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Looking for Replacement Parts

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#1 Toast



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Posted 02 July 2013 - 05:02 PM

I'm wondering if there's a reliable and credible source for "replacement parts" for the guts of our blasters? I know some places like Orange Mod Works have steel replacements; but until I get to that point I'm just looking for a stock replacement for some innards; not to mention there aren't any kits for an Alpha Trooper CS-12. I removed the AR of my EAT12 and now the accuracy is shot to hell; it was a pretty clean removal too :(

My Googlefu has revealed nothing on the open market.
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#2 azrael



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Posted 02 July 2013 - 05:44 PM

Don't think this is really the place to post this, unfortunately.
The bolt sled from an N-Strike Alpha Trooper will work in an Elite, if that helps any.

If your accuracy is all messed up now, I would say that's due to something else, perhaps your plunger isn't lubricated well anymore, and it's not traveling down the plunger tube straight enough. That makes a big difference for even delivery of air.
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#3 LinkMT



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Posted 02 July 2013 - 09:48 PM

Not unless you have a 3D printer (LOL). Other than that, there's not really one sure-fire source. Though if you have a 3D printer and your good with the software, go fuckin' crazy ;).

Edited by LinkMT, 02 July 2013 - 09:49 PM.


#4 DartSlinger



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Posted 02 July 2013 - 10:00 PM

Orange Mod Works' replacement parts are plastic, not steel. If your internals broke, then you might consider a kit from them, but a new blaster would be less expensive. As for your problem with accuracy, the Elite darts may not be able to handle the increased power without spiraling out of control. If you want accuracy in a Nerf blaster, you're going to have to use stefans.
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#5 hoongfu



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Posted 02 July 2013 - 10:27 PM

'DartSlinger', on 03 Jul 2013 - 03:00 AM, said:

Orange Mod Works' replacement parts are plastic, not steel. If your internals broke, then you might consider a kit from them, but a new blaster would be less expensive. As for your problem with accuracy, the Elite darts may not be able to handle the increased power without spiraling out of control. If you want accuracy in a Nerf blaster, you're going to have to use stefans.

"Our stage 2 kit replaces the original breech and bolt carrier group with our own Orange Breech, aluminum bolt sled, and plunger."

Steel/aluminum, it's close enough.

@ Toast Your best bet is this forum or craigslist for replacement parts. For buzzbee blasters their customer support is excellent and will mail you replacement parts, which ones I'm not sure but I have gotten 2 big blast triggers from them.

As for accuracy you throw that out the window when you use stock darts and stock blasters. Stock clip fed blasters don't have a useful barrel, the breech itself is the barrel. Perhaps the new retaliator breech kit from OMW will help.
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#6 Toast



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Posted 03 July 2013 - 12:04 PM

Thanks for the tips and info guys.
I'll start checking out all the angles. I'm still new to modding the blasters, but it's fun as hell. I've seen some of the posts about stefans, so I'll look into that some more. I modded out my Maverick R6 (spring compression, AR, reloader) and it's still accurate within about 5 inches at about 25 feet. Of course that's a reverse plunger and suction darts, so who knows.

Anyway, I'll check out CL or around here if I still need replacement parts. Your suggestions were very helpful guys, thanks!
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#7 BKM maverickman

BKM maverickman


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Posted 06 July 2013 - 08:03 PM

I usually get my parts by trading with local modders. I also sell parts but this isn't the place for me to post about that.
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#8 X20AStrikefreedom



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Posted 08 July 2013 - 03:21 AM

Or, I don't know if they sell it anymore, buy a fully modified alpha trooper with massacre kit internals from orange mod works.
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