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Nerf Crossbolt Minus The Crossbow Arms

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#1 SixShot



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Posted 16 April 2015 - 06:08 AM

Hi all

I got the Nerf Crossbolt just not too long ago.

The Bay Area Nerf guys inspired me to mod the "crossbow-armless" Cross bolt.
Here is the video:

For some reason, when I take it for test firing.

The elastic cord will go under or above the dart instead of launching the dart out.

1 have already mangled like 3 darts from that alone.

Is that something I am missing out ?

Here is the pic for referance:
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I also have a second Crossbolt for control.
That one is set up without any mods.

It fires with problem at all.

Seems to me like the elastic cord has been tensioned / calibrated with the crossbow arms or is it ?

I am open for suggestion for this one :)
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#2 Duke Wintermaul

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Posted 16 April 2015 - 09:57 AM

Done some chatting with the Bay Area Nerf guys on their Podcast.

They recommend putting a layer of tape over the cord.

BFU might have mentioned some other tips and tricks, but I can't recall all of them.
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#3 Peter



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Posted 17 April 2015 - 08:50 PM

Maybe dampening of some sort?
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#4 SixShot



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Posted 18 April 2015 - 10:01 PM


This is what I did.

Following the suggestion,

I got a plastic knob to hold and tension the elastic cord.
Wrapped thinly with E-tape the area which the cord and the dart will contact with.

This will lessen the jam.

Also here is the kicker; the stock darts as compared to FDLs jam easy. They are flaccid somewhat. :P

The third party darts like Fer De Lance V2 with the denser foam works with minimal problem.

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Edited by SixShot, 18 April 2015 - 10:04 PM.

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The Riddle of Foam Blasters;
What is the spring compared to the hand that wields it ?

#5 SixShot



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Posted 20 April 2015 - 01:11 AM

I refined the "Armless" Crossbolt (sort of) over the weekend.

Added nut/bolt and arcylic plates to it.

Used "Heat-shrink" insulation to the area which the elastic band and dart contacts to lessen the amount of darts mangled. :D

Here is the pics:

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The Riddle of Foam Blasters;
What is the spring compared to the hand that wields it ?

#6 JackDC914



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Posted 22 April 2015 - 05:45 PM

I must say, the refined version looks very delicious. As far as misfirings and dart mangling, how often do they happen with the heat shrink on the string? And also, I guess I have to ask, what are the ranges without arms?
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#7 SixShot



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Posted 22 April 2015 - 09:00 PM

'JackDC914', on 22 Apr 2015 - 10:45 PM, said:

I must say, the refined version looks very delicious. As far as misfirings and dart mangling, how often do they happen with the heat shrink on the string? And also, I guess I have to ask, what are the ranges without arms?

So far it is rare.

I did further tests meself.

The tension of the elastic band has a close relationship with the darts.
Too tight, darts gets mangled.

So need to lessen the tension.

Also, one might need to remove most of the safety locks to allow the provision of lessen tension.

I managed to hurl a stefan close to 25 meters with a tight tension.
Interestingly, stefans ( maybe due to the small size ) do not get mangled easy.
Whereas regular nerf darts ( it is flaccid in a way) gets mangled easy.

I used a third party dart with denser foam, the dart flew 20 plus meters and hit the side of a passing car ( I was trying out in a car park) with "TING" sound.

Lucky the driver didn't come out and see, he just drove on.

Edited by SixShot, 23 April 2015 - 12:43 AM.

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The Riddle of Foam Blasters;
What is the spring compared to the hand that wields it ?

#8 JackDC914



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Posted 25 April 2015 - 10:35 PM

Wait... You're using stefans... Are you using slugs?!
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