So this is another ball-valve alternative that allows the user to push darts into their magazine without removing it. This differs from most "dart door" designs in that it doesn't behave like a check valve, and the rubber flaps do not form a seal. Instead, the most recently inserted dart seals in the body of the dart door, and the flaps merely allow darts to be pushed in by fingers but not out by air pressure. Assembly is fairly self explanatory, and the files to print are on thingiverse at
You'll need a 3d printer to pull this off, as well as some rubber sheet cut approximately into this shape (2x)
The screws holding it together are 6-32 x 1", although I'm pretty sure 3/4" would be fine.
The fit of the part where the darts are pushed through is a bit finicky, not in the sealing well sense, but in the tight-enough-to-stay-and-not-too-tight-to-push-through sense. So you may need to tweak the design if your foam is substantially fatter or thinner than nerf foam / MHA foam. Sometimes after having fired, the seal dart will get pushed up a little bit, and the flaps will be pushed up a bit as well. This hasn't ever been a problem for the seal or for blasting darts out of the magazine, but you may need to press the dart and flaps back down before inserting more darts.
Also, this is not going to work with the gray Ace foam, mcmaster gray foam, or any similar and not-very-rigid foams. MHA pink foam has been war-tested with these, but I expect the beige stuff and the white loghouse foam would also be sufficiently rigid.
Edited by Aeromech, 23 November 2015 - 02:47 AM.