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Pump-Action Nerf Blaster

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#1 Setro



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Posted 02 July 2013 - 02:39 PM


Table of Contents

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01 - Introduction
02 - Materials
03 - Loading Mechanism
04 - Loading Mechanism Components
05 - Main Body
06 - Catch System
07 - Plunger
08 - Handle and Trigger
09 - Pump Handle
10 - Firing Video

01 - Introduction

The goal of this project was to replicate the functions of a pump-action shotgun, though the internal mechanisms do not resemble those of an actual shotgun. The main aim was to achieve similar aesthetics, but it is an effective weapon nonetheless. The design for the loading mechanism required quite a bit of trial and error, so I didn't document the actual process of building the blaster. Hopefully, the following explanations and pictures are enough.

Here is the completed blaster. It measures 2 feet in length, which is nearly identical to a Longshot. The plunger draw is 3", and it holds five 1.5" long darts.

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02 - Materials

Main Body
1 1/4" PVC
Paint stirring sticks from Home Depot (LOL). They're 1/4" thick and 1.5" wide.
Small screws

1/2" CPVC
1/8" Steel rod
1 1/2" Rubber fender washer
1/2" CPVC coupler
3/4" PVC
Small Screws

Loading Mechanism
3/4" CPVC
Random LEGO Parts
Rubber band
Steel Sheeting
Thin plastic sheet (I got some from a bookmark)

Barrel/Magazine Coupling
1/2" CPVC coupling
1/2" CPVC
1" to 1/2" PVC adapter plug
3/4" PVC
1" PVC
1/2" Copper slip coupling

Catch Mechanism
#8 Sheet metal screws
3/4" PVC tee
Electrical tape
3/4" CPVC
3/4" CPVC coupling
#8 Wood screws
Small springs
3/4" PVC coupling

#8 Sheet metal screws
Finishing washer
1 1/4" Rubber fender washer
1 1/2" Rubber fender washer
1 1/4" Steel fender washer
1/2" CPVC Endcap
1/2" CPVC
1/2" Nylon rod
Small nails

Wood 3/4" thick
1/8" Steel rod
1 1/4" PVC coupler
#8 Wood screws
Paint stirring stick
Small spring
Thin plastic sheet

1/2" Copper pipe
1/2" CPVC endcap
Air restrictor springs
Air restrictor component from Maverick (or 1/2" nylon rod)

Pump Handle
#8 Sheet metal screws
3/4" CPVC
3/4" CPVC tee
3/4" PVC coupler
1 1/4" PVC

03 - Loading Mechanism

The LEGO pieces you see in the build can be replaced by wood or other plastic components of similar dimensions. I just used them because it allowed for easy modifications and adjustments.


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Halfway primed.

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Returning the bolt.

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Ready to fire.

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04 - Loading Mechanism Components

Disassembled and removed from main body.

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Metal dart stopper made from sheet metal.

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Dart carrier made up of LEGO, 3/4" CPVC, and a rubber band.

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Rear of the bolt, plunger tube end, and the part of the wooden frame. The yellow discoloration is a result of the lubricant. The 1 1/2" rubber washer is sandwiched between sections of 1/2" CPVC couplers and 3/4" PVC secured with small screws.

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The plunger tube end is made from 3/4" CPVC, 3/4" CPVC coupler, and 3/4" PVC coupler.

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Front of the bolt. The bit of LEGO prevents the darts from entering the bolt.

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View of the bolt entering the coupler connected to the barrel. It's made up of 1/2" CPVC coupler, 1" to 1/2" PVC adpater plug, and 1" PVC. The bottom part is 1/2" copper slip coupling and 3/4" PVC.

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The magazine is made up of a 1/2" copper tube and a cpvc endcap. The opposite of end of the copper tube was crimped down with pliers a bit so that the pusher would escape the tube. The internals consist of 6 stretched air restrictor springs and the plastic air restrictor component from a Maverick. It isn't the ideal setup, but I had trouble finding a weak spring of that length.

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Bolt system and wood components.

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The dart door is made up of a LEGO piece glued to a section of a plastic bookmark.

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05 - Main Body

It is made up of 1 1/4" PVC. It measures 14" long and the cut-out section is 7.5" long.

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Edited by Setro, 02 July 2013 - 02:42 PM.

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#2 Setro



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Posted 02 July 2013 - 02:42 PM

06 - Catch System

The catch is basically the one from my RAINSnap writeup.


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The stock is made from a 3/4" PVC tee, electrical tape, and 3/4" CPVC.

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The catch is 3/4" CPVC and a 3/4" coupler.

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Front of spring rest. The ridge in the 3/4" CPVC coupler is where the spring rests.

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The rear of the spring rest consists of 3/4" CPVC inside the coupler nested in a 3/4" PVC coupler.

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07 - Plunger

The plunger head is based off of Rork's Superlative Snap Plunger Head. I don't have exact measurements for this old spring, but I do believe the wire diameter is around 0.07" and it's from Century Springs.

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There is a 1/2" nylon rod connected with nails with the ends dremeled and filed smooth.

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08 - Handle and Trigger

Full view. Two wood screws hold the handle halves together.

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Top view. Four wood screws attach the section of 1 1/4" PVC Coupler to the wood. 4 sheet metal screws attach the handle to main body. The plastic bit at the end of the 1/8" steel rod is made from a 1 1/4" PVC coupler.

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Internals. The trigger is made from the stirring sticks. There is a thin sheet of plastic supporting the small spring.

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09 - Pump Handle

Front view.

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Rear view.

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1 1/4" PVC.

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3/4" CPVC and 3/4" CPVC tee.

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3/4" PVC coupler.

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10 - Firing Video

I would estimate ranges of 80 to 90 feet. I'm still experimenting with the ideal barrel length.

Thanks for reading!

Edited by Setro, 02 July 2013 - 02:57 PM.

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#3 ShaNayNay



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Posted 02 July 2013 - 03:11 PM

This is truly incredible. There have been multiple people over the years that have tried to replicate this, and I think every one failed except for one guy that got lucky. so props to you for making something assumed impossible by many.

I really want to believe that the range is 80-90 ft PTG, however:
1. Although ingenious, the sealing mech does not look like it seals perfectly/near perfectly
2. You have 3" draw with a 3/4" plunger tube. Blasters like the snap use 1 1/4" PT's with more draw and get just slightly higher ranges

Regardless of range you just created a completely new breech setup that (judging by your video) works consistently, so well done. I'm sure once other people try making their own variations and polish and enhance this design, I'm sure the range issues will be solved and be brought up to standard homemade range.

So yeah, well done on inventing a new breech setup, creating something most viewed as unachievable, and making it work consistently. I'll have to try making this one day as it looks super fun to use.
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'Daniel Beaver', on 08 Aug 2011 - 3:59 PM, said:

New Jersey is fuckin weird

#4 DartSlinger



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Posted 02 July 2013 - 03:25 PM

This is really cool! It's good to see something out of the mold. I think it's really cool the way that you designed this with a real weapon in mind. Kind of like BoltSniper did on his homemades.

I'm curious about the ability of this design to be reproduced. Do you think that people other than you can build one, or is it one those homemades like the FAR, which is basically impossible to build? Also, how strong and reliable is the feeding mechanism?

Edited by DartSlinger, 02 July 2013 - 03:27 PM.

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#5 koree



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Posted 02 July 2013 - 04:35 PM

This is really neat! I really like the dart elevator and breach work together.
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#6 Daimler



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Posted 02 July 2013 - 05:03 PM

I would have to say that this is the coolest nerf gun since the last one Boltsniper put out! :o Congrats on accomplishing what has pretty much never been done before. It seems like it performs quite admirably, and it definitely diverges from the ordinary. I'm looking forward to the new line of designs this begins.
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#7 thedom21



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Posted 02 July 2013 - 05:32 PM

can you take a video of the loading mechanism in action? I think I get how it works but a video would help me and others try to remake and or improve your design.
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22:32 hookerninja I would just switch to 2 full 69's
22:32 hookerninja that would diddle shit

11:44 Zorn Her butt is too tiny even for limp 6th grade penis?
11:44 Zorn ergo the dildo

#8 Zorns Lemma

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Posted 02 July 2013 - 06:16 PM

'thedom21', on 02 Jul 2013 - 10:32 PM, said:

can you take a video of the loading mechanism in action? I think I get how it works but a video would help me and others try to remake and or improve your design.

If you can't figure out how it works by looking at it then I question your ability to improve it.
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#9 cheerios



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Posted 02 July 2013 - 08:21 PM

'ShaNayNay', on 02 Jul 2013 - 8:11 PM, said:

I really want to believe that the range is 80-90 ft PTG, however:
1. Although ingenious, the sealing mech does not look like it seals perfectly/near perfectly
2. You have 3" draw with a 3/4" plunger tube. Blasters like the snap use 1 1/4" PT's with more draw and get just slightly higher ranges

He's using a 1 1/4" plunger tube not 3/4" or else his plunger head wouldn't fit. Also 3" of draw is more then adequate to fire 80' seeing as longshots of the specifications can shoot 95-100' flat.
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22:46- jakejagan :Ryan, did you hear that Zeke's BBBB made N9 bleed?
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#10 thedom21



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Posted 02 July 2013 - 09:09 PM

'Zorn's Lemma', on 02 Jul 2013 - 11:16 PM, said:

If you can't figure out how it works by looking at it then I question your ability to improve it.

Nope I clearly get how it works as I stated but I wanted a video as well.
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Funny Irc moments

22:32 hookerninja I would just switch to 2 full 69's
22:32 hookerninja that would diddle shit

11:44 Zorn Her butt is too tiny even for limp 6th grade penis?
11:44 Zorn ergo the dildo

#11 ShaNayNay



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Posted 02 July 2013 - 10:46 PM

'cheerios', on 03 Jul 2013 - 01:21 AM, said:

He's using a 1 1/4" plunger tube not 3/4" or else his plunger head wouldn't fit. Also 3" of draw is more then adequate to fire 80' seeing as longshots of the specifications can shoot 95-100' flat.

Now that I know its 1.25" I believe the claim. I recalled Tech Targets having a 3/4" PT, and those never get passed 70' without massive bandage/springs, so that's why I did not believe the claim.
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'Daniel Beaver', on 08 Aug 2011 - 3:59 PM, said:

New Jersey is fuckin weird

#12 rego



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Posted 03 July 2013 - 10:54 AM

I can't believe you actually got a tube magazine to work. There was a thread by Shadow, and it lasted for two years, just barely touching on successful prototypes. And you managed to do it with just pvc and paint sticks.

Now, how many darts does the magazine hold? What flaws can you currently find in the design and construction of the blaster? How reliable is the tube magazine?
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#13 Meaker VI

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Posted 03 July 2013 - 11:01 AM

Hats off to you sir; you have succeeded in building something I have tried two different ways. Really well done on that elevator, looking at yours it seems so obvious.

'Setro', on 02 Jul 2013 - 7:39 PM, said:

Paint stirring sticks from Home Depot (LOL). They're 1/4" thick and 1.5" wide.

... Genius! Most places give you those things for free if you ask for a reasonable number (and are buying paint). I'll need to keep that in mind.
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#14 azrael



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Posted 03 July 2013 - 12:15 PM

'rego', on 03 Jul 2013 - 3:54 PM, said:

I can't believe you actually got a tube magazine to work. There was a thread by Shadow, and it lasted for two years, just barely touching on successful prototypes. And you managed to do it with just pvc and paint sticks.

Now, how many darts does the magazine hold? What flaws can you currently find in the design and construction of the blaster? How reliable is the tube magazine?

I think on Nerf Rev he said about 5 darts, of this particular length, any more or any different sizes and it gets wonky.
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#15 He Who Mods

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Posted 03 July 2013 - 09:56 PM

Wow, like many of the others have said, this is an amazing design that is not too hard to replicate at all. I definitely hope to try and make on of these in the future. Also, judging that most of the blaster are PVC and wood, would this be a fairly inexpensive build? Again, great work on the loading mechanism. :D
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#16 Setro



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Posted 03 July 2013 - 11:34 PM

Thanks for all the kudos!

'ShaNayNay', on 02 Jul 2013 - 8:11 PM, said:

This is truly incredible. There have been multiple people over the years that have tried to replicate this, and I think every one failed except for one guy that got lucky. so props to you for making something assumed impossible by many.

I really want to believe that the range is 80-90 ft PTG, however:
1. Although ingenious, the sealing mech does not look like it seals perfectly/near perfectly
2. You have 3" draw with a 3/4" plunger tube. Blasters like the snap use 1 1/4" PT's with more draw and get just slightly higher ranges

Regardless of range you just created a completely new breech setup that (judging by your video) works consistently, so well done. I'm sure once other people try making their own variations and polish and enhance this design, I'm sure the range issues will be solved and be brought up to standard homemade range.

So yeah, well done on inventing a new breech setup, creating something most viewed as unachievable, and making it work consistently. I'll have to try making this one day as it looks super fun to use.

1. Bolt seal at the front end with the coupler is excellent. The seal at the rear is also fairly good.
2. 3" plunger draw and 1 1/4" plunger tube diameter is enough to achieve such ranges.

'DartSlinger', on 02 Jul 2013 - 8:25 PM, said:

This is really cool! It's good to see something out of the mold. I think it's really cool the way that you designed this with a real weapon in mind. Kind of like BoltSniper did on his homemades.

I'm curious about the ability of this design to be reproduced. Do you think that people other than you can build one, or is it one those homemades like the FAR, which is basically impossible to build? Also, how strong and reliable is the feeding mechanism?

If I get the tools, I'll work on something that can be more easily replicated. All the parts can be made with polycarbonate, so I'll make some templates for the build in the future. The only unusual part is the loading mechanism, so this should much easier to construct than the FAR. All the other components are pretty standard with SNAPs and other homemades.

'thedom21', on 03 Jul 2013 - 02:09 AM, said:

Nope I clearly get how it works as I stated but I wanted a video as well.

I'll try and get a video for it soon.

'rego', on 03 Jul 2013 - 3:54 PM, said:

I can't believe you actually got a tube magazine to work. There was a thread by Shadow, and it lasted for two years, just barely touching on successful prototypes. And you managed to do it with just pvc and paint sticks.

Now, how many darts does the magazine hold? What flaws can you currently find in the design and construction of the blaster? How reliable is the tube magazine?

As Azrael said above, it holds five 1.5" long darts. The tube magazine is reliable as long as the darts are the same length and there are no more than five darts in the tube. The construction is solid, but new designs need to be made so that the blaster can be easily replicated.

'He Who Mods', on 04 Jul 2013 - 02:56 AM, said:

Wow, like many of the others have said, this is an amazing design that is not too hard to replicate at all. I definitely hope to try and make on of these in the future. Also, judging that most of the blaster are PVC and wood, would this be a fairly inexpensive build? Again, great work on the loading mechanism. :D

This would probably cost $30-40 to make. It was a lot less for me since I had all the leftover parts from my SNAPs.

Edited by Setro, 03 July 2013 - 11:35 PM.

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#17 DartSlinger



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Posted 04 July 2013 - 12:00 PM

'Setro', on 04 Jul 2013 - 04:34 AM, said:

If I get the tools, I'll work on something that can be more easily replicated. All the parts can be made with polycarbonate, so I'll make some templates for the build in the future. The only unusual part is the loading mechanism, so this should much easier to construct than the FAR. All the other components are pretty standard with SNAPs and other homemades.

Templates would be fantastic. Those would help a lot. You wouldn't want me to have to tear up some of my full-size Lego Technic models to build this, would you? Posted Image

Edited by DartSlinger, 04 July 2013 - 12:01 PM.

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#18 Mully



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Posted 05 July 2013 - 09:55 PM

I'm totally blown away, this is easily one of the most innovative and creative blasters I've ever seen...anywhere.
Mad props man, I hope to see this at some California war some time ;)
I like the use of legos. That's pretty cool.

Edited by Mully, 05 July 2013 - 11:01 PM.

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#19 BuffNerd



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Posted 05 July 2013 - 10:52 PM

Amazing work, earlier this year I drew plans to make something like this, but the feeding system was not as reliable. Also instead of firing one dart at a time I pleaded to have a 3 in feeding ramp to use streamlines or 2 Steffens at a time to have a " shotgun" effect, but all in all this awesome.
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#20 rego



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Posted 06 July 2013 - 12:31 AM

Because I truly have nothing better to do over the summer, I decided to create a 3d model of a version of this, specifically made to drop in to a revshot with little modification. At least, one of my revshot designs. It comes with internal aluminum priming bars that connect directly to the plunger tube and a kind of ugly fore grip. Pretty rough right now for the internals, but is mostly complete. i just have to complete the dart loading ramp components and make it look sexy.

Posted Image

It won't really be bronze tinted and photographed in space, but it made most of the components relatively visible. You can't appreciate a 3d model in a picture.
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#21 Setro



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Posted 06 July 2013 - 05:19 PM

'BuffNerd', on 06 Jul 2013 - 03:52 AM, said:

Amazing work, earlier this year I drew plans to make something like this, but the feeding system was not as reliable. Also instead of firing one dart at a time I pleaded to have a 3 in feeding ramp to use streamlines or 2 Steffens at a time to have a " shotgun" effect, but all in all this awesome.

This design could easily be adapted to use shells to shoot 3-darts at a time.

'rego', on 06 Jul 2013 - 05:31 AM, said:

Because I truly have nothing better to do over the summer, I decided to create a 3d model of a version of this, specifically made to drop in to a revshot with little modification. At least, one of my revshot designs. It comes with internal aluminum priming bars that connect directly to the plunger tube and a kind of ugly fore grip. Pretty rough right now for the internals, but is mostly complete. i just have to complete the dart loading ramp components and make it look sexy.

Posted Image

It won't really be bronze tinted and photographed in space, but it made most of the components relatively visible. You can't appreciate a 3d model in a picture.

That looks amazing! I'm looking forward to seeing the final product.
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#22 Delta UK Nerfer

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Posted 20 July 2013 - 08:23 AM

I've been working on a similar dual-tubular design, but it seems that you've beaten me to it
Nice work bro
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#23 andtheherois



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Posted 20 July 2013 - 11:30 AM

'rego', on 06 Jul 2013 - 05:31 AM, said:

Because I truly have nothing better to do over the summer, I decided to create a 3d model of a version of this, specifically made to drop in to a revshot with little modification. At least, one of my revshot designs. It comes with internal aluminum priming bars that connect directly to the plunger tube and a kind of ugly fore grip. Pretty rough right now for the internals, but is mostly complete. i just have to complete the dart loading ramp components and make it look sexy.

Posted Image

It won't really be bronze tinted and photographed in space, but it made most of the components relatively visible. You can't appreciate a 3d model in a picture.

Metamodding, I love it.

The revshot isn't a good platform to work from. Having built a few myself I would say you're better off just CADing yourself a whole new gun.
The YooToobz

'Gears' said

Winning rounds is rewarding, deal with it. We don't play fucking patty cake over here.

#24 rego



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Posted 22 July 2013 - 04:05 PM

'andtheherois', on 20 Jul 2013 - 4:30 PM, said:

Metamodding, I love it.

The revshot isn't a good platform to work from. Having built a few myself I would say you're better off just CADing yourself a whole new gun.

I can agree that the revshot isn't as good as it's made up to be, I've put quite a few modifications into mine. I didn't even build it off the templates on nerfrevolution, I designed the whole thing from scratch after seeing the picture of yours you posted in the homemade thread. It only took me half a year to actually finish the damn thing.

The main problem I have right now is not with the gun or designs of it, but how the hell to make paper templates from a 3d inventor file. I can find absolutely nothing on the internet or help window.
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#25 Some Guy

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Posted 06 August 2013 - 12:24 PM

I know this is asking a lot, but do you think you could make some schematics of this? It would help a lot for some one who might be interested in replicating this.
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Proud maker of Fools Gold; 3rd and last rebuild of the famous FAR.

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