Hi everyone this is my first post. This is the first ever nerf mod/ build ive ever done. I call it fred the robot, check it out:
Basically its a speeds storm I butchered and put onto a DIY rover/robot. Its better explained in the video but im using a video transmitter that is commonly found in UAV/Multicopters and a raspberry pi for the rover brains.
I really did not have much time and so I put this thing together as fast as possible, its just a protoype. You can tell by all the wires hanging out. I think next i need to make it look good . Let me know what you think I should do as a body.
Disclaimer: Im trying my best not to get a warning, ive put this in the "modifications" section of the forum because this is not a homemade nerf gun rather a nerf gun ive added to and changed. Please let me know if im in the right place .
here is a Demenstration video (its a bit silly but all that i have online at the moment):
Edited by flyingkiwi, 25 December 2015 - 11:52 AM.