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NENO2- This Time, It's Personal!

CT Nerf War!

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#1 jackrabbit



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Posted 15 June 2012 - 02:43 PM

What- North Eastern Nerf Outing.....2!

When- July 22, 2012
10 AM-4:30 PM

Where- 88 East Hyerdale Drive Goshen, CT

Hello again, NerfHaven!
The original NENO was quite successful in reaching out to the nerfers in the Northeast, something that hadn't happened around here in a while. In the hopes of expanding our newly reformed community, we will be hosting multiple events this summer.
A local nerfer, Uranium234 has graciously provided the location; his house for this war.
There will be plenty of space to play and hide (an inprovement from last time) and Uranium may let us use his large workshop for modding.

What To Bring
-Lots of guns (At least a primary and pistol)
-Lots of darts (200+)
-A good attitude
-Things to trade/$$$ for trading (We do LOTS of it)
-Things to mod
-Maybe a mobstacle or two

General Rules/Restrictions
Honestly, we aren't too strict, but safety is a must.
-We all seem to like slug darts. Please, if you don't have any, get some before (or at) the war.
-Crazy high powered blasters are dumb. A lot of kids use hoppered Titans (Don't ask).
-If you don't wear glasses, consider bringing eye protection.
-Don't be a "I shot you first" or "I win, you lose" person. We are just trying to have fun.

Feel free to suggest gametypes and we will make a master schedule of games for the day. A lot of us seem to like Capture the flag and various forms of deathmatch, so expect quite a bit of that.

Last, but not least,


See you all the 22nd!

P.S Feel free to discuss game types, ask questions and tell us what you are looking for trading-wise in the comments of this thread or via a PM to me.

Edited by jackrabbit, 17 June 2012 - 10:36 AM.

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