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Massachusetts Nerf War- Trial Run

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#1 Caruso



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Posted 21 September 2016 - 05:44 PM

Massachusetts Nerf War- Trial Run

 I decide to try trial run war in Mass to see if enough people will come to make it viable for a ongoing war event. So if you want wars in Mass this is your chance to step up.

To RSVP please post on here. Other option is facebook .https://www.facebook...38767109659473/


- Saturday September 24, 2016

-Try to arrive 11:30ish as we will starts at 12pm and end around 5pm



- Island Grove Park, Abington MA.

Park on 224 Park Ave. Then walk on the path with the water to your right to the meeting spot (42.112842, -70.939430)



- This is an all ages game so bring the appropriate attitude. If no younger players show up, let loose, but if they do; show the appropriate level of respect



- Stock blasters are welcome

- Modded blasters are permitted and encouraged
- No homemades

- Melee weapons are permitted as long as they are deem safe by the organizer

The organizer have the right to spot ban any blaster he deems to be unsafe like single Titan and ect.


- stock or knockoff darts only 
- full length, straw mod is ok but no other dart mods

- Please mark your darts


- Don't be a jerk.
- Respect other players and their equipment.
- Eye protection is REQUIRED.
- Bring water. Do not rely on someone else to bring it for you.
- Bring food or a snack. We will not be stopping for lunch. But feel free to sit out and eat if you wish. We may meet up at a restaurant afterwards for dinner 
- YOU MUST PROVIDE YOUR OWN EQUIPMENT AND DARTs. And please mark your darts.
- You are responsible for your own darts and magazines. I recommend marking the tips of your darts with your initials as well as marking your blasters and accessories. 


Game types

-Team Slayer

- Capture the Flag (with a pair big flags)

- Free for all games (make allies at your own risk)

- Pistol Rounds

- One in the chamber

- Twilight (Multi team game like zombies where there are a lot of team switching)

- other assorted types


If there is any questions feel free to post them or, message me.

Edited by Caruso, 21 September 2016 - 05:47 PM.

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#2 Remzak



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Posted 21 September 2016 - 10:34 PM

If you had posted this a week earlier, I would be in, with 4 others. Conflicts have arisen, but I'll be on the lookout in the future.

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#3 Caruso



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Posted 22 September 2016 - 06:08 AM

Remzak, on 22 Sept 2016 - 03:34 AM, said:

If you had posted this a week earlier, I would be in, with 4 others. Conflicts have arisen, but I'll be on the lookout in the future.

I post it weeks ago but days later the site went down. But I will see how it goes.

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