Ever Chronographed your blasters?
Posted 18 March 2012 - 10:09 PM
Posted 18 March 2012 - 10:31 PM
- Typical muzzle velocities of many modified Nerf guns
- Muzzle velocity of a modified Titan
- Some tests I did in 2009 to determine the drag coefficient of a Slug dart (data is probably not good)
- Some tests I did in 2010 where I measured the parameters of the test gun very precisely in order to validate a computer model
- Some data comparing airgun trigger mods
- Some tests Beaver did to determine what parameters affect what
- Crossbow muzzle velocity
Edited by Doom, 20 March 2012 - 10:02 PM.
Posted 18 March 2012 - 10:39 PM
Some basic testing I did a while ago with a singled AT2K.
LS and Retaliator boltsleds are currently available at https://www.facebook.com/RoboM8/
Posted 19 March 2012 - 04:26 AM

Sample FPS measurement from an optimized Brass Breech Longshot w/ 14kg spring load:

Here are some more test results from a few modded blasters for reference: http://www.modworks.blogspot.com/2010/06/nerf-blaster-fps-chronograph-speed.html
Its been a while since i ran a series of tests on blasters... luckily i still have the shooting chrony, so i'll probably do another batch of tests with the newer blasters soon.

Nerf Mod Guides! >> http://www.modworks.blogspot.com
Posted 20 March 2012 - 10:40 PM
Data, for those who are interested.

The darts weigh 1.15g (standard slugs using #6 washers and MHA pink foam) I measured the barrel at 5'11" above ground. That probably varied between shots, but not by too much (I held it up against my cheek when I fired).
I also wrote down the weather from that afternoon:
27.4 °C
1016.1 hPa
68% Humidity
Edited by Daniel Beaver, 20 March 2012 - 10:57 PM.
Posted 21 March 2012 - 10:45 AM
How much did you guys spend on those chronographs? Does anyone know if the cheaper handheld chronos that you simply touch to the barrel of a paintball gun would work with nerf guns?
Posted 21 March 2012 - 02:04 PM
Those are usually radar guns, and not necessarily any cheaper. They do work, but might have issues measuring low velocities. The Chrono I use measures down to 30fps, good enough for even very weak nerf guns.Does anyone know if the cheaper handheld chronos that you simply touch to the barrel of a paintball gun would work with nerf guns?
Edited by Daniel Beaver, 21 March 2012 - 02:05 PM.
Posted 10 November 2012 - 06:08 PM
It's like $5 in electronics plus a computer.
Edited by shardbearer, 10 November 2012 - 06:09 PM.
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