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Marshmallow Popper Nerf Conversion W/ Inline Clip

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#1 BiwinningPanda



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Posted 28 August 2012 - 03:40 PM

Hello NerfHaven, today i will be providing a write-up for a blaster named the "Marshmallow Popper". I received it at a flea market for one dollar; the only price i would buy one for. The performance is decent but a Hamp is far more readily available and inexpensive. Anyways, onto the write-up:

Firstly, Gather your materials.
-1/2 CPVC (I have not yet tested barrel lengths, 6-8 inches would likely be sufficient)
- Your Marshmallow Popper
- Darts

Posted Image

Next, Fill up your "Marshmallow" tube with darts of choice. I used cut down Nerf streamlines in this case.

Posted Image

Finally, Push CPVC barrel of choice into front. It should fit snugly; roughly as tight as CPVC in PVC, but slightly looser. It will give you an airtight barrel seal.

Posted Image

There you go! Now you have a high-ROF, pump action blaster with a solid factory paintjob to top it off.

Edit: Another cool little thing I just remembered about this blaster is it features a check valve.

Edited by BiwinningPanda, 28 August 2012 - 03:52 PM.

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#2 hamoidar



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Posted 28 August 2012 - 05:18 PM

Nice! Seems pretty straight-forward. What are the ranges of the modified popper?
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#3 ShaNayNay



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Posted 28 August 2012 - 05:58 PM

This is interesting. So it's an internal RSCB? Well done. I converted a marshmallow shooter a while back, and my recommendation is putting a coupler at the very start of the internals rather than the front, so a long length of CPVC barrel can be used (should give you better ranges), or as it traditionally works (which I assume gives less range, but of course higher rate of fire).

And by the way, my RSCB'd marshmallow shooter with foot long dart tube works best I think with 8", so try that.

Edited by ShaNayNay, 28 August 2012 - 06:05 PM.

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'Daniel Beaver', on 08 Aug 2011 - 3:59 PM, said:

New Jersey is fuckin weird

#4 BiwinningPanda



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Posted 28 August 2012 - 06:08 PM

'hamoidar', on 28 Aug 2012 - 10:18 PM, said:

Nice! Seems pretty straight-forward. What are the ranges of the modified popper?

I'd say 50-60 ft. range.

'ShaNayNay', on 28 Aug 2012 - 10:58 PM, said:

This is interesting. So it's an internal RSCB? Well done. I converted a marshmallow shooter a while back, and my recommendation is putting a coupler at the very start of the internals rather than the front, so a long length of CPVC barrel can be used (should give you better ranges), or as it traditionally works (which I assume gives less range, but of course higher rate of fire).

And by the way, my RSCB'd marshmallow shooter with foot long dart tube works best I think with 8", so try that.

I never really tried different barrel lengths on this, but considering these marshmallow blasters have incredible air seals, it could really help. Also the tube inside the gun holds multiple darts, so I don't really see the point of a hopper.
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LT.DAN ICE CREAM!!!!!! In response to the Tribal Council: Someone break out the Michael Jackson popcorn gif, this shit just got interesting.

#5 ShaNayNay



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Posted 29 August 2012 - 04:49 PM

'BiwinningPanda', on 28 Aug 2012 - 11:08 PM, said:

I'd say 50-60 ft. range.

Also the tube inside the gun holds multiple darts, so I don't really see the point of a hopper.

Sorry, I wouldn't have mentioned it if I had known that this got 50-60' as is. That is really incredible. I thought that the inline clip would yield worse range than a traditional RSCB, so just disregard it. I also just remembered that 8" worked was ideal for my stefans, and didn't work too well for streamlines. If you fill it with some homemade darts with a smaller OD or density then streamline, be sure to use a barrel length between 8" and 12".
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'Daniel Beaver', on 08 Aug 2011 - 3:59 PM, said:

New Jersey is fuckin weird

#6 BiwinningPanda



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Posted 29 August 2012 - 05:12 PM

'ShaNayNay', on 29 Aug 2012 - 9:49 PM, said:

Sorry, I wouldn't have mentioned it if I had known that this got 50-60' as is. That is really incredible. I thought that the inline clip would yield worse range than a traditional RSCB, so just disregard it. I also just remembered that 8" worked was ideal for my stefans, and didn't work too well for streamlines. If you fill it with some homemade darts with a smaller OD or density then streamline, be sure to use a barrel length between 8" and 12".

Got it, thanks for the tips. They will really help anyone trying to do this.
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LT.DAN ICE CREAM!!!!!! In response to the Tribal Council: Someone break out the Michael Jackson popcorn gif, this shit just got interesting.

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