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How to post an Idea/Concept Thread

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#1 Langley


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Posted 12 April 2016 - 05:54 PM

Concept/Idea threads are no longer banned.  A concept thread is a thread where you have an idea for how to build something, but you want to flesh out that idea with other nerfers before you try to execute it.  Here are some common threads that DON'T fall into this category which ARE allowed:

  • You tried to build something, and you're stuck, or it didn't work.  Post lots of photos and we'll do our best to help.
  • You have a specific question about how to do something, and you already searched google and the forums for the answer.
  • You found a new thing that is useful to nerfers (supplies, a tool, something that could be modified to shoot darts), but you haven't tried it yourself yet.  As far as you know, no one on NH has heard of it before, and it's usefulness is instantly obvious.

Please follow these steps when posting a concept/idea thread:


0.) If at all possible, try your idea out before posting it.  If you still think you need to talk through it first, move on to step 1. 


1.) If you are new to NerfHaven, try following one of our guides first before you try to design your own homemade or try an untested modification.  There are a ton of guides on this site and you can learn a lot by following in someone else's footsteps before starting from scratch on your own. Take a look at the pinned topics in the Homemades and Modifications forums. 


2.) Have an idea.  For example, if you are posting that you want to build a belt-fed homemade nerf gun, and you don't know where to begin, that's not an idea, that's a goal.  Refer back to step 1, and start with something simple.


3.) Have the ability to follow through on your idea.  If all you have is an idea, and no means to follow through with it, it isn't fair to expect someone else to do the work for you.  If it's impossible for you to build your concept once you hash out the details, it might not be a plausible idea.  You are allowed to collaborate with other people, but you should be ready to complete a large part of the work, or you should have already put in a lot of work (see step 4).


4.) Do as much research and development as you can.  If your idea involves 3D printing, try to find out more about 3D printers, and their limitations.  Make a model or CAD design for your idea, or build a prototype out of cardboard.  Find a source for the parts you think you'll need.  Use google and the NerfHaven search function to see if anyone else has done something similar in the past.  The most important thing is to have put some thought and effort into your idea thread.


5.) Post your idea.  Make sure you include all the information you found in step 4.  We'll try to help you work through it as best we can.



Edit: Step 2.1 is that the idea should not be dangerous, or depend on dream logic or comic book physics to work.  Added based on a firecracker powered nerf grenade thread I found while researching this guide.


Edit2: Just wanted to note, any thread that followed these guidelines would have been allowed in the past.  The reason why idea threads were listed as banned in the New Members Guide was because most idea threads did not follow these steps. 

Edited by Langley, 12 April 2016 - 07:03 PM.

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Forsaken angel24 said

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#2 The2ndBluesBro



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Posted 12 April 2016 - 06:40 PM

Sounds cool, we are basically a information dump so more info is always good. Can we have a new subforum specifically for this? And in an unrelated note, can an admin move the Taobao link directory to general nerf from Trading so people (specifically non-members) can actually find it?

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#3 Langley


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Posted 12 April 2016 - 07:01 PM

What purpose would it serve to make an idea forum? I don't want to hide idea threads where people won't see them when browsing the main forum index, and I also don't want the threads to sit at the top of the forum they're in if they're inactive.  Ideas about mods, homemades, and ammo should be in their respective forums, not lumped in together, or tucked away on level further down in the forums. 


The Taobao thread belongs in the trading forum, it's a guide on how to buy things. 

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Forsaken angel24 said

You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.

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#4 Spud Spudoni

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Posted 12 April 2016 - 07:03 PM

Awesome, I was hoping for this. I have a few sketches lying around that I wanted to throw up as concept threads. Just to clarify, if we are posting a concept thread, are we expected to show work for/make progress on an idea shortly after an idea is hashed out? If someone posts a concept thread, has their idea figured out but it takes them an extended time period to start their concept/ they never get back to it, would that be breaking rule 3?

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#5 jwasko



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Posted 12 April 2016 - 07:24 PM

Spud Spudoni, on 13 Apr 2016 - 12:03 AM, said:

Awesome, I was hoping for this. I have a few sketches lying around that I wanted to throw up as concept threads. Just to clarify, if we are posting a concept thread, are we expected to show work for/make progress on an idea shortly after an idea is hashed out? If someone posts a concept thread, has their idea figured out but it takes them an extended time period to start their concept/ they never get back to it, would that be breaking rule 3?

I don't think that we'll be watching a timer once you post a concept, counting down until you get banned.


That being said, we may look down on someone who posts three unrelated concepts at once. The point is to actively develop a concept towards completion. If you are posting a concept a day, or consistently posting concepts that never get worked on, then it seems more like you're just throwing out ideas that you'll probably never follow through on.


Now, if you have made some progress on a concept...say you built a prototype and it broke and now you have a 3 week wait until a part ships from Hong Kong...and in the meantime you decide you want to actively develop a second concept, then that's probably fine.


The key word, if you couldn't tell, is active


Good recent example is some of the ammo counter/select fire stuff that Kingbob has been working on. He and DJOnslaught were trading ideas, but there was also stuff getting done fairly regularly.

Edited by jwasko, 12 April 2016 - 07:39 PM.

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#6 Langley


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Posted 13 April 2016 - 12:18 AM

I'm mostly on the same page as Wasko, but I would like to add that if you follow the steps above, this isn't even an issue.  If you seriously need to talk through several unrelated projects at once, and you are ready to work on all of them now, then yeah, go for it. 


As with everything else, the moderators are always willing to cut you some slack if you put some thought and effort into this, and make an attempt to contribute.  The reason why idea threads were banned in the past is because they were always a new member posting off the top of their head, basically just thinking out loud. 

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Forsaken angel24 said

You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.

2016 Nerf War Schedule
Bless you, my son. Now recite 3 New Members Guides and 5 Code of Conducts for your sins.

#7 Snoop Doggy doge

Snoop Doggy doge

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Posted 13 April 2016 - 12:47 PM

The2ndBluesBro, on 12 Apr 2016 - 11:40 PM, said:

And in an unrelated note, can an admin move the Taobao link directory to general nerf from Trading so people (specifically non-members) can actually find it?

Langley, he said it's in general lol. I can move it and reorganize it, *sighs*

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