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Overhauled Nerf Rapidstrike Uzi

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#1 TypicalSeattleModder



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Posted 14 May 2016 - 12:57 PM

Hey guys, So I'm currently working on a Rapidstrike Uzi like this one https://i.ytimg.com/...xresdefault.jpg and it will have the following.

1. Li-on battery upgrade(x3)=x

2. 3D printed canted flywheel cage=

3. complete rewire=

4. new triggers=x

5. new motors=

6. black and white paint job=

7. volt meter=

8. stock attachment point=

(The "x" means completed)

So I'm debating whether I should get 180 or 130 motors so if you have a suggestion please post it below and if your going to give a link please make it an amazon link.

Edited by TypicalSeattleModder, 14 May 2016 - 10:35 PM.

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#2 Remzak



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Posted 14 May 2016 - 01:56 PM

Just get Rhinos. By far the best for your money and avoiding shell modifications is nice. If you want something from amazon it will have to be 180 sized, so get these: http://www.amazon.co...words=Blade 180

Edited by Remzak, 14 May 2016 - 06:51 PM.

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#3 TypicalSeattleModder



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Posted 15 May 2016 - 12:07 PM

Remzak, on 14 May 2016 - 6:56 PM, said:

Just get Rhinos. By far the best for your money and avoiding shell modifications is nice. If you want something from amazon it will have to be 180 sized, so get these: http://www.amazon.co...words=Blade 180

Thanks, I just want the most ultimate full-auto gun. I don't mind if I need to cut part of the shell to get what I want. It will be a nightmare to everyone in my community >:D

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#4 jwasko



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Posted 16 May 2016 - 05:00 PM

FYI, Make Test Battle (of Rhino motor fame) are working on 180s so you could wait for those. But since you want the Uzi form factor then you might as well keep it as small as possible and use Rhinos.


What do you mean by "Li-on battery upgrade(x3)"? What battery are you planning on using?

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#5 TypicalSeattleModder



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Posted 17 May 2016 - 01:52 AM

jwasko, on 16 May 2016 - 10:00 PM, said:

FYI, Make Test Battle (of Rhino motor fame) are working on 180s so you could wait for those. But since you want the Uzi form factor then you might as well keep it as small as possible and use Rhinos.


What do you mean by "Li-on battery upgrade(x3)"? What battery are you planning on using?

Just because it's an Uzi does't mean I need to make it as small as possible, I want the thing to look scary with things jutting out from it so I get the WTF reaction,and when I said Li-on (x3) I meant 3 of these http://www.amazon.co...18650 ultrafire I have blue ones that amazon is apparently not selling any more but still same brand. 

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#6 Shadowslayer1924



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Posted 17 May 2016 - 07:46 AM

Don't use ultra fires use imrs
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#7 TypicalSeattleModder



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Posted 17 May 2016 - 10:57 AM

Shadowslayer1924, on 17 May 2016 - 12:46 PM, said:

Don't use ultra fires use imrs

What's the difference?

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#8 The2ndBluesBro



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Posted 17 May 2016 - 12:00 PM

TypicalSeattleModder, on 17 May 2016 - 3:57 PM, said:

What's the difference?

Ultrafires don't have enough current, and they are very unstable (and can explode or start a fire) since you have to use unprotected ones or the circuit won't even start. IMRs are much safer and better overall.
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#9 Draconis


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Posted 17 May 2016 - 12:01 PM

TypicalSeattleModder, on 17 May 2016 - 3:57 PM, said:

What's the difference?


The cells you linked to are ICR type, which use a cobalt cathode.  They are the least expensive type, and have limited current discharge capability.  IMR type use a manganese cathode and while they can have an order of magnitude higher discharge current, the overall charge stored is lower for the same volume.  This article does a pretty good job of explaining the differences in the different types of lithium cells that are available.

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#10 Pineapplepies



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Posted 17 May 2016 - 03:53 PM

The2ndBluesBro, on 17 May 2016 - 5:00 PM, said:

since you have to use unprotected ones or the circuit won't even start.

Actually I would like to chime in and agree trustfires and ultrafires aren't the best for this aplication but I will have oppose you on saying protected trustfires and ultrafires will not work since I have been able to make them work for a stryfe, hail fire, and demolisher although I will say the will eventually not work after a certain amount of use but that DOES NOT mean they won't run in flywheel blaster
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#11 Draconis


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Posted 19 May 2016 - 02:23 AM

Pineapplepies, on 17 May 2016 - 8:53 PM, said:

...but that DOES NOT mean they won't run in flywheel blaster

It isn't that they will not operate, it is that the cells are not capable of supplying the current that many upgrade motors require for the best performance. This can be mitigated by running cells in parallel, getting better chemistry, or larger cells.
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[15:52] <+Noodle> why is this so hard?

#12 TypicalSeattleModder



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Posted 26 May 2016 - 12:54 PM

Thanks guys,  Ill be switching it to IMRs if it doesn't work with the ones I have currently or if I run out.

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