Date/Time: Friday July 19 at 6:30-7:00 PM - 10:30-11:00 PM (Can easily reschedule it needed). I prefer evenings to meet up as I have two small kids to hang out with. I will try and arrive by 6 PM to start setting up. If interested in how the map/arena/whatever looks, please come early to offer your insights and help get it going. I envision it could be pretty bad with a little preparation.
Where: Brooklyn Park, MN
4700 Edinbrook Terrace, Brooklyn Park, MN
Game Types:
- uh...nerf fight? TBA (First war, so I am definitely open to suggestions)
What to Bring:
- Iron will and a nerf gun...this is my first time hosting, let alone attending a nerf war, so I will have a modified stock nerf gun and a secondary (kind of old school, I know) as long as its not too much crazier than that...more details pending once I get some feedback.
- So a primary and a secondary
- Bring some mobstacles; however, there will be plenty of tables already there to use; however, for the sake of variety and to make it as crazy as we can...
- Eye protection
- Darts
- Don't worry about water, there is a drinking fountain
What Not to Bring:
- Little dudes under 16 (unless he is accompanied by an parental figure planning on playing)
- Don't bring any blaster that is too crazy.
- If you have any crazy darts; just let me know how I can make some beforehand
- Myself + 1
- Velveeta Avenger
- Venom213 + 3
- Eh_what + 2, maybe more
Total So Far: 10
4700 Edinbrook Terrace, Brooklyn Park, MN

Possible Scenario (just tables and chairs; feel free to bring other obstacles)

Edited by MikeNerf, 15 July 2013 - 12:42 AM.