Was a hilarious "holy shit" moment.


- About 9 hours of driving total (worth it but still)

- Freeze tag in that format just didn't work with such low ROF.

- My Clip-fed PAS does not like the cold.  Darts had shrunk enough to fall out of the 9/16" barrel on me.

- None of my guns performed worth a shit with my Artifact darts (and I brought 4000 of them!)   I ended up basically playing superstock all day.   Will bring slugs next time.

- People completely ignored the first dart-sweep.   Ended up with a half-dozen people (out of 25) doing all the work.

- Needs mobstacles!  Trees aren't enough!

- I ate a face-full of FDL-2.  That thing is crazy.


COSTCOH 3 was fucking fantastic and made me glad I'm back.  Thank you Chicken for hosting it!   See you all in January (hopefully)!

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Probably dead by now, or something.

#14 flyingchicken



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Posted 25 December 2016 - 10:52 PM

Recapping, better late than never! Thank you TheNerfZilla and AssassinNF for posting as well.


You know it was a good war when: you think of it, and dozens of small, great moments pop into your head. As a host, I was actually pretty satisfied.


+ The clash of old and new Nerfers alike. Was super great to have Spud and AssassinNF back out here again.

+ Weather was great. There was fear of rain and cold, but any bad weather cleared away at the start.

+ Good turnout; 20-30 people all day.

+ Only bringing two primaries for myself (Crossbow and Arrowstorm), but they performed extremely well for the entire day.

+ My dodging wasn't as on point as usual, but my accuracy was surprisingly really good.

+ Renting out a bunch of primaries and darts. Not only helps me out, but it also makes me happy to see other people enjoying using decent NIC-grade gear.

+ Making and handing out a bunch of SENC buttons. I loved everybody's reaction, as well as seeing people wearing them all day.

+ Winning Wingman with Modman.

+ Not seeing Dakota, lying prone on the ground, and getting tagged. Hella salty, but got my revenge later that round.

+ Rushed NoM when his RSCB fell off. I miss my main shot, my shotgun shot, and my pistol shot. He pulls out his Panther and wastes me at point blank range. 

+ Trying out Territories in an NIC setting for the first time. It worked pretty well, and I was happy my new flags held up.

+ Ay-Ay-Rawn going super hard in Territories, and always super stylishly.

+ My dad showing up for a few rounds (and getting to use a hopper!? Blasphemy!).

+ Zachary being the first one to actually count my Arrowstorm shots, and taking me out when I fired them all.

+ Playing Awfuls again, if just for one round.

+ Vernard

+ Mellow's fancy new Big Blast breaking in 3 shots.

+ Crossbow squad doing pretty well.

+ Christmas gifts from Joe.

+ Daniel showing up and taking some more awesome pictures.

+ Getting some good GoPro footage.

+ People putting more actual good stuff in the raffle. I only left with a DT3 pistol but I think everyone was happy with what they got. 

+ Olive Garden.


+/- Stupid county decided to raise the price of renting the pavilion. We couldn't afford it, so we took our chances, and fortunately, we got our staging area for the whole day!

+/- Forgetting how much stefans hurt.

+/- Only one round of Freeze Tag because it took too long.

+/- Leaving the war, just wanting to keep Nerfing...


- Didn't get to do a last FFA.


A whole album of pictures can be found here: https://www.facebook...66998439&type=3


Overall, I was super happy with COSTCOH III, especially as it'll be the last war I'll be heavily involved with hosting for a while.

Thank you so much to everyone who came. Each and every one of you made it all the more special. 

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I am so omniscient; if there was to be two omnisciences, I would be both!

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