Code Of Conduct
Posted 24 May 2004 - 01:54 AM
Posted 24 May 2004 - 02:21 AM
Posted 24 May 2004 - 04:16 AM
Posted 24 May 2004 - 05:49 AM
Posted 24 May 2004 - 11:05 AM
Posted 24 May 2004 - 01:35 PM
"Use capitalization and punctuation correctly"noo noo im not trying to fight or be disrespectful or anything
I don't know about someone who replies to a code of conduct post by violating one of the rules.
I think that the code is right on. C, you always give people a chance and don’t ban them right away, you give them a shot and I like that. If a user reads the code and then decides to ignore it then the problem is with them and not with the code. Posting at NerfHaven is a privilege granted on the condition that the code is followed, that much is pretty clear.
Posted 24 May 2004 - 02:41 PM
of NH, NHQ, NO, NC
Posted 24 May 2004 - 03:29 PM
— Lewis Black (concerning the 04 election results)
Posted 24 May 2004 - 06:37 PM
Case in point.noo noo im not trying to fight or be disrespectful or anything
If we changed it, we'd have plenty more where these came from.
The code of conduct freaking sucks. ahahah kick me off the board it'd be great fun. <later>
Shut the FUCK up, cock jockey.
yomullensup is about 5 times better than you. Hell, .:BlueIce:. probably is too. And that's not saying much in your favor. </edit>
Edited by Ice Nine, 24 May 2004 - 09:18 PM.
But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction
Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive
Rnbw Cln
Posted 24 May 2004 - 07:58 PM
Posted 24 May 2004 - 08:01 PM
now it burns. ok now my hands off. oh god now this is getting fricking crazy.
Posted 24 May 2004 - 08:02 PM
now it burns. ok now my hands off. oh god now this is getting fricking crazy.
Posted 24 May 2004 - 08:14 PM
Posted 24 May 2004 - 10:39 PM
1) For all of you who will use a computer when you work (or already do), using this site's forums is like having your typing skills (as far as grammer, spelling, etc.)continually improved. It's almost a way of making you "grow up."
2) The site looks more well-organized when most people type with correct grammer, and don't speak like idiots.
3) "Back in the day," when I used to be a gaming freak(OK, I still am), I used to build levels and that kind of stuff. When I set my rules, people followed them, or that was the end. Cx is awesome, and this is his site. Guess what that means? We follow his Code. Don't piss him off (*cough*flinch*cough*) on purpose, and if you do it by accident (that would be me), then quickly fix your mistakes.
I could think of a dozen more reasons, but right now I'm doing a biology paper...
However, it really begins to annoy me that every time I open up a post by a new member, a boat load of "not-so-new" members start ripping on him or her for grammer and other things. If I wanted to tell them to shape up, I'd answer his or her question, and mention briefly to read the Code of Conduct. If the member purposely continues to be an idiot, then begin flaming him/her.
P.S. By the way, what is .:BlueIce:.?
Posted 24 May 2004 - 10:54 PM
Posted 24 May 2004 - 11:34 PM
Posted 24 May 2004 - 11:57 PM
Your member account at NerfHaven has been temporarily suspended because it's time you were evolved out of online society.
Your account will not be functional until Oct 9 2031, 08:54 PM (depending on your timezone). This is an automated process and you do not need to do anything to expediate the unsuspension process.
Your member account at NerfHaven has been temporarily suspended because you are Flinch and we all know what a fucktard he is.
Your account will not be functional until Oct 9 2031, 08:56 PM (depending on your timezone). This is an automated process and you do not need to do anything to expediate the unsuspension process.
Posted 25 May 2004 - 12:40 AM
Posted 25 May 2004 - 12:49 AM
Just as a question, why is the "Null vote" button larger than the "Vote" button?
That just made my day.
Posted 25 May 2004 - 05:54 AM
Posted 25 May 2004 - 09:15 AM
Edited by 1/2 Newb 1/2 Nerfer, 25 May 2004 - 09:16 AM.
Posted 25 May 2004 - 11:51 AM
We have a winnah!I'd reckon because there's more words on the "Null Vote" button.
Posted 25 May 2004 - 12:03 PM
Your member account at NerfHaven has been temporarily suspended because it's time you were evolved out of online society.
Major ouch...Your account will not be functional until Oct 9 2031, 08:54 PM (depending on your timezone)....
You just made my day.spazkake,
Your member account at NerfHaven has been temporarily suspended because you are Flinch and we all know what a fucktard he is.
"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"
Posted 25 May 2004 - 05:51 PM
I say: if they make a dumb post, warn them. If they continue to do it, like our pal Flinch, you should be banned.
Posted 25 May 2004 - 07:00 PM
That stuff just makes my day... Anyways,flinch,
Your member account at NerfHaven has been temporarily suspended because it's time you were evolved out of online society.
Your account will not be functional until Oct 9 2031, 08:54 PM (depending on your timezone). This is an automated process and you do not need to do anything to expediate the unsuspension process.
See, the problem is that...look at all of the chances we've given this mullet guy. And he still doesn't learn. How many chances can you give somebody? How many posts does he have that he doesn't make any sense and hasn't made any effort to improve? This would be a nice case for "Ban Stupidity Outright."
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