The Magstrike is fed by a ten round Stripper clip that advances up as the gun shoots. The magstrike is powered by a air system, in when you pump to add air to the bladder, and then pull the trigger to release the air to make it move the piston, which launches the darts.
30 pumps: shoots full mag
10 pumps: 3 dart burst (my firing method)
3 pumps: one dart
Now the ranges are around 20-40 feet, more or less, depending on how hard the air comes out.
How to mod the magstrike:
Step 1: take the clip out of the gun.
Step 2: grab a drill or a hammer and a screwdriver
Step 3: drill/smash the crosshair looking things on the clips.
Step 4: clear the debris
Step 5: pwn noobs with this 25 foot increase.
My magstrike is black and red, with 2 backup mags. If you play CoD, It is like a PP90M1 with red camo. I call it the BloodStrike.
This is my part of the magstrike club. And I will be adding more. Put your critisism or comments in the box below. Thanks for reading my first huge post!

Round 2: The magstrike is often called the mag dumper.
It is very loud
(The stripper clip is a piece of plastic but it is shaped like a stripper clip from a M1 Garand.)
Member list:
The Mod Man
The members need to post on this and add tips and stuff.
Edited by Bulldozer, 26 February 2012 - 03:44 PM.