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From Mag Pouches to a Whole Rig! Uses for Duct Tape In Nerf...

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#1 justajolt



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Posted 19 July 2016 - 01:50 PM

Ok, so people have been making stuff for Nerf wars from duct tape (duck tape, many other names too, I'm sure!) but a recent competition on Britnerf.co.uk spurned me on to make something to replace the rag-tag collection of bits and bobs I'd been using as a rig for quite a while. 


So I got out the duct tape and got busy! Here's what I came up with:



Further pictures here:





Me being moody. 




The name's jolt. justa jolt. 

Attached Thumbnails

  • IMG_6152.JPG
  • IMG_6145.JPG

Edited by justajolt, 19 July 2016 - 01:53 PM.

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#2 Snoop Doggy doge

Snoop Doggy doge

    Fig you, Van

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Posted 23 July 2016 - 12:01 AM

In my experience, I think there's a point of how much gear you should have because some of it is just too damn annoying / cumbersome. You can certainly make very war functional gear out of duct tape/cardboard but you need a vision. If you're dumping 6+ mags a round that's tooo much. Either you need to work on accuracy/dart consistency, fix you engagement range (stahp takin lob pot shots) or get off your trigger finger, I'd rather load and at the 3rd mag because good heavens how much of a firefight are you engaging in?

Anyway, you don't need the most tactical gear. Granted, you can come across pretty cheap and decent gear, the key is 7.62/ak pouches hold one nerf mag. Double ak pouches hold 2.

556/m4 pouch dont hold nerf mag. Double m4 pouch holds one.

This holds 6 18s and lots of other pockets. lots of HVZers use this
ebay here

BUT! If you're looking for DIY projects, I know there is a belt look chest rig Avery Colbourn designed but that needs 3d printing.
I show you true craftsmanship comrade

Screen Shot 2016-07-06 at 5.19.06 PM.png
Duct tape chest rig. Single stack because I was lazy and this was made as primarily a joke. I don't reccomend doing this because it kinda looks like a suicide vest.

Cardboard plat carier. Single stack again because I was lazy, and first was a joke but actually got issued to some poeple and they liked it, though probably not very long term unless laminated. It had velcro and stuff to help open and close it, but than you can also make it doule stack. I'm kinda working on that so I can hand it off to people who want to be tactical, but it's also kinda funny 

Screen Shot 2016-04-11 at 1.10.30 PM.png
Finally, belt rig pouches. Most effective IMO, I run these most of the time because I don't need that many darts and if I have a  vest it's where I store mags to help top off. But for me, they're pretty minimalist and I sometimes run them alone. They're doublestack and ducttape, everynow and than it gets a tear but just more duct tape at the loop. 

#ghettogear FTW


Edited by Snoop Doggy doge, 23 July 2016 - 12:02 AM.

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#3 Cartaya



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Posted 25 July 2016 - 10:22 PM

I like duct tape holsters, I have been developing them since 2012.  They allow much more flexibility in design and the sometimes odd measurements of Nerf blasters that it's hard to find holsters for.  Few rules of thumb I find have helped me...

  • When making holsters for Magazines, wrap it in a sock when you measure it to allow enough tolerance to make the mags move in/out freely, but not so much that they fall out in battle.
  • When making holsters for pistols, use ball point pen sleeves so that when they are drawn from the holster the front doesn't stay snagged to the blaster.
  • Consider neodymium clasps rather than Velcro, it can be done if you have a high enough gauss level, ceramic is right out, just too weak.
  • Incorporating fibertape (3M extreme packing tape for example) is a plus, also finishing the outer layer with Duct tape brand printed design tape, the printed film tends to be more weather/wear proof.




Edited by Cartaya, 25 July 2016 - 10:22 PM.

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....Fear of a Nerf Planet!

#4 DjOnslaught



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Posted 26 July 2016 - 08:16 AM

Using magnets to hold flaps on the holsters? I had not considered that quite a good idea and easy enough to implement.

Even using several small magnets can be effective for clasps though, this makes me want to revisit the duct tape pouch thing.
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