Alright, thanks for the suggestions already and keep them coming. This list is what would be considered a recommendation and guidelines list. This doesn't mean you have to follow or agree with the list. If anyone sees anything in the list that should be moved to a different category or do not agree, don't flame, just leave a respectable comment stating why it should be changed. Again, thanks to everyone for these suggestions. I am not taking credit for this list. NerfHaven as a community may take credit.
Lab/Industrial/ANSI Z87.1 - Thanks for the additional help from Jlego. Basically, any rated by ANSI Z87.1 has been impact tested for industrial work/chem lab, which they use that rating system for their standard. "Nothing nerf will punch through those" - Swiftone1990
Airsoft Glasses - BB's can't penetrate, neither will a Stefan.
Nerf Dart Tag - With point blank 1/4in dome darts out of a rainbow by HasreadCoC, these will do just fine.
Paintball Goggles - If a paintball can withstand them, a Stefan shouldn't be any worries. Plus can come with anti-fog lenses.
Shooting Glasses - If they're made to protect from bullet shrapnel, or bullets, then what is a Nerf Dart going to to?
Would Work But May Not Be Too Practical:
Swimming Goggle - They work, but your peripheral vision is blocked.
Ski Goggles - Same as swimming (Thanks to Swiftone1990 for verification).
Standard Pair of Sunglasses - These will definitely work (as long as not glass), but use with CAUTION as sides may be exposed. Recommended to get a pair that wrap around the eyes.
Practicool (inspired by OneWingedAngel):
Sunglasses With Built In Camera - Same as regular sunglasses, but the cool feature of filming.
Welding Helmet - Intimidation factor will come into play, but may lack peripheral.
Face Shield - Seriously, if you use one of these you much be cool.
Mesh Face Shield - It may work, but because of the mesh it may not hold out too well. As well may lack peripheral.
Not Practical:
Prescription/Reading Glasses - Thanks to KaneTheMediocre for the better information. Prescription glasses may be safe as they're made out of a special poly-carbonate plastic, but some pairs may be too small to protect the eyes and may have the possibility to fall off (unless you have goggles over top them). Am I saying don't use these? No. Just fair warning for anyone who may want to and this is clearly at the hosts discretion for if your prescription glasses are protective enough or not.
Unprotected Eyes - ... I'll let Langely or someone cool make a funny comment about unprotected eyes.
Monocle - Seriously, it only covers one eye, and just barely.
Frameless Sunglasses - Probably worse than basic sunglasses as they may be easier to breakage because of lack of a frame structure.
3D Glasses - They maybe give a cool effect, but the effect may mess up your vision and the lenses may not be very durable. Also, probably doesn't cover fairly well.
Also given by Jlego, here is an external link for more information about protective eyeglases Lab Safety Supply
With a helpful tip from Daniel Beaver, if your eye protection tends to fog up, get anti-fogging spray or a drop of dish soap (I didn't even know that).
Is this list final? No. Is this a list that should be made standard? Not necessarily. Everyone has their own opinion. I see this as a guide for players who don't know what to get and want to check out what may work. Then they can venture out and get what they want for they feel is best suited.
Edited by MattTheSasquatch, 05 March 2012 - 05:21 PM.