I have a modded stryfe. All locks (mechanical and electronic) removed, trigger greased, higher voltage, lightly sanded flywheels, and because of an uneducated rookie mistake, RM2s.
I am currently running 2 Efest 14500 IMR batteries w/ 2 blank batteries in the stock battery tray. As you could guess, my RM2s aren't doing so hot, or in this case they are way too hot. I am burning them out. I was wondering if anyone could recommend some good 180 motors for my current voltage, which is essentially 7.4V. I don't want any burning smells, I don't want any problems. I want reliable motors.
I'm not looking to move to lipos right now, however, I have 4 of these IMR's total, and am not using the other two for anything. I'd much prefer to only run 2 IMRs at once, so I can have two sets. (Two draining, two charging.)
Thanks for your help.
[EDIT] I have since moved this conversation here, with a lot more detailed information
Edited by montainz09, 28 June 2015 - 02:18 PM.