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Nerf Mega Centurion Mod

Removing the air restrictor

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#1 nerfispwnage243



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Posted 09 August 2013 - 03:27 PM


This is a mod for the Nerf Mega Centurion.
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This guide will be showing you how to remove the air restrictor.

WARNING: This guide may be picture heavy for just an AR removal.

NOTE: This blaster is far easier to open if you haven't attached the front barrel. If you attached the barrel like I did when I purchased this blaster,
then I have included a sort explanation (with pictures, of course) on how to remove it at the end of this guide.

OTHER NOTE: This mod doesn't really seem to improve anything other than power. In fact, I think it might perform slightly worse now. It's less for practicality and more for proof that it can be done.

EDIT 1: I have discovered that cutting the orange tip at the base of the dart so there is a flat surface makes the mega darts fly in a straight path instead of flying all over the place. It seems to reduce the range of the blaster by a fairly large amount, but at least the darts go where you tell them. I'll be experimenting with using these darts as a platform for "mega" stefans.

To begin, remove all of the screws from the left side of the shell. There are no secret screws anywhere, so this should be rather straightforward.
It should look like this:
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Lots of stuff in there, hm? It's not all that bad. NOTE: There are many locks and annoying things in the blaster that I had already removed prior to making this
guide, and I have no idea how to put them back in, nor do I want to figure out how.

First internal piece that I should tell you about is this:
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DO NOT REMOVE THIS PIECE. This is part of the catch mechanism and the blaster will NOT function correctly if you remove it. I removed it at first thinking it was a lock and it is a royal pain in the ASS to put back.

On to the mod! To access the AR, you are going to remove the plunger tube. This can be done easily by removing the pulley/sled mechanism.
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To remove the sled, remove the screws circled in white. The black circles are there for reference upon reassembling the blaster. DO NOT put screws there when reassembling the blaster, even though it looks like there is space for them. There are two screws on the left shell that fit there.

There is a screw attached to a spring that helps retract the plunger tube after firing. It looks like this:
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Don't remove this quite yet. You can if you want, but I find it easier to remove it later.

After removing the sled from the blaster, the plunger tube should still be attached in some way to the sled. Slide the plunger tube forward and it will separate from the sled like this:
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Now you can remove the screw I had just mentioned and the plunger tube will be yours to fiddle with! To remove the AR, simply remove these three screws:
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The components will simply fall out like so:
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To get the plunger tube back into the blaster, make sure the notch at the end of the plunger tube and the notch on the top of the previous picture are aligned and facing down towards the sled. I sadly do not have a picture of this, but it's not too hard to understand. Also, you can tell if the plunger tube is aligned correctly be looking at the back of it. If the semicircle of foam padding is on the left, then you've done it correctly. Side note: I haven't done so, but I would replace that foam as soon as possible. It's kinda flimsy and the adhesive started wearing off on mine pretty quickly.

Slide the plunger tube back into the sled, but before placing it in the shell, screw that spring back into the shell. It's actually quite difficult and frustrating to get that spring back into place if you wait. Make sure your priming handle is all the way forward before placing the sled and plunger tube in the shell, and make sure the gears connect. Next, place the other side of the shell back onto the blaster and you're good to go. if the shell is having difficulties closing, then make sure the priming handle is all the way forward, and then pull it back just a bit and the shell should close.

Well done! You've just modding the Centurion. Have fun out there and if you have any questions or suggestions for things that I didn't cover very well in this guide, then feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer quickly.

This next part is a guide on how to remove the front barrel and all of the involved locks.

First step: Open the blaster by removing all of the screws in the main unit and the front barrel. The blaster will NOT want to come apart at the point that the barrel attaches but pull on it with some force and it will separate.

Next, Remove these screws:
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The next part is kind of annoying. Pry apart the front barrel. You don't need it to separate completely, just at the part that connects to the blaster. It won't want to come apart, but eventually you'll get it open.
Remove the screw here:
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and here:
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Remove the front barrel along with the muzzle of the blaster. These pieces should have fallen out:
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Remove the ring-type thing and put the muzzle back into the blaster, but don't screw it back in.

Open the magazine guide/box and you'll find that the muzzle comes off when you do this. It's not a big deal to put it back, so don't panic.
There will be a piece that looks like this:
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It will be screwed in, so just remove the screw and throw that piece away. Underneath this piece there is another piece that looks like this:
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Remove it as well. There will be a second one on the other half of the main shell of the blaster, so remove that one as well. Put the magazine guide/box back together and make sure the muzzle sets into place correctly. Screw the muzzle into place and close the blaster. Again, if the shell is having a hard time closing, then slide the priming handle back a little bit and it should close. If you want, you can close the front barrel and reattach it to your blaster for aesthetic appeal, as it is now fully removable. It actually stays in place rather well, so you can keep it on during games if you wanted to, but I wouldn't recommend it.

Thanks for reading!

Edited by nerfispwnage243, 11 August 2013 - 01:27 AM.

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#2 xXhunter47Xx



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Posted 09 August 2013 - 03:46 PM

So it seems as though this blaster is not worth buying for modification.
Have you taken a look at all at the plunger rod?
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#3 nerfispwnage243



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Posted 09 August 2013 - 04:03 PM

Hunter, I agree with you for the most part. I'm interesting in seeing what happens when this blaster fires Stefans or maybe even mega Stefans, since this blaster does seem to have a lot of power. It seems like the plunger tube, although in a reverse fashion, functions similarly to a standard plunger. I haven't taken a look inside it quite yet because I haven't found an easy way to disassemble it without cutting into it, but if I find something I'll edit it into the post.
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#4 azrael



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Posted 09 August 2013 - 05:05 PM

TBH, I don't see why a reverse plunger is all that different from a normal direct plunger. The reason why the reverse plungers generally suck is because in stuff like the Maverick or Recon, they are moving a very small amount of air. That's why those blasters have small ranges and small potential for mods.
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#5 Shadow the HellJumper

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Posted 09 August 2013 - 05:07 PM

If I hadn't already bought two of these I would've held off. And I wish this would have come out sooner, because it took me 90 mins to figure everything out explained in this thread. But nice job dude. I just wish they would sell individual clips/magazines since the blaster only comes with one. Now all we need is for someone to figure out how to strengthen the darts up.
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Some strive their entire lives for excellence. They seek to find their passion, to raise a family, to leave their mark on the world, or to earn their fortune. Some just want a motherf*cking Nerf Gun to shoot that jerk-off that's been making farting noises and laughing like an idiot for 3 hours.

#6 Tangerle



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Posted 09 August 2013 - 05:15 PM

That's good that you, being the first person to, posted this for people who don't know what they're doing. Someone should make a polycarb catch that would be able to work with a nylon rod and put a direct plunger in one of these. This is the best most recent gun shell space wise for doing something like that.
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#7 Asamere



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Posted 09 August 2013 - 06:19 PM

Well the first mod has been done. (That we have heard of) Which could be the first step to a great toy. I look forward to the trial of stefans, as they will probably be much more flight friendly. As for other mods, we'll have to wait and see. Good job, very nice even if it a just an AR removal.
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Steel or foam, it makes no differance. We settle this like nerds...

#8 nerfispwnage243



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Posted 09 August 2013 - 06:21 PM

I know what you're talking about Shadow, I was literally sitting there for about 2 hours trying to figure this thing out when I first opened it. Apparently Nerf has two other "Mega" series blasters coming out eventually, so I wouldn't be surprised to see magazines on sale soon, especially with the darts themselves already being sold in stores. I may pick up another one of these sometime soon and do some tinkering with barrel replacement and darts and things. If I find something interesting then I'll add it to this post.
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#9 HasreadCoC



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Posted 09 August 2013 - 08:44 PM

'Tangerle', on 09 Aug 2013 - 10:15 PM, said:

That's good that you, being the first person to, posted this for people who don't know what they're doing. Someone should make a polycarb catch that would be able to work with a nylon rod and put a direct plunger in one of these. This is the best most recent gun shell space wise for doing something like that.

First though, someone would have to have destroyed theirs with a failed mod, otherwise I doubt anyone would wanna pay MSRP just to gut it and fill it up with new guts. Better off just buying/making a RBP or the like.
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'Daniel Beaver', on 07 Oct 2012 - 2:07 PM, said:

I'm the only respectable person here. The rest of the NIC are pretty much just child molesters.

AKA: ObiWonTwo on Nerfrevolution, and most of the rest of the internet for that matter.....

#10 Daniel Beaver

Daniel Beaver


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Posted 09 August 2013 - 08:58 PM

'azrael', on 09 Aug 2013 - 10:05 PM, said:

TBH, I don't see why a reverse plunger is all that different from a normal direct plunger. The reason why the reverse plungers generally suck is because in stuff like the Maverick or Recon, they are moving a very small amount of air. That's why those blasters have small ranges and small potential for mods.

The plunger is more massive, and so the spring needs to waste energy accelerating it. They also inherently have a lot of dead space.
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#11 45 Auto

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Posted 10 August 2013 - 04:43 PM

I bought one and already did these mods and took pictures to post, but you beat me to it. A few other points I have noticed in my mods:

1. There are a number of slots on the side of the plunger tube. I doubt it adds much power, but I covered these with a single piece of electrical tape stretched smooth. The single piece has enough clearance inside the shell that it doesn't rub.

2. After removing the AR, I tried loading the mega darts with elite darts. This does not improve their performance, but rather makes them dive from being too heavy. There is, however one use for doing this...

3. One design flaw I noted is that the sleeve that picks up the darts during loading is rather thin - mine jammed and developed a chip that was chewing my darts. I fixed this by shaving the chip off and sanding the edge, but watch out for it. The darts need to be a bit stiffer, if your darts get smashed at the front, they won't load right, and the blaster will jam. Loading the crushed mega darts with elites will at least allow them to load and fire again (depending on the severity).

Regardless of plunger design, this blaster develops some serious power (it can even leave a red whelp at close range after AR removal). Whilst (as always) its range is not as amazing as advertised, it is actually very accurate at close to mid ranges (for a nerf gun of course).
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