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I need few more responces for a QUICK nerf survey

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#1 msaikhan



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Posted 24 September 2016 - 07:20 PM

Hey guys me and my team are working on building a nerf gun for a project. It's a legit project for a class. Step 1, is to get customer needs. I need some input of the customers(you guys). So please answer few questions. Thank you.



1.       What do you like about nerf guns?


2.       What would make you buy a nerf gun?



3.       How much would you spend?


4.       Give these scores from 0 – 5.   5 being most important, 0 not important when choosing nerf gun.


o   Distance

o   Accuracy

o    # shots

o    Size

o    weight



5.       What Type of ammunition do you like?


6.       What type of gun? Circle 1

o   pistol, carbine, rifle, shotgun, machine gun

7.       What kind of action gun? Circle 1

o   Semi auto, pump, single shot, automatic

8.       Rate yourself. 5-nerf expert. 1-noobie.

1              2              3              4              5

9.       What improvements do you want on current nerf gun?


10.   Describe your dream nerf gun in few words.


Thanks again guys.




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#2 CaptainSlug


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Posted 24 September 2016 - 09:07 PM

Moved to off topic and changed title to reflect what you are wanting people to do.

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The little critters of nature, they don't know that they're ugly. That's very funny, a fly marrying a bumble bee. I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me. Why didn't you believe me?

#3 1nfamousSC



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Posted 24 September 2016 - 09:13 PM

1. They bring people together to have fun and act like a kid again.

2. What would make me buy a nerf gun depends on how aesthetically pleasing it is.

3. This one depends ...
A) One off the shelf no more than $50
B) I commissioned someone to make me a blaster for $500

4. 5. Looks
4. Weight
3. Size
2. Accuracy
1. Number of shots
0. Distance

5. Your standard darts (koosh, elites) and demolisher rockets

6. Pistol

7. Semi-auto

8. A three

9. To not be so damn expensive.

10. My dream blaster would be a sonic series version of a rayven or a hammershot.
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#4 WarMachine



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Posted 24 September 2016 - 10:51 PM

  1. They are really fun as well as non-threatening and non-destructive.
  2. High performance in a lightweight and affordable package. 
  3. I would not spend more than $70 on a nerf blaster that complies with the stored energy laws for toys here in the U.S.
  4. in order from most to least important: Accuracy, Range, Weight, # of shots per load, size, and finally Aesthetics.
  5. I generally prefer darts in the same format as "nerf elite darts". 
  6. For the most part I like to use ether a carbine or a rifle.
  7. While i prefer semi-auto I generally will not use flywheel based blasters.
  8. I would consider myself somewhere between a 4 and a 5 as i am by no means an expert but i do have a considerable amount of experience in this hobby.
  9. I would love to see nerf return to air tanks and bladders as air tanks allowed for long range, high power, and accurate shots while air bladders allowed you to get several shots out of an air tank based system.
  10. My ideal nerf blaster can not be quickly defined. Ideally I would use a nerf blaster that fires from an expanding pneumatic air tank that uses its expansion to actuate its breach it would be fed from an air bladder as well as a dual action 7 inch stroke pump that would ideally bring you to operating pressure in 1 or 2 strokes.

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#5 ComradeSch



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Posted 25 September 2016 - 12:19 AM

1.       What do you like about nerf guns?


I like being able to re-use the ammunition, not require special protective gear, and play inside without damaging anything. Also, it's possibly the cheapest shooting hobby out of all of them.


2.       What would make you buy a nerf gun?


Buddy, I'm past that line XD I already have an armoury. But if I were to choose, there are a few specific details I'd go for: Rate of fire, reload speed, and ammunition fired. I have a definite bias towards full-auto, and flywheel guns. However, automatic air power would be something I'd use if I gave it a compressor mod.



3.       How much would you spend?


Depends, how much does the next big thing cost? If I have to pay $600 for a pre-modded, tri-bladed Rapidstrike from Foam Data Services, I will.


4.       Give these scores from 0 – 5.   5 being most important, 0 not important when choosing nerf gun.


3  Distance (Most shoot the same range stock)

0   Accuracy (You're not going to get good accuracy anyway with most stock guns.)

5    # shots (Having a LOT of ammunition, especially when you can fire at a high fire rate, overcomes the accuracy problems and also permits me to do my job as a "support gunner")

0    Size (I have everything from a Jolt to a Vulcan; Small gun can be effective as larger ones when used right)

2    weight (It's not pleasant to have too much weight on a gun, but it's definitely not a deciding factor for me personally).

0    Looks (Yeah, no... Look intimidating all you want; You could have a gun that look like a giant dick, but that means nothing.)


5.       What Type of ammunition do you like? FVJ darts (aftermarket Elite darts). More accurate and cheap.


6.       What type of gun? Circle 1

o   pistol, carbine, rifle (if automatic), shotgun, machine gun (sometimes)

7.       What kind of action gun? Circle 1

o   Semi auto, pump, single shot, automatic

8.       Rate yourself. 5-nerf expert. 1-noobie.

1              2              3              4              5

9.       What improvements do you want on current nerf gun?


I personally love the Hyperfire, but I wish it had slighty better range after a burst. Or that the 50-dart drums actually came out.


10.   Describe your dream nerf gun in few words. High ROF, automatic, with large ammo capacity, in a reasonable size.

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Moar dakka iz best dakka ya gitz.

#6 Kilomona



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Posted 25 September 2016 - 12:02 PM

1. Nerf as a hobby has a lot of real-life aspects that I really like. The problem solving and engineering aspect as well as the investment of money and time really gets me. One reason that got me into the hobby was my obsessive research I do. Whenever I try to do something, I learn absolutely everything I can before investing money or time into it, and Nerfhaven snagged that part of my personality.
2. I would buy a blaster if there is monetary gain for me, or if it was a very well performing or looking blaster.
3. The maximum I would spend on a single blaster is probably $20-$30.

4.) 5, 4, 3, 0, 1, 3
5. Good 'ol 1.5" slugs.
6. Carbine
7. Single shot
8.) 3.5
9. More airguns, better darts
10. Metal breech silent electric pump loser shooting darts with good range
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#7 msaikhan



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Posted 26 September 2016 - 11:57 AM

I got few responses on my last post. But i need some more. Take few minutes and answer please.

Hey guys me and my team are working on building a nerf gun for a project. It's a legit project for a class. Step 1, is to get customer needs. I need some input of the customers(you guys). So please answer few questions. Thank you.



1.       What do you like about nerf guns?


2.       What would make you buy a nerf gun?



3.       How much would you spend?


4.       Give these scores from 0 – 5.   5 being most important, 0 not important when choosing nerf gun.


o   Distance

o   Accuracy

o    # shots

o    Size

o    weight



5.       What Type of ammunition do you like?


6.       What type of gun? Circle 1

o   pistol, carbine, rifle, shotgun, machine gun

7.       What kind of action gun? Circle 1

o   Semi auto, pump, single shot, automatic

8.       Rate yourself. 5-nerf expert. 1-noobie.

1              2              3              4              5

9.       What improvements do you want on current nerf gun?


10.   Describe your dream nerf gun in few words.


Thanks again guys.

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#8 ENP10



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Posted 26 September 2016 - 12:21 PM

1.       What do you like about nerf guns?

I Like that as far as hobbies go it is pretty cheap, Easy to get into and most important of all, Fun!


2.       What would make you buy a nerf gun?

Looks and modding potential.



3.       How much would you spend?


$90 Max


4.       Give these scores from 0 – 5.   5 being most important, 0 not important when choosing nerf gun.


   Distance 4

   Accuracy 3

    # shots 1

    Size 3

    weight 2

    Looks 4


5.       What Type of ammunition do you like?

Good old elites!


6.       What type of gun? Circle 1

o   pistol, carbine, rifle, shotgun, machine gun

7.       What kind of action gun? Circle 1

o   Semi Auto, pump, single shot, automatic

8.       Rate yourself. 5-nerf expert. 1-noobie.

1              2              3              4              5

9.       What improvements do you want on current nerf gun?

Can't really think of anything, the only thing i can think of is more springers.


10.   Describe your dream nerf gun in few words.

A Clip system springer that has a pump action prime with a whiteout paint job and good ranges.



You are very welcome! :)

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I Found some epoxy putty hidden in the basement and freaked out.

#9 Langley


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Posted 26 September 2016 - 12:34 PM

Don't repost the same thing in a different forum just because you didn't get enough responses.  I merged the threads back into one and moved it back to the Off Topic forum. 

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Forsaken angel24 said

You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.

2016 Nerf War Schedule
Bless you, my son. Now recite 3 New Members Guides and 5 Code of Conducts for your sins.

#10 Houkaka



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Posted 26 September 2016 - 12:52 PM

1.       What do you like about nerf guns?

The community that comes with the hobby.
The engineering when modding a blaster.

2.       What would make you buy a nerf gun?

If I can improve/repair it or if parts of a blaster can be used for another project and if it can be use for the Thunderdome.

3.       How much would you spend?

$15 max for something second hand and sometimes up to $50 for new blasters

4.       Give these scores from 0 – 5.   5 being most important, 0 not important when choosing nerf gun.


4   Distance

5   Accuracy

1    # shots

3    Size

3    weight

2    Looks

5.       What Type of ammunition do you like?

       Elite and FVJ

6.       What type of gun? Circle 1

o   pistol, carbine, rifle, shotgun, machine gun

7.       What kind of action gun? Circle 1

o   Semi auto, pump, single shot, automatic

8.       Rate yourself. 5-nerf expert. 1-noobie.

1              2              3.5              4              5

9.       What improvements do you want on current nerf gun?

Just more springer and less reshell.

10.   Describe your dream nerf gun in few words.

A airpowered semi-auto longshot with a breach system that works with nerf mags and that is powered by 2 12V compressor mounted on a belt. 

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#11 msaikhan



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Posted 26 September 2016 - 01:21 PM

thank you all. 

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#12 Rivenwolf



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Posted 27 September 2016 - 01:09 AM

Not sure if you're looking for more 

1.  Q. What do you like about Nerf guns?

     A. They're affordable and mostly safe for all ages. If you do it right, you can play with Nerf practically anywhere.


2.  Q. What would make you buy a Nerf gun?

     A.  I had a few bought by my parents from long ago and wanted to play with some friends recently.


3.  Q.    How much would you spend? $______

     A. It depends. Are the blasters in a thrift shop? Are they in good condition or rare? Are they from the store or an online store? I would normally spend less than $40 if I can help it If I'm purchasing a blaster off the shelf.

4.       Give these scores from 0 – 5.   5 being most important, 0 not important when choosing Nerf gun.


3   Distance

4   Accuracy

5    # of shots

2    Size

1    Weight

0    Looks


5.  Q    What Type of ammunition do you like?

     A. Koosh or whatever is available at community games


6.  Q.   What type of gun? Circle 1

     A.   Carbine


7.   Q.  What kind of action gun? Circle 1

      A.  Semi-auto


8.  Q.  Rate yourself. 5-Nerf expert. 1-noobie.

     A.  3              


9.  Q.  What improvements do you want on current Nerf gun?

     A.  I need to practice brush painting.


10.  Q.  Describe your dream Nerf gun in few words.
      A. Full auto Stryfe w/ metal canted flywheels running on a 3s lipo sporting a rainbow shell.

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