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Midsummer Mech-Out 7.16.16

war nerf meetup long island NY

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#1 Aeromech



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Posted 05 June 2016 - 07:21 PM



Hello once again, friends!


The time as come for yet another summer of nerfing. I'm glad to have hosted some successful winter events so far, and I am proud to present my first summer war! Get acclimated to the climate of the hot and humid Northeast before the coming Apocalypse here on Long Island.


Where & When
Eisenhower Park
East Meadow, New York 11554
July 16th, 2016
From 10AM to 5PM


Precise Coordinates: Field 2 of Eisenhower Park, Here's the GPS link: 40.725879, -73.568206


Rough Directions: The closest address to the entrance is 1899 Hempstead Turnpike, East Meadow, NY 11554. Plug that into your GPS and it will take you to the intersection of Hempstead Turnpike and Park Blvd, the main entrance of the Park. Turn onto Park Blvd. If you are taking the LIRR, look to get to the Hicksville Station from Penn Station.


NOTE: I am looking into this park and other lower-profile parks as well and seeing if I can book areas out so we can have exclusive access. I will keep you posted here and on the facebooks.


Here's the linkeroo --> http://www.weather.c...ay/l/11756:4:US


- Must be 13 or older to participate
- Absolutely no shooting, pointing blasters at non-players. I will personally escort you out if this rule is broken.
- Be respectful of players and non-players alike. If we need to move, we move.
- No facemasks, camo, or super tactical clothing.
- You WILL dart sweep

- If you are being a jerk/whiner you will be asked to leave. Never had this problem before, let's not start now

What to Bring
-EYE PROTECTION: There's a home depot literally across the street. If you forget it, cough up the $5 and get a pair there.
-Hot weather amenities: A big bottle of water or gatorade, a snack, a towel, sunscreen, maybe a hat.
-At least two primary blasters.
-$5 or so for pizza. May end up getting Domino's pizza. It's sacrilegious for Long Island, but it's cheap.
-Extra Darts.200 is my minimum that I like to carry.


Blasters and Foam Darts
-No homemade compressed air powered blasters. All other homemade spring powered blasters, and modified or stock store-bought blasters are sweet. Bring extra homemades if you got 'em, expect to be pelted with high energy homemade foam blasters should you attend.
-#6 washer weighed slugs ONLY for homemades. All other nonmetal darts are allowed. No slingshot weighted darts, no exposed metal darts, no glue-dome darts. This is your only warning.

-Bring extra blasters that you are OK with others using. We need as many extra as we can get.

Game Types
-3-15 and 5-0 Team Deathmatch
-Wingman Deathmatch
-Bomberman: A game of my own design; this time with better equipment! [think Luke Skywalker firing proton torpedoes into the Deathstar]
-2 or 3 way Defend the Core
-Super Secret Objective Based Round?!

Food, Downtime, and All Other Rules

We are going to keep rounds moving quickly this time around, with pizza and cold drinks being delivered from Domino's at a pre-determined time, probably around 1PM. Last winter, rounds were a little slower than I would've liked, so this time we'll keep things rocking and then have a solid hour for lunchtime midday.


It's gonna be hot. I will have a cooler of stuff and soda will be brought with the pizza. No alcoholic beverages, please, if you want to get some beers afterwards that's fine, but not while we are playing.


The don't be a douchebag rule, as always, is in effect.


PARENTS OF YOUNGER PERSONS: You are always welcome to play with us, just keep in mind typical participants range from 13 all the way up to ladies and gentlemen in their 40s. We are not a day camp, we are not a nursery. We are under the impression that all participants will act in a mature manner. There is no adult supervision, no liability insurance, and no one who will take responsibility for your child. While injury is unlikely at best, this is an intense sport just like lacrosse or hockey.


Attendees: If we get 20 or more that show up, I'll raffle off a free rainbow pistol

RSVP Here, or on the book of faces.





Devil + like 2


Watch out for DX

Zack the mack



Edited by Aeromech, 16 July 2016 - 01:12 AM.

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Birch, on 01 Nov 2015 - 1:51 PM, said:

This is so ghetto but so awesome.

#2 xXD3V1LXx



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Posted 05 June 2016 - 07:40 PM

Ill be able to make this. Hey maybe my mom will play again. I will have my pcsr by then hopefully!
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A quote from Ice Nine
"Use the golden rule: Don't be a dick."


#3 jboynerf345



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Posted 05 June 2016 - 08:00 PM

EDIT: Already said on fb...take me off will not be able to come.


double edit: godsammit I wish I was there, looked really fun. Apoc is going to lit, hope to see you guys there. 

Edited by jboynerf345, 18 July 2016 - 08:18 PM.

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Snaps. Snaps. Snaps.

#4 Snoop Doggy doge

Snoop Doggy doge

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Posted 06 June 2016 - 09:18 AM

ay lmao Jboy lesgooooo
I have potential plus ones, may get a ride or may need pick up from LIRR if I have a ton of plus ones.


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#5 xXD3V1LXx



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Posted 15 June 2016 - 12:29 PM

Expect a plus one or two from me. Most likely two.
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A quote from Ice Nine
"Use the golden rule: Don't be a dick."


#6 Zack the Mack

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Posted 16 June 2016 - 01:01 PM

I'll try to make it.


If you're coming from Manhattan or Queens, we should arrange a carpool or Uber. This looks obnoxious to reach via public transit.

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#7 Aeromech



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Posted 16 June 2016 - 02:46 PM

Zack the Mack, on 16 Jun 2016 - 6:01 PM, said:

If you're coming from Manhattan or Queens, we should arrange a carpool or Uber. This looks obnoxious to reach via public transit.


Good idea. If you can make it to one of the train stations closeby, an Uber or something wouldn't be too bad. Or hell if worse comes to worse we can have a pickup before the war.

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Birch, on 01 Nov 2015 - 1:51 PM, said:

This is so ghetto but so awesome.

#8 NerfGeek416



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Posted 16 June 2016 - 03:11 PM

I will be making this. I'll be coming from Brooklyn by public transit.

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#9 Alfatrooper



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Posted 17 June 2016 - 07:36 PM

Lets do it!

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 See you on the field, Alfatrooper                                                                                             My YouTube

#10 DX-Robert


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Posted 17 June 2016 - 10:32 PM

I am happy to pick people up from whatever LIRR or subway station you can manage to reach on LI.  The earlier the better and the further out the better, though, as my car is already near full with scruffy-looking nerf herders as it is.

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United Nerf Ops - The premier northeast US nerf club serving the tristate area (NY, NJ, CT)
NYC Nerf Ops - Nerf in New York City itself
NJ Nerf Ops - Nerf in New Jersey
CT Nerf Ops - Nerf in Connecticut

LI Nerf Ops - Nerf on Long Island

UNO also has a Discord server:
Join UNO Discord Here


My other groups:
Nerf Thrifters - A group for posting thrifts and other second-hand finds

#11 BionX



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Posted 11 July 2016 - 11:49 PM

I'd love to come with two friends. Is there a facebook page to more officially RSVP?

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#12 Snoop Doggy doge

Snoop Doggy doge

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Posted 12 July 2016 - 01:12 AM

These both are kinda fucked, dunno which will work better. I think the NH reservation is more official but below are the links to the FB pages. 
The PRIVATE one, 
or the one for CT NERF

Can't wait to see you there!
Amount of NYC nerfers are growing, 

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#13 NerfGeek416



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Posted 13 July 2016 - 07:42 PM

I'll have a +1. Super psyched for this!

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#14 ExAlpha



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Posted 14 July 2016 - 09:41 PM

I'll be there

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Call me Timo. Captain Timo.

#15 DX-Robert


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Posted 15 July 2016 - 12:38 AM

I'm looking to buy sch 80 PVC if anyone has it.  I need two 16" segments and three 10" segments.

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United Nerf Ops - The premier northeast US nerf club serving the tristate area (NY, NJ, CT)
NYC Nerf Ops - Nerf in New York City itself
NJ Nerf Ops - Nerf in New Jersey
CT Nerf Ops - Nerf in Connecticut

LI Nerf Ops - Nerf on Long Island

UNO also has a Discord server:
Join UNO Discord Here


My other groups:
Nerf Thrifters - A group for posting thrifts and other second-hand finds

#16 Snoop Doggy doge

Snoop Doggy doge

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Posted 15 July 2016 - 01:38 AM

Can't wait for the war yo
I'm assuming most of you are white, bring sunscreen.  I will have Aloe Vera for those who get burnt when we're gettin turnt. 
For one of the rounds, Can we divide teams into Pokemon Go teams? Unaffiliated/Instinct, Mystic and VALOR,

Also, is anyone bringing a cooler? Currently can't find mine, would be great if we could all store our drinks in there

Current Attendee list since Chris is too tired to update
Aeromech (Chris)



Snoop Doggy Doge (Van)

Devil (Ethan) + 1

Watch out for DX (Rob)

Zack the mack (Zack) 

Nerfgeek (Phillip)

Alphatrooper (Zach)
BirnX + 2

Langley (Phil)

Chris Chowske

13-19 people expected to show up
so show up and don't flake last minute 

Can't wait to shoot meet all of you guys there, tf with all the people sharing names.

Edited by Snoop Doggy doge, 15 July 2016 - 02:05 PM.

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#17 Zack the Mack

Zack the Mack


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Posted 15 July 2016 - 12:35 PM

Super stoked for tomorrow. My +1 is not, so I'll be going alone.

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#18 Aeromech



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Posted 15 July 2016 - 04:35 PM

Supa Update: We are going to play in field 2 like we usually do, and in the event that non residents are unable to park without paying a fee, there is a giant Home Depot/Modells Parking lot literally across the street. Park there and you should be fine if the park officers give us a hard time.


Super excited you guys. It's gonna be hot, so dress accordingly and bring water. We will order some pizza midday. I am going to see if I still have a cooler, we may be able to load some water bottles in there

Edited by Aeromech, 15 July 2016 - 06:07 PM.

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Birch, on 01 Nov 2015 - 1:51 PM, said:

This is so ghetto but so awesome.

#19 NerfGeek416



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Posted 16 July 2016 - 06:27 AM

I woke up really sick this morning. Really sorry guys but I won't me able to make it. :( Hopefully there's another war in NYC area besides Apocalypse.
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#20 Aeromech



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Posted 16 July 2016 - 08:34 AM

Critical update: The GPS location is slightly off from where we are. Head towards Hempstead turnpike ( the main road by the modells and home depot) and we are at field 2 near the hempstead turnpike entrance.

It looks like they are checking IDs for the county, its 10 for parking or park at the home depot lot on hempstead turnpike. Pizza is on me today.

Im putting my number here for the next few hours if you get lost please dont abuse it EDIT:8675309

Edited by Aeromech, 17 July 2016 - 09:21 AM.

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Watch my shitty videos

Birch, on 01 Nov 2015 - 1:51 PM, said:

This is so ghetto but so awesome.

#21 Aeromech



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Posted 17 July 2016 - 09:20 AM

Thanks to everyone that attended and endured the sweltering heat! I think the total was at 11 attendees at it's height, so it was pretty good in terms of attendance. As for the the field, thanks to Van and Rob for packing some mobstacles. In conjunction with the trees, cover was rather excellent, with two lanes of trees and tarps scattered in the open areas. Nice mix of homemade grade and stock or superstock. I rocked a Stryfle nearly all day, the lanes of tight trees allowed for close up mag dumps. It was 95 degrees and nobody bitched. Next time bring more water. I brought two small coolers full of water bottles and some cans of iced tea, and we went through those in less than two hours. Dart recovery was really good, thanks to everybody who expediently cleaned up the field. Dominos does not deliver to the town, apparently. Bagel sandwiches may be better next time, or pre packed lunches and snack food. I guess I am saying it was loads of fun and you should all come again. Thanks to the new guys and the old guys that showed up, and Zach for keeping rounds running quickly.

Edited by Aeromech, 05 December 2016 - 08:09 PM.

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Watch my shitty videos

Birch, on 01 Nov 2015 - 1:51 PM, said:

This is so ghetto but so awesome.

#22 Zack the Mack

Zack the Mack


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Posted 17 July 2016 - 04:07 PM

Thanks Aeromech for hosting, and Zach for keeping the rounds moving. It was a great war, with varied battlefields, skilled players, reliable blasters, and great strategery.



  • Aeromech's Straifu
  • Van's Waifu
  • Mobstacles
  • Single flag with the thousand-pound Stampede
  • Aeromech's blatant hatred for Van's mods
  • Good variety of blasters and tactics
  • My new loadout performed great. Look for it on one of Aeromech's upcoming videos!
  • Meeting D3V1L
  • Meeting D3V1L's mom
  • Ice cream truck
  • Canceling a round to eat ice cream
  • Ample shared food, water, and darts
  • No downtime to fix blasters
  • Learned a lot about homemades and 3D-printing blaster parts
  • Four-person NIC team flattening the eight-person superstock team
  • Rainstorm struck just in time
  • No sidearm, no mercy
  • Varied game types
  • The best diner meal of all time


  • Too many players named Zack
  • Ludicrous weather
  • Van left his phone at Aeromech's place
  • Van found his phone while driving back to Aeromech's place
  • Goddammit Van this is all your fault
  • Wind, which blew the mobstacles away
  • Shredded the knee of my tactical pantaloons (tactaloons)
  • Someone's entire loadout self-destructed - their blaster broke, their sidearm broke, their belt broke, and even their darts broke
  • Sausage fest
  • No pokemon, pokestops, or gyms in range
  • Ants the size of grapes
  • DX runs too fast, needs rebalancing
  • The worst diner service of all time


  • It was very hot
  • It was really, really hot
  • It was super fucking hot
  • Also humid
  • It was so hot that the hot glue melted on my Slugs
  • Players got dehydrated
  • Players got sunstroke
  • It also rained at the end
  • This is your fault for driving an SUV
  • We drank gallons of water and it wasn't enough
  • I drank half a gallon on the way in
  • Massive thanks for everyone who brought enough water to share

Edited by Zack the Mack, 17 July 2016 - 04:12 PM.

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#23 xXD3V1LXx



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Posted 17 July 2016 - 05:31 PM

Hey guys loved the war

-Recking people in wingman with my three man team
-Van having an eslt for me to borrow
-badass ctf rounds
-fucking ffa
-Point blanking van
-meeting new nerfers

- getting point blanked by van
- not being able to use my acc darts
-loosing my acc darts
-Vans eslt never fucking hoppering

Loved the war 8/8 thanks for hosting chris!!!!
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A quote from Ice Nine
"Use the golden rule: Don't be a dick."


#24 Snoop Doggy doge

Snoop Doggy doge

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Posted 18 July 2016 - 02:02 PM

Ya nerds listed below who flaked, fuck you


Nerfgeek (Phillip)

Langley (Phil)

Chris Chowske

Well, now on to the review. First, like to apologize to Zack (the nerd alfatrooper) and Devil for pointblanking them. Especially Zack, like 3 times lol, TRIGGERED and hopped on something, I pulled an all nighter for no reason the night before. War was lit af, sad that we 5 confirmed, Phil bitched out, Phillip got sick, Chris had something pop up, Nick couldn't get down, Kevin went MIA, Jesse forgot and Errol left.  Wahh, wahh so many negatives, bitch bitch bitch 
Lets get on to the pros and cons

-Being operator and lit af
-Being a vet (Gunnin down fools ery round)
-Somehow this turned to a superstock war with some NIC blasters
-Meeting BionX and his 2 friends who were lit af
-Seeing ExAlpha after 2 years of him being MIA
-not getting shot
-escaping the rain last minute

-Being an Arms dealer. Lent out all my blasters, without fail til.. 
-Seeing my blasters I worked and fixed fight along side me, and shoot at me
-tactical tactics with me and Rob 
-tactical operative tactics
-CTF almost 49 seconds
-holding out against 4 people alone
-FREE PCSR (Hah you thought you were getting it back Chris? I Just finished it lol)
-fun after party
-came back with a decent amount of darts

-killing zach
-sub-optimal footage
-Darts worked amazingly. Hitting people way more consistently with consitent ammo, 

-zachcrap quality smithing means his wooden handle ripped off my carbine. *sigh*
-I grew up and stopped wearing the box like half the day since I wasn't recording
-Didn't get to be supersecret service agent with shades and carbine, because sunglasses derp my dodging
-ESLT failing as always. Now that Devil fired it and it didn't hop means the plunger head kept slamming against the redirect peice for no reason. *sigh*
-Rarely being on Edmunds team. Somehow always on the recieving end of his blasters
-disassembling mobstacles
-mixing up a ton of stuff with Rob from rushing
-my gear, GEAR breaking. (belt broke, kneepad broke,)
-prolly was a douchebag the day. 
-fucking heat
-I miss jboy ;c

ahhhh t'was fun ya nerds, wish I had more targets, that there were more homemades and we didn't get rained out but oh well. Would nerf again, would like to use my own blasters but it was great seeing you all. Sad I won't see some of you guys til APOC, hope there's more wars we can all attend

PS Chris is gonna have to suck it up with my \AN mods because I stuck my dick in his PCSR and he needs a rifle so he's probably gonna use that. 
Also pics + vid to be coming

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#25 xXD3V1LXx



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Posted 18 July 2016 - 06:23 PM

Hey van its ok for the point blanking i got you back anyways. Let me know how the pcsr turns out... I would love to one v one you with pcsrs at apoc.
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A quote from Ice Nine
"Use the golden rule: Don't be a dick."


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: war, nerf, meetup, long island, NY

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