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Whats the best Nerf gun to use with bad rounds?

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#1 DreamThief



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Posted 28 February 2016 - 09:42 PM

Hello. I love nerf wars but all the hosts supplies bad darts so they are jamming all the time. What is a gun that shoots them without jamming but still has good power. I can do most baisc mods(air restrictors, batteries, etc.) and i do not care if it has a clip or not or if it is electric or not. I do like springers because there not as loud but i dont care that much to be honest.  All feed back is appreciated. 

Edited by DreamThief, 29 February 2016 - 01:00 AM.

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#2 skullface44



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Posted 28 February 2016 - 09:47 PM

Dont mean to point out the obvious but why not just get your own darts? 

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#3 Snoop Doggy doge

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Posted 28 February 2016 - 10:01 PM

Jeez this post is filled with terribad to begin with. I take english isn't your first language. That's fine.
If you want to get darts, follow this guide here and get some good darts.

So, from my understanding your host supplies your darts and they are bad. I don't know if they're required for use, or dart type, quality and fit. Particularly the problem seems to be that the darts are bad quality, and those aren't good for springers. I reccomend (even thought I HATE flywheels) is to get a stryfe (or whatever flywheel of your choice) and use that as a decent primary. That may fix your problem. Otherwise, try using a strongorm or another cylinder blaster (like a hammer shot) as they do decent with darts of all kind. 

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#4 laser



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Posted 29 February 2016 - 12:40 AM

Information on what blaster you are currently using, what kind of dart are you using, what barrel material are you using (if applicable) and a pic of the darts would help

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#5 DreamThief



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Posted 29 February 2016 - 12:53 AM

skullface44, on 29 Feb 2016 - 02:47 AM, said:

Dont mean to point out the obvious but why not just get your own darts? 

Because i cant spend that much money.   

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#6 DreamThief



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Posted 29 February 2016 - 01:01 AM

Snoop Doggy doge, on 29 Feb 2016 - 03:01 AM, said:

Jeez this post is filled with terribad to begin with. I take english isn't your first language. That's fine.
If you want to get darts, follow this guide here and get some good darts.

So, from my understanding your host supplies your darts and they are bad. I don't know if they're required for use, or dart type, quality and fit. Particularly the problem seems to be that the darts are bad quality, and those aren't good for springers. I reccomend (even thought I HATE flywheels) is to get a stryfe (or whatever flywheel of your choice) and use that as a decent primary. That may fix your problem. Otherwise, try using a strongorm or another cylinder blaster (like a hammer shot) as they do decent with darts of all kind. 

Sorry about my English. I am really tired(also it is my first language but i am behind in grammar and things like that) Thanks alot for all the help. If i had good darts would the rampage be a good option? 

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#7 Snoop Doggy doge

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Posted 29 February 2016 - 01:37 AM

Rampage would be a fine option, 

Feed any blaster the right darts and it will perform fine. Unless the blaster sucks,

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#8 jwasko



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Posted 29 February 2016 - 10:18 AM

DreamThief, on 29 Feb 2016 - 02:42 AM, said:

What is a gun that shoots [damaged darts] without jamming but still has good power.

Nitefinder, Firestrike, Sharpfire, or -insert name of other single shot, front loading blaster- (not one with a "Smart AR" like a triad or roughcut)

Or a turreted blaster (strongarm, hammershot, cycloneshock, rotofury, or even Air Max 6/10 are recent examples)

Anything mag-fed is more likely to jam than not when using damaged darts. 

Edited by jwasko, 01 March 2016 - 03:41 PM.

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#9 The2ndBluesBro



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Posted 29 February 2016 - 12:30 PM

jwasko, on 29 Feb 2016 - 3:18 PM, said:


Nitefinder, Firestrike, Sharpfire, or -insert name of other single shot, front loading blaster- (not one with a "Smart AR" like a triad or roughcut)

Or a turreted blaster (strongarm, cycloneshock, rotofury, or even Air Max 6/10 are recent examples)

Anything mag-fed is more likely to jam than not when using damaged darts. 

As well, although you'd have to buy them secondhand, the max shot's stock barrel (once you cut a bit off the end) is similar to CPVC in dimensions and will shoot stock darts really far.
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#10 Kilomona



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Posted 29 February 2016 - 05:28 PM

Cpvc'ed firestrike/any other frontloader, brassed hammershot/sttongarm.
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#11 shmmee



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Posted 02 March 2016 - 09:25 AM

I think you might be suprised by the costs if you actually gave knock off darts a chance. I recently bought some of these to send off for my nieces and nephews to shoot my brother with. I was so impressed I bought another 600 for myself!




The foam is firmer than nerf and 200 darts for 13 bucks with free shipping? You can't even buy a new blaster for that much.


The problem you're going to run into with crappy darts is that nearly all nerf blasters will have problems with them. Mag fed blasters will fold them in half, and anything with a smart AR (ruffcut's, triads...) will push darts back out of the barrel if the tails are too compressed to resist counter force of the AR spring. 


If you were dead set on not buying darts, your only safe bet would be to slap a coupler on a basic blaster (like a nitefinder or BBB) and run a speed loader(two barrels tapped together at an off set so you can load the spare barrel and flip it for a quick reload) or RSCB. If you want a little more fire power, you could double RSCB a ruff cut. Speedloaders and RSCB's are old tech, but they're incredibly reliable - even with poor darts. (note: some RSCB's do not like sucker darts)

Edited by shmmee, 02 March 2016 - 09:37 AM.

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#12 Sketch Art Online

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Posted 13 March 2016 - 05:36 PM

I have been able to shoot "dud" darts at other people's wars out of my Sidestrike with a Crayola barrel.  I suppose any rebarreled frontloading single-shot blaster like a firestrike, sidestrike, nitefinder, etc. would work.  This is because dud darts get caught in flywheels and clip systems.  They don't fare well in turret blasters because the bad air seal get worse.  Even some single-shot blaster's AR will shoot out the dart.  So my suggestion is using a re-barreled, single-shot blaster.

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#13 Foammunition



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Posted 07 June 2016 - 10:50 AM

Sure hope this isn't a "necro", but I have some thoughts that weren't mentioned.

One of my all time favorite blasters is the Barricade/Stockade. There are many drawbacks, like a poorly positioned switch rather than a rev trigger, but even so, the combination of the front loading turret (no mags to jam) and great flywheels/motors (for a stock blaster), the Elite Stockade will throw just about anything well enough. If you opt for the Barricade, you should plan to mod it.

That said, I'm a huge fan of the Rebelle line, and despite the sexist targeting and ergonomics, they tend to perform as well if not better than many similar elite blasters. If you like the idea of a turret/flywheel blaster, as it can throw any dart, but the 10 round capacity of the Stockade seems limited, I would recommend the Rebelle Fearless Fire.

The only negative I can say about this blaster is the proportions are tiny; The rev trigger is contoured for a small hand/finger making it almost sharp to push with my middle finger, as are the grips/trigger which barely accommodate my hand, and the shoulder stock is also quite short. Even so, the blaster performs amazingly! Might be our hardest-hitting flywheel blaster to date, out of the box. Much faster and more consistent than any of our three Stryfes, and on par or even a little better than my Demolisher, which I think pretty highly of.

Again though, I'm built big, 5' 11" 245lbs and men's-large glove size, which isn't huge, and the Fearless Fire is a pistol at best for me. I plan to mod it to make it as such. Out of the box, though it makes a wonderful hip-firing blaster, and our four-year-old little girl absolutely destroys people with it.

If ergonomics are important, I would go with the Elite Stockade. All of the blasters I mentioned can be had for $30 or less, and the Barricade can be had for $5-$15, on eBay.

Finally, if you can wait, Nerf will be coming out with the "Alien Menace" line this fall, which will include what I hope will be a larger proportioned 20-rd turret flywheel blaster. That's what I'm waiting for!

Hope this helps!

Edited by Foammunition, 07 June 2016 - 10:54 AM.

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