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Appropriate 180 Motors w/ Efest IMRs?

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#1 montainz09



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Posted 25 April 2015 - 10:40 PM

Hey guys,
I have a modded stryfe. All locks (mechanical and electronic) removed, trigger greased, higher voltage, lightly sanded flywheels, and because of an uneducated rookie mistake, RM2s.
I am currently running 2 Efest 14500 IMR batteries w/ 2 blank batteries in the stock battery tray. As you could guess, my RM2s aren't doing so hot, or in this case they are way too hot. I am burning them out. I was wondering if anyone could recommend some good 180 motors for my current voltage, which is essentially 7.4V. I don't want any burning smells, I don't want any problems. I want reliable motors.
I'm not looking to move to lipos right now, however, I have 4 of these IMR's total, and am not using the other two for anything. I'd much prefer to only run 2 IMRs at once, so I can have two sets. (Two draining, two charging.)
Thanks for your help.

[EDIT] I have since moved this conversation here, with a lot more detailed information

Edited by montainz09, 28 June 2015 - 02:18 PM.

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#2 meishel



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Posted 28 April 2015 - 07:15 PM

The 180 supply is drying up. The coveted "Blade" FK-180SH-3240's are very scarce. Some people are using Falcon 130 motors: http://www.ebay.com/...R-/251757448977

For my more mild mods, I'm using these: http://www.ebay.com/...=item35d923719c
They have a good bit of torque, they average 100-105 FPS on a 2s LiPo, and I've only killed one set because I accidentally ran them on 3s. I have one set with over a thousand rounds through it so far with no issues.

Some people are recommending these for 180's, but unless I'm mistaken, there's no chrony data around for them, and reliability is still unsure: http://www.ebay.com/...=item35de1b3c1b

Edit: I ran the ebay 130 motors through the chrony and recorded it:

Edited by meishel, 28 April 2015 - 10:11 PM.

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#3 DLO01



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Posted 29 April 2015 - 03:54 AM

The 3534's are rubbish. Don't use them. There is data on them here: My link

Falcons are great! 130 motor. Cheap, good performance, and seeming to be very robust. Run on a 3S. 100-110 fps. My link

Other than that Blades 3240's on 2S which as said are in short supply at the moment.

Or you can go Xtreme Pro 180's. Costly, but excellent performance on a 2S. My link

Edited by DLO01, 29 April 2015 - 03:56 AM.

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#4 montainz09



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Posted 29 April 2015 - 09:18 PM

They have a good bit of torque, they average 100-105 FPS on a 2s LiPo, and I've only killed one set because I accidentally ran them on 3s. I have one set with over a thousand rounds through it so far with no issues.

Falcons are great! 130 motor. Cheap, good performance, and seeming to be very robust. Run on a 3S. 100-110 fps. My link

Other than that Blades 3240's on 2S which as said are in short supply at the moment.

Or you can go Xtreme Pro 180's. Costly, but excellent performance on a 2S. My link

Thanks for the info, but just a noob question: What does the "S" mean? 2S, 3S, etc.
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#5 meishel



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Posted 29 April 2015 - 10:35 PM

Thanks for the info, but just a noob question: What does the "S" mean? 2S, 3S, etc.

It's the number of cells in a battery. For LiPo, it's 3.7 volts per cell (Nominal) 4.2 volts (max). So a 2s Battery is 7.4 volts nominal, or 8.4 volts max. A 3s Battery is 11.1 Nominal, and 12.6v max.
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#6 montainz09



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Posted 01 May 2015 - 10:06 PM

It's the number of cells in a battery. For LiPo, it's 3.7 volts per cell (Nominal) 4.2 volts (max). So a 2s Battery is 7.4 volts nominal, or 8.4 volts max. A 3s Battery is 11.1 Nominal, and 12.6v max.

Alright thanks. So it looks like I'm looking for the best 2s motor, preferable 130, but 180s are fine. The ebay 130s you suggested look pretty nice.
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