I know it's early... But I need something to look forward to.

When: Saturday March 15th, 2014- 8:30 a.m. set up and geek out, foam flies at 9:00. We'll end at about 1:30- 2:00.
Where: Murray Park soccer fields. They’re in the east section of Murray Park. This section only has road access via Vine St. If the road connects from State St. to Vine, you need to take the next park entrance to the east. It’s the one that dead ends inside the park.

(Yes, I stole shmmee's photo)
We generally meet near the gargantuan hill. If the area is occupied, we will still meet there, and decide on an alternate area. The park is huge, so we're bound to be able to find a vacant area to nerf in.
Misc. Info:
*There are restrooms near the play area.
*MUST BE 13 OR OLDER TO ATTEND! This is for safety. You have to be 13 to be a member of this site anyway as far as I know...
*Parents are encouraged to come watch and express any concerns they may have. You will be pressured to grab a blaster and play a round or two with us though.
What to bring:
*EYE PROTECTION! Eye protection must be worn at all times by all participants when foam is flying.
*WATER! Don’t get dehydrated. There is a drinking fountain at the park, but don’t count on it in case it isn’t working.
*Primary (I recommend more since it’s always nice to have different options and backups in case one or more of them crap out on you.)
*Pistol/ Secondary
*Blaster that shoots ~35 feet or less for the awfuls round.
*Darts! All darts must be padded! NO EXPOSED METAL/HOT GLUE! No weight restrictions- but be reasonable. Please make your darts easily distinguishable as your own so everyone gets their darts back.
* Friends! More participants= more fun! Please try to bring enough blasters/ darts for yourself as well as the people you are bringing with you. We don’t mind lending stuff out, but we only have so many.
*Loaner blasters and darts! I have some loaner blasters and darts, but it’s always better to have extra than not enough. This would be greatly appreciated.
*Your B+ game and a good attitude! We Nerf for the fun of it- Not the win. We’ve never had a problem with bad sportsmanship, so I’m not too worried about this. Just don’t be a douche and have fun.
*Stuff you’ve been working on to show off!
*Cover! Mobstacles and similar items that can be used as cover would be appreciated. I currently don't have any, but I'll try to get some made eventually.
Blaster restrictions:...are currently on a case-by-case basis. Just don’t bring anything you wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of. Absolutely nothing that exceeds 150’ in range.
There are a few things I noticed at some past wars that I'd like to address to improve the experience for everyone. Please note that I'm not trying to single anyone out/ be mean.
*Please ask before touching/ using/ borrowing anyone's blasters or darts. They will most likely say yes anyway. Also, please be respectful of others' things if they do allow you to use them. We put a lot of time/ money/ effort into our blasters.
*Even if you were using someone else's darts, please stay and dart sweep with us. You shoot darts, you help pick them up. Please don't dawdle when it's time to dart sweep either. If shmmee or I say it's time to dart sweep, come dart sweep. (You can always go get water during a dart sweep if you need it though).
*Please follow the rules of the game, ask for clarification if you need it, and have fun.
*Shmmee is the ultimate and founding S.L.A.N.G. member. What he says goes.
IF YOU READ NOTHING ELSE IN THIS THREAD, MAKE SURE YOU READ THIS!: We don't mind lending blasters/ darts to people. Though, please be aware (and make guests aware) that eventually, you will be expected to own and maintain your own blasters/ darts. We strive for modders in this group. One of the main reasons we have wars anyway is to see how our blasters measure up to others' and to learn from/ geek out with other people that obsess over the same hobby.
Confirmed Attendees:
Possible Attendees:
So Who's in?
Edited by Glory1610, 05 February 2014 - 10:40 PM.