Delta Replacement Cam
1/2 PVC
1/2 CPVC
2X 1/4 Hex nuts
1/4X1-1/5 fender washer
super glue
hot glue
A delta cam faucet part is the main ingredient for this seal, and you can find them in the plumbing isle of the hardware store by the o-rings and other faucet parts.

We only actually need one part from the kit for the skirt which is this:

As for the steps of making it, it’s dead simple and really doesn't require step by step pictures.
1. cut a 1/4” long piece of 1/2 CPVC out
2. hammer a 1/4 hex nut inside the CPVC
3. hot glue in the tiny spaces between the nut and inner wall of the CPVC so air can’t escape through the tiny spaces
4. cut out a 5/16” piece of 1/2 PVC out
5. hammer your CPVC with the nut in it into the PVC piece
6. flip the skirt from the sink repair kit inside out, apply a ring of super glue around the PVC, stretch the skirt over the PVC and let dry
And finally, when you go to install on a plunger rod/head, you need a drill a 7/32” hole (don’t tap it for strongest hold) and screw a piece of 1/4 threaded rod into it (you’l need pliers to do so). Next you screw on your skirt seal assembly and then the 1/4X1-1/2 fender washer and finally another 1/4 hex nut.
Here are pictures of the finished product:
You can see where I applied the hot glue to seal those small cracks:

And here is how it should be installed on 1/4 threaded rod:

Edited by Scooter1, 30 July 2012 - 08:49 PM.