- Used Duracel (or similar) AA batteries (2 per dummy)
- Tradewinds 3-Function Light and Laser Pen (or similar metal/plastic tube)
- Dremel (with cutoff wheel and sanding wheel)
- Soldering iron
- Solder + Flux
- Electrical tape
- 12 gauge (or similar) stranded copper wire
- Caliper (or ruler, or measuring tape)
- Hammer
- Pliers
- X-acto knife
- Sandpaper (220 or rougher)
- Nitrile gloves (highly recommended)
Very carefully peel the bottom plastic from the used AA battery and using the X-acto knife remove the bottom plate. You will need 2 bottom plates per each dummy AA you want to make.

Find a tube (metal or plastic) of similar battery diameter, to be used as the dummy's body. I used the bottom part of this Laser and LED pen just because I had a few of these laying around.
NOTE: If you have never used these, i would advise you to buy a few either online or at Walgreens (2x$5). They are very cheap, the circuitry is very straightforward and compact and include 3 batteries. This is what I add to my guns. Write up coming soon.

Only use the metal bottom part. Save the top part.

Straighten the AA plates using a hammer and whatever you have available.

Measure the thickness of the plates so that you know how long the body of the dummy needs to be.

Measure a real AA battery and write the dimensions. A quick calculation and now you know that the pen shell needs to be cut to ~49.96 mm.

Cut the shell of the pen slightly longer.

Carefully grind to correct length.

Remove the insulation from the tip of the pice of wire you will be using.

With the tip of the X-acto knife scratch the surface of the AA plates.

Add some solder to the plate.

Add solder to the tip of the stripped wire and proceed to solder both pieces together. Note that you should spread the copper wires in order to increase contact area.

Sand around the ends of the pen shell and proceed to solder it to the plate. Try not to leave any empty spaces.

Cut the exces wire (at the other side) to appropriate length and repeat previous steps.

Once done it should look like this.

Now grind the excess material until a "smooth" surface is obtained. Do this on both ends.

Once done, add a ball of solder to the top of one side. This will act as the tip on the positive side of the dummy.

Sand the excess solder from the positive tip, until the desired overall length is obtained.

Wrap with ET, and you're done!

I measured the resistance of the dummy and found it to be very small as expected. (This other guy at this other forum using other other materials obtained similar resistance values).

This is how it looks compared to a regular AA battery.

It fits perfectly.

Yes, you could probably buy the dummy batteries off the internet but it wouldn't be as fun. I have not been able to find the resistance value of a real AA dummy battery. If someone has measured it, please share the result as I would like to compare values.
Hope this helps!

EDIT: Fixed image links.
Edited by blacklion, 21 May 2013 - 12:08 PM.