You read that correctly: this war will only be Defend the Core variations.
When – Aug 10th, 9:00 AM till reasonably 3
Where – Newel Park, St Paul
Why I’m doing this
• This way it will take 5 minutes to reset the field between rounds instead of, say, 30 like at SPANO and others
• If we play one game then it is very easy to prepare, but also for EVERYONE to prepare
• DTC is fun as hell, so a day of it can’t not be fun as hell
• You can compete with just a pistol, you can compete with just melee, you can compete if you pick up a stock blaster on your way to the war
• A chance to actually use your 9000 PSI supercannons (with the right barrel set-up and ammo)
• 360 4-team

• Attack/Defend 2-team switch-off rounds (how it first was played)

• 2-team base-defense DTC

• 3-team Offend The Core (least in your core wins)

DTC Point Gradients
• Stephens/Slugs – ZERO! Not a single damn point! Can still tag players, but no points.
• Stock ammo – 1
• Mongos/Vortex discs/any disc ammo – 3
• Sock Grenades/Carpe balls/wiffle balls/ball pit balls (thrown) – 3
• Sonic Baz darts/Arrows/ballistic balls/4B and UMB missiles – 5
• Stress Balls/small Nerf football/small plush toys (thrown) – 5
• Titan Rockets/Ironman Rockets/Draconas rockets – 10
• Reeeealy big stupid stuff – 15, maybe. Bring it or PM me and ask.
• Homeade anything – Ask me, I will classify fairly
• Other crazy crap or weirdness - Ask me, I will classify fairly
General Blah Blah Blah
• Nothing single-shot bigger than a UMB with stock pump and oprv. No bans on springers/bow’ers.
• 4B’s, Titans, Jobars, Roto Rockets: ASK ME!!! Tell me you barrel set up and your intended ammo, I will be very fair if it is safe. No bans on blasters for big ammo.
• Slugs, or ask me. PLEASE use #6 washers, not #8: It is safer for us and easier for you to make
• Marshmellows or other weirdness is fine
• No glue domes
Melee Rules
• NO barrel taps
• Pool Noodle, FBR/foam insulator, crappy dollar store melee, or ask me
• No un-covered Nerf swords, nothing with a stiff shaft/core/center, nothing wrapped in duct
• 15†lengths of pool noodle: JUST FINE!
Shield Rules
• Mantas, manta replicas, ANY Nerf or toy blaster shell split manta-style AND… ANY toy of ANY KIND cut up, hacked up, split up, I do not care as long as it is TOP MOUNTED on your blaster.
• ANYTHING you want to use: must be top-mounted. Test me on this, DO IT. This rule is unfuckwithable, I challenge you to prove me wrong.
More Shield Rules
• Medium-ish hand-held toy shields and a pistol
• Bigish hand-held toy shields and melee. Look for pics of Cranky Monkey from Cataclysm 2012, you’ll know what I mean.
• Big Ammo counts as a ‘hit’, not a shield breaker
• If you replaced the spring with anything other than another stock spring or the plunger tube with anything other than a different stock tube it is NOT a pistol. A SupaSplat and the like are NOT pistols.
• A physically small primary is not a pistol
• Bring water. I’d advise not pop, not red bull, not sugar loaded crap: water is best but do what you like.
• Sunscreen: highly advised.
• 200 lbs of blasters and other materials: unnecessary. Bring what you need to play, what you need to trade, and maybe some things to show off.
Edited by SonReeceSonJensen, 01 August 2013 - 09:05 PM.