Time: 12:00 Noon to 6:00 P.M.
(Try to arrive around noon or earlier to find good parking and set up your stuff).
Facebook event.
Google Plus Event
F.A.N.G. Event

Southeastway Park (Shelter Number 1 and the field behind it).
5624 South Carroll Road
New Palestine, Indiana, 46163
Click here to find the location on Google Maps.
Detail of war location below.

Who Can Attend: Anyone and everyone who meets the below rules and regulations is more than welcome to come. Please share this war with anyone and everyone you think would have interest in attending.
Official Rules:
What to Bring: Bring a lunch, snack, eye protection, blasters, darts, and anything else you feel you may need.
Protection: You must bring and wear eye protection at all times. Safety glasses (with side shields) or goggles are perfectly fine, but full masks (such as paintball or Nerf Rival masks) are recommended. You can purchase a Nerf Rival mask at Wal-Mart or Meijer for $13 if you do not already have one.
Blasters: You must have at least one Nerf or similar blaster with an orange barrel and a non-realistic paint job (cover in orange duct tape if necessary). We allow stock, super-stock, and homemade blasters, provided they do not exceed 200 FPS and all perform on a super stock level or lower (measure beforehand if you can). Homemade blasters will be inspected beforehand to ensure safety. Water blasters (modded or not) of any kind are not allowed, and anything that consistently damages darts will be suspended from play. Also, anything with a percieved unfair advantage may be suspended from play.
Darts: You should definitely bring your own darts, but well have a few extras. All Nerf/Buzzbee/BoomCo. brand darts, FVJs, Kooshes, USCs, FVNs, and basic stefans are allowed. Nothing with points or sharp edges is allowed, and all darts must be used in super-stock or equivalent blasters. Count your darts beforehand, and put your name on all of your stuff! Dart sweep is mandatory
Melee: All unmodified Nerf brand melee weapons are allowed as long as safety can be ensured. Other swords will be permitted upon inspection, and they must be at least as safe as Nerf brand melee weaponry. Any homemade swords or boffers must be no longer than 42in (3.5ft) and no wider than 2.5in on any solid area of the blade itself. Nerf objects that are meant to be thrown (socks, stunners, and so on) must also be completely soft and unable to knock safety gear off. Thrown melee must also be inspected for safety. Thrown melee counts as one hit, and can be blocked by shields. Absolutely no sharp edges or barrel taps!
Shields: Shields must be no larger than the Stonewall Shield, with the exception of the LARP-style Hyrulian shield (roughly the size of the Nerf Stonewall Shield). Shields can only be used with either melee or spring-powered single shot blasters. The Hyrulian shield can only be used with melee. Shields can also be used as melee, but must be tapped and not hit hard. Shields will block enemy projectiles, but will not block missiles, or thrown grenade-like objects.
Hits: If you are hit with a dart that (no ricochets) the hit must be taken and counted in accordance with the type of game being played. If arguing results both parties will have to take a hit. Hits are counted as being struck by a dart, other foam/soft projectile, or with a melee weapon. During melee rounds the hit is valid if it makes contact during a stroke. Hits to the chest count as one life lost. Hits to other areas of the body count as half a life lost.
Conduct: Do not use foam weapons on anyone else between rounds unless the action is mutually agreed upon. No blasting darts at the public. Please use terms such as blaster (not gun), darts (not bullets), and blast (not shoot). This would be of particular importance if law enforcement were to show up for any reason, and it this terminology is necessary to avoid public confusion.
Attendee requirements: Attendees under the age of 16 years old must have a parent or guardian with or near them at all times. All attendees are responsible for bringing the things they feel they will need to the event (money, cell phone, first aid, and so on). If you have a serious activity-affected health disorder, it is up to you to decide if you are able to participate. Bring water and a snack for yourself. Youll need it!
Other Rules: We/Nerfrocketeer accept(s) no responsibility for problems caused by any attendees failure to follow these rules. In short, don't be a jerk or irresponsible person.
ALSO: If there is any reason to stop gameplay in the middle of a round, shout HOLD! and alert Nerfrocketeer (Mitch) who will be wearing an orange bandanna.
-Team Deathmatch
-Pistol Round
-Base vs Base War
-Military Simulation
-HvZ if there are enough people.
-Anything else attendees vote for.
Lets make this war a BIG step up from last year! Invite whoever you can, and I look forward to seeing you in Indianerfolis this summer! The shelter rental cost $130 so I hope for a huge turnout to make it worthwhile!
UPDATE: Shelter is officially rented for the war! Everything is set!
Edited by Nerfrocketeer, 08 July 2016 - 11:19 PM.