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My Modified Stryfe

MTB Rhinos 6 cell NiMH

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#1 shandsgator8



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Posted 03 January 2016 - 03:02 PM

Here are pictures of my recently modified Stryfe. I did the following:


- Enlarged and modified battery door and compartment to handle special 6 AA cell Eneloop battery pack

- Rewired with 20 AWG silver low resistance wire

- Installed MTB Rhino motors

- Installed a 10 amp micro switch


The stock is from a Lightning storm super soaker and the mags are just Stampede and Rayven mags expoxied together.

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Edited by shandsgator8, 04 January 2016 - 10:20 AM.

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#2 yellow peril

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Posted 03 January 2016 - 07:36 PM

How well do 6 eneloops run the rhino?

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#3 shandsgator8



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Posted 03 January 2016 - 07:44 PM

Very well. An 8 cell pack will shoot the darts faster, but my darts (Koosh Gen 3) can't handle the FPS, so they veer all over the place. Bottom line is that the increase in FPS and range isn't worth the loss in accuracy. In case you are wondering, I'm using generation 4 Eneloops.


For  more eneloop reading: http://www.candlepow...ge-study/page11(info is a bit outdated since there are newer generation Eneloops out there, but it's a good reference. Candlepowerforums has more up-to-date Eneloop threads if you're really interested).


Eneloops can handle relatively high current draws just fine:

Attached Thumbnails

  • Eneloop AA HR-3UTGB 1900mAh (White)-Capacity.png

Edited by shandsgator8, 03 January 2016 - 07:45 PM.

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#4 HypergonZX



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Posted 04 January 2016 - 12:53 AM

Did you remove any locks? If so, what?
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#5 shandsgator8



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Posted 04 January 2016 - 06:11 AM

I removed all the locks. If I recall, there was no dart sensor lock, so I just had 2 to remove.

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#6 NinjaNerf22



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Posted 04 January 2016 - 06:28 AM

So does this mean I can go walk into a store, buy 6 eneloops, plug them into my blaster and it will be equivalent to overvolting? Sorry if I sound like I'm new to all of this.
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#7 shandsgator8



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Posted 04 January 2016 - 09:09 AM

Yes, but the improvement in performance is more related to the Eneloop's ability to deliver high currents with little voltage sag than it is voltage increase. Using 4 alkalines gives 6 nominal volts, but under load, I'm betting it's significantly lower; this is evidenced by slower moving flywheels when trying to shoot your Stryfe rapidly while using alkalines.


Six eneloops provide 7.2 nominal volts, but in reality it's close to 8.2. Under load (firing your Stryfe as quickly as you can), I'm guesstimating the 6 eneloops are providing about 6.0 volts.


So if you used a 6 cell eneloop (or any high quality NiMH AA cell, for that matter) in a stock Stryfe, you will get a significant performance boost. I don't know how long the motors would last, but I think it would be a decent amount of time. I say this because so many people use 2 or 3 Trust/Ultra-fire lithium cells in their Stryfe and get decent life out of their stock motors. I know some use 4 Trust/Ultrafires and get enough motor life to consider the battery setup worth it.


But even if you use higher-current-capable batteries for your stock Styfe, you're losing some of this advantage from the stock wiring and rev switch. It's not significant, but the inefficiency is there. I personally use a 6 cell Eneloop pack in my fully stock Rapidstrike and get a significant boost in performance. Given the complicated nature of the Rapidistrike, it's not worth doing a rewire and installing higher current switches. It's not a perfect comparison, though, because the Rapidstrike has higher performing flywheel motors than the Stryfe.


One of the reasons I'm running MTB Rhino motors is for the hopefully longer motor life. If MTB Rhinos get decent life from an 8 cell NiMH or 3s LiPo set up, I'm pretty sure I'll get an even longer life from a 2s LiPo or 6 cell NiMH set up.

Edited by shandsgator8, 04 January 2016 - 09:12 AM.

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#8 NinjaNerf22



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Posted 04 January 2016 - 03:35 PM

So what's the difference between 6 envelop batteries and a 6 cell envelop pack? I can't afford to go with the Lipo option (I'm in grade 9 at high school) I made a strayven (stryfe + rayven integration) and I want/need new motors. Where can I buy the MTB Rhinos? I also want to overvolt/current increase, so what could I use that is cheap and I can buy locally?
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#9 shandsgator8



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Posted 04 January 2016 - 03:39 PM

There is no difference. You can make your own pack like I did,but it's a bit tricky, especially if you don't have any other soldering experience.


I got the MTB Rhinos from here: http://www.containme...op/mtb/mtb-001/


However, Containment crew got these motors from Australia, so I imagine there's an Aussie supplier.


The Eneloop option will be more expensive than the LiPo option. As for using trust/ultrafires/IMRs batteries, I those options will probably be cheaper, too.

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#10 NinjaNerf22



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Posted 04 January 2016 - 03:49 PM

Ok?! Envelops will be the expensive option. As for LiPos, I don't really have an RC place locally to sell me that kind of stuff. However, I have looked into using ultra fires before but looked past them due to their nature to burn up the motors. However, these motors seem solid, so I will definitely give these a shot. Just a question about the motors though, how do I find an Aussie supplier, I've done a bit of searching around and gave up.
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#11 shandsgator8



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Posted 04 January 2016 - 03:56 PM

I have no idea how to find an Aussie supplier. Maybe contact MTB (Make.Test.Battle) directly through their youtube channel?


As for burning up stock motors, Maybe using 2 ultafires with 2 dummy cells will work. Should be the rough voltage equivalent of a 6 cell NiMH pack.

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#12 NinjaNerf22



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Posted 04 January 2016 - 04:03 PM

I've found an Aussie supplier only 4 hours away from me:) Now my problem is a battery source. I'm thinking about ordering a LiPo but then I have to worry about charging and all of that.
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#13 Aulonocara



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Posted 11 January 2016 - 08:06 PM

My Stryfe voltmeter mod. Handy when running lipos.

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#14 Remzak



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Posted 12 January 2016 - 01:48 PM

Is there any reason to upgrade to the MTB Rhinos when only using 8.4 volts? The stock motors arent too bad with higher voltage, and the Rhino's rpm is worse when only running on 8.4 volts.

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#15 shandsgator8



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Posted 12 January 2016 - 02:12 PM

FlywheelSn1per, on 12 Jan 2016 - 6:48 PM, said:

Is there any reason to upgrade to the MTB Rhinos when only using 8.4 volts? The stock motors arent too bad with higher voltage, and the Rhino's rpm is worse when only running on 8.4 volts.


1. Do you have a source for this statement? I'm not saying you're wrong, but I would like to know where you got the conclusion that stock Stryfe motors have higher RPMs on 8.4 volts than MTB Rhinos. Even if true, my understanding is that MTB Rhinos have far more torque per volt than stock Stryfe motors.


2. It's also my understanding that MTB Rhinos can handle higher voltages (say, 7.2 to 14.4 volts) far better than stock Stryfe motors. When I said handle, I mean last longer before having to be replaced.


3. Assuming stock Stryfe motors provide the same or comparable performance as MTB Rhinos, I would still go for the latter since they should last longer using an 6, 7 or 8 cell NiMH AA battery pack.

Edited by shandsgator8, 12 January 2016 - 02:12 PM.

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#16 shandsgator8



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Posted 18 January 2016 - 03:10 PM

Update: Just used this setup at a very cold superstock Nerf war (it was snowing while we played). I was able to hit over 100FPS and when firing in rapid succession, I was getting very little FPS drop off.


This is a VERY good setup for CQB type wars.

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#17 Felix the cat

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Posted 18 January 2016 - 06:56 PM

Where did you get the voltmeter?
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#18 shandsgator8



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Posted 18 January 2016 - 07:26 PM

Felix the cat, on 18 Jan 2016 - 11:56 PM, said:

Where did you get the voltmeter?


PM the guy directly and ask?

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#19 Felix the cat

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Posted 19 January 2016 - 03:48 PM

Asked here on the off chance I'm not the only one whose interested. Is that taboo?
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#20 shandsgator8



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Posted 19 January 2016 - 04:00 PM

Felix the cat, on 19 Jan 2016 - 8:48 PM, said:

Asked here on the off chance I'm not the only one whose interested. Is that taboo?


I assumed you were asking me. If so, how would I know what voltmeter someone else uses?

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