Just started to dabble in this hobby with a recent purchase of a Hammershot. Was instantly impressed with just how much oomph there was behind this thing. Also, quite enjoy the hammer locking mechanism.
That being said, I was wondering if you experts could point me in the right direction on a number of questions - I have checked the forums, and did not see what I was looking for. If I missed it, please feel free to slap me on the wrists, and if possible, point me in the direction of the missed info.
Couple questions:
1) I have seen people talk about the BuzzBee Ultra-Tek Rapid Tek. Has anyone tested it against the Slingfire?
2) How does the Maverick Rev-6 (Strongarm?) stack up to the older ones. I am enjoying the Pistol Blaster feel with the Hammershot, and am interested in more blasters of this variety.
Also, someone in a previous post about a dart question I had mentioned that you no longer needed to modify the AR's in the Hammershot, and I looked all over, and couldn't find any supporting posts or information on this. Can anyone point me in the right direction, or elaborate? I see quite a few posts indicating that one of the first mods is changing out springs, and plates, and modifying AR's.
Thanks for your time,