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BenFett's first serious mod!

My modded and minimized FireStrike

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#1 BenFett



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Posted 17 November 2013 - 02:03 PM

I apologize for this being in the wrong place, now that I have actually looked around and payed attention to it, this really shouldn't be here, I'll re-post this in the modification and picture thread tomorrow, or as soon as this is deleted or locked to prevent double posting, sorry again guys, should've looked around a bit before i just blindly posted.

Hey guys, I've just recently gotten back into nerf guns, mainly into the modding and mechanical side of it, theres just something I love about tinkering with blasters! I picked up a FireStrike a few days ago, and for those few days I was debating whether or not i wanted to minimize it and remove the laser/dart holder. Sadly, but also gladly, upon taking it apart the second time the laser died on me. The minimization and the modding was definitely a great project for my first, and a pretty good challenge. Anyways, I'll show off a few pictures of the finished product.

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This last picture is of the minimization, I covered the holes made by cutting out the laser and ammo holder with small pieces of a plastic called styrene. Styrene is a nice type of plastic you can buy in small sheets at hobby shops, its usually used for model making and stuff like that.

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I used a base coat of black vinyl dye, with "Model Master" classic white hand paint for the details. I'm usually rather terrible with hand painting, but I found these miracle workers called "Microbrushes", they look basically like a birthday candle, and the tip of them is a puffed up ball of fibres. It captures a drop of paint and you just run it along the surface of whatever you are painting, and it covers it perfectly, i highly recommend them to anyone who is as bad as i am at hand painting, haha.

Here is a link to the product page of the microbrushes: http://microbrush.co...s.asp?categID=8

Edit: Oh, sorry, didn't realize I should've posted it in the modification and picture thread, figured that was just for people who wanted to post pictures, instead of fully writing a post about it, my apologies.

Edited by BenFett, 17 November 2013 - 09:43 PM.

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#2 Duke Wintermaul

Duke Wintermaul


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Posted 17 November 2013 - 02:11 PM

This should probably be in the 'modification and paintjob picture' thread.

Generally, new threads are made for writeups and how to's.
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