i've been lurking since 2009 (that's when I actually started "collecting" NERF Blasters, and now I finally mustered up the courage to register and post something.
This is an older build, but I thought it might be interesting to some of you.
There is a yearly event in Germany called the "FARK" - That's the "Fantasy and Roleplaying-Convention" (loosely translated). A couple friends and me decided to show up with our own booth there (modified NERF blasters, foam LARP weapons and such) and since the FARK is a charity event (all the money goes to a charitable cause), I decided to build a Blaster that was given away in a raffle.
I'm in love with video games and big guns, so I decided to build a dark sci-fi rifle which could be straight out of Killzone, Halo and the likes.
When building custom blasters, I prefer to stick to all NERF parts and not substitute any Airsoft parts or similar, I want my pieces to look like something that NERF could have produced / could produce at one time.
I decided to sketch up a concept prior to starting my work, so this is what I came up with:

Aside from the optical tweaks, I wanted this thing to be a beast and pack a punch, so I added an Ammo Counter (custom, one of a kind by Blasterparts) and a brass breech, as well as a stronger spring and an Xplorer Shotgun-Grip.
I then asked around for donations for all the parts (charity event, remember?) and a lot of people from the german NERF community, as well as certain online retailers of NERF parts, paints and similar chucked in.
This is what I ended up with on my construction table:

On to the assembly we go...I first cut the Firefly so it could be fitted to the Longshot:

Looking good...

Decided to use the Longshot shoulder stock to cover up the seam:

Some epoxy putty so it sticks:

To strengthen the seams, I fibreglassed the inside a bit:

Time to fit the ammo counter:


Here comes the breech, which was built by Hoellenhamster and SirScorp of blasted.de-Fame:

The boltsled was reinforced with sheet metal.

Installing the breech and the counter was a bit tricky, but worked out in the end:

The hole that was drilled in the barrel is for the photoelectric barrier (seen hanging on the rail), that registers the shots for the ammo counter.
After a lot of sanding and filling, painting this beast...starting with a flat black basecoat:

Adding some shape with an airbrush (usual effects such as hairspray to chip paint were applied), using Alclad Chrome and Vallejo Paints:

This was the almost finished result before heading to the FARK fair:

At the fair, I added weathering and details, a friend of mine was nice enough to take some professional pictures of the finished piece:

(Yes, thats a Recon Tac Light with Vulcan vents)
And there she is, in all her glory:

Thank you for reading - Feel free to comment and ask

Edited by CarsonDefenseConcepts, 06 February 2015 - 09:29 AM.