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The Mmno Summer War

A sequel perhaps?

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#1 Black Wrath

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Posted 17 May 2004 - 06:46 PM

Okay guys, this is it.

Me and Mike hinted at a summer war in our last topic, so long ago. This is going to become a reality.

Lately, we've been involved in music too much to bother with Nerf, Tony can vouch for that. Now, I miss Nerf, and I want to re-kindle my interest in the hobby. Now, I know you've noticed that I haven't been very active of late, I've been lurking around the forums due to lack of excitment.

So, the planning begins for a CFM MMNO Summer War. Me and Mike will be hosting as always, and now that we in the CFM really know eachother, we can all help out.

I've kept the flags we used last time, and some other things. Me and Mike were thinking about maybe allowing homemades to this war, on the condition that they go through inspection. We are hoping to keep the old format, but I have an idea.

Location change. Plain and simple, we loved the school we were at. No one was around, it was quiet, and it was big. Apart from the nice rain, it was a great day. Now, I go to a high school that has an acre atleast of field. I want to try it out. The school is bigger than the one we were at, and it has MANY hiding places. The school is more urban, and has trees and benches and tables. The big kicker is the enormous forest in the field which links the junior high to my school. The forest is amazing, and actually has a path and a very nice clearing that me and my buddies made so many years ago. The clearing would be perfect for lunch, storing stuff and all that. On top of all of this, we can actually climb the trees in there because they are actually living... something rare in our area. One minor detail is that there are houses around like last time, only there are more.

Now, after reading that paragraph you say, "Wow, this might be cool.". Okay, I'm hoping you said that. Anyways, this is it boys, shall we change the location a bit? It's merely 4 minutes away (driving) from the other school we were at... so not too drastic of a change.

About everything else... we want to keep it the same. It worked last time, so why not use what works? The fact that we have a cop in the group works to our advantage, so thanks for that (you know who you are). Now, a big thing is that we need more people. The seven we had was good for a first war, but we need a bigger roster. I can expand the CFM by 4 at least, because the friends that once told me I was wasting my time, now want me to mod them a few Maxshots. I have 4 friends in total that would definatly come to join the war for the entire day. So I ask if there could be some asking around by the rest of the CFM to their friends about the possibility of them joining us.

I like to think that the CFM is a pretty tight group, so I believe the parents will allow us to do this uncontested. I'm sure a war for the summer isn't too much to ask, and I'd love for this to be an every 3 months event. We could exclude winter if we wanted to, but with global warming and all... we can't count on winter showing up every year. Anyways, I want to hear from all of the CFM, even you, 1/2 n' 1/2!

Let's get down to it, whos up for the First Canadian War... 2?

Later guys, I hope you are as enthusiastic as I am about this!


Edited by Xx_Black-Wrath_xX, 17 May 2004 - 06:52 PM.

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Xx_Black-Wrath_xX of The Canadian Foam Militia

Not in the game anymore, but it was great while it lasted. Thanks for the great years of fun, NH!
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#2 Spectre2689



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Posted 17 May 2004 - 08:28 PM

Wow, hey look at that. There's a bunch of brown stuff all over the...oh! I just shat myself.

Anyways, yeah. The school in question is Meadowvale Secondary...or something like that. I've actually only ever seen it once, and that was on a school bus. But I'm sure it will be alright. The path and clearing sound like a nice addition. Looking forward to that.

This time, we'll go try to take pictures of the area so everybody has a basic understanding of what it looks like.

The last thing I'd like to say is...BRING YOUR FRIENDS! (Except Argen...please for the love of God, Allah, Buddha, and whatever else there is, do NOT bring Argen.) I'm going to try to get a couple people I know from my school to join in, so it should be fun.

Ciao...Nerf on!

[EDIT] (3 days later) Uhhh...guys? Anyone?

Edited by Spectre2689, 20 May 2004 - 09:37 PM.

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Spectre of the CFM

#3 blink 182

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Posted 20 May 2004 - 09:57 PM

(Comes back from changing pants…) summer war sounds good guys. Mmno is looking good at this point. The summer is going to be hot, and so will my guns. I just got a fully modded AT2k (complete with 4 brass barrels.) my max shot is now a Russian loser and don’t get me started on my sm750. Well enough on how shitty my guns were last year. (I know you remember my mess of hot glue max shot. WTF was that piece of shit. As into the change of location I’m not sure yet. From what you described the location sounds cool. It going to be kind of hard to take on that CTF in the forest. (Remembers pinning Ryan in the head with a sm1500.) As for the creepy fu**er Argen, he’s not coming. If he is Cam please pistol whip his ass with your L&L so then he will pay you 10$ for it. (* loads up a 45*.) The pictures of the school would be cool but hey is all fails then we could just drop back into the old school spot. Good old forest. (Remember the sm1500 pump, why was that there?) Well were going to Nerf at least once every 2 months. Even if it’s small. We just have to…

Kick Ass CFM
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#4 Nazgul Lord

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Posted 21 May 2004 - 03:43 PM

Cool stuff, i didnt read a thing because im busy, just posting to let you know ill be coming. Also im not bringin that piece of crap arjun. And the war can't be in july plz do it in august. ^_^

Im out now, so ill post back later tonight

Edited by Nazgul_Lord, 21 May 2004 - 03:46 PM.

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Nazgul Lord of the CFM

#5 UpGraD3



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Posted 21 May 2004 - 04:03 PM

Just a quick question about the last war you guys had. Are you going to put pictures up?
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#6 Nazgul Lord

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Posted 21 May 2004 - 06:14 PM

Unfortunately, due to it being our first war, my dad didn't want to risk somehting happening to his digicam so no pictures. Yes tony, i remeber that shot with the sm1500. I couldnt believe that hit him because i loaded the barrel with three darts and it randomly nailed ryan in the temple. And that pump we found in the forest, man so funny. Well i cant think of anything else to post other than ill be coming and that i need a map to. Also jon got a maxshot so i wont be sharing my guns, it seems i'll only be bringing him along this time. But for now, its time to bust out the rf20 boys (i need a name for it, maybe), heh heh heh, and my newly modded lnl. ^_^
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Nazgul Lord of the CFM

#7 Black Wrath

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Posted 21 May 2004 - 08:26 PM

Yeah, sorry Upgrade, no pictures. This war will definatly have some pictures of some good old fashioned Canadian gunfighting... god is it ever going to suck!

Anyways, I will try to get the pictures as soon as I can steal my mom's camera, and I get off my lazy ass and go to the school. As I said before, it's a very good location, with a soccer field in the middle of the forest. It would be perfect for a game I'm thinking of*.

Now, for maps, Mike can give you the appropriate MapQuest information once I give it to him. We are getting together next week to plan this war.

Um, time period is from end of July to early August. I will be gone all of July until the 20th, and I will be sleeping all of June anyways. Do I hear a good roar for an August war? Let's hope so.

*My game idea is one team stand in the soccer field, unable to move from the centre pitch circle. The other team stays on the fringes of the forest, trying to eat shit the others. Yes, losing because they are conceiled. I think it may be a good game to try.

Anyways... I can't wait to climb the trees, I'll take some arial photos.

Until next time, cya guys.
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Xx_Black-Wrath_xX of The Canadian Foam Militia

Not in the game anymore, but it was great while it lasted. Thanks for the great years of fun, NH!
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#8 Nazgul Lord

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Posted 22 May 2004 - 07:55 PM

BW make a ton of darts because im gonna buy some off you yet again! :lol:
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Nazgul Lord of the CFM

#9 Spectre2689



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Posted 22 May 2004 - 08:04 PM

(sigh) Looks like we're gonna be staying up until 2 in the morning on the day of the war making darts again. Ah well, was all in good fun.

Speaking of darts, Cam, go and get two of those huge rolls of FBR...I'll give you the money for one.

And can you hear a hooray for an August war? Why, you most certainly can. HUAH! Is everybody alright for early August? I'm going to be gone most of July (probably) and the last week of August. So, early August would probably be the best. I'm thinking the 7th or the 14th. How's that sound to everyone?

[EDIT] Just a small note, there is a good chance of there being some music this year. Once my iPod is fixed, I'm going to see what these little Koss speakers can do when I plug 'em in there.


I have 400 and counting. Uh yeah... well, I'm hoping to make 1000

Jesus Hank Christ.

Edited by Spectre2689, 22 May 2004 - 08:12 PM.

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Spectre of the CFM

#10 Black Wrath

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Posted 22 May 2004 - 08:06 PM

BW make a ton of darts because im gonna buy some off you yet again! :lol:

I have 400 and counting. Uh yeah... well, I'm hoping to make 1000. I'd be more than willing to sell for the 5$ per 50 was it? Anyways, so yes, I will be selling.

That's all I can think of for now... later guys.
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Xx_Black-Wrath_xX of The Canadian Foam Militia

Not in the game anymore, but it was great while it lasted. Thanks for the great years of fun, NH!
Resident "Spawn of Talio"

#11 Nazgul Lord

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Posted 22 May 2004 - 08:57 PM

Wow, 1000 darts, thats awesome. I'll prolly buy around 100 from you, heheh, this time arjun wont be there to steal any. :lol:
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Nazgul Lord of the CFM

#12 blink 182

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Posted 25 May 2004 - 08:08 PM

1000 darts… Jesus could not even make that amount. Well I guess you’re my new god. Now what am I going to do with this Britney Spears shrine. Shit!

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#13 Spectre2689



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Posted 26 May 2004 - 12:19 PM

Now what am I going to do with this Britney Spears shrine. Shit!

You can start by giving it to me. :P

Anyways, I checked out the area the other day, and I honestly have to say that I shit myself twice. The second time was when my friend tried to jump over this huge rock going down a hill and bailed out at the last second. Wet grass and stopped tires dont make for good conditions when you're heading towards a rock at 30 kp/h.

Anyways, there is a couple paths going through the forest that we could use as a border sort of thing that I have an idea for*. There's more than a few trees that you can climb up to get a good vantage point, or to film the war. And, there's a couple nice clearings in there too.

A couple things I'm worried about is the mosquitoes, but with enough Off! Skintastic we should be alright**. Another thing is people walking around down the paths and whatnot. A good way to counter this is if anyone sees a civilian walking down a path, say "Heads up, Nerf down." At this point, we would all stop moving, stand up, and aim your guns downwards.

* The idea I have is that one team will have to defend an objective with multiple breach points. Once the attacking team breaches the first line, the defending team has 15 seconds to run back to the next line and defend, and so on.

** I don't think the mosquitoes fall for that Off! shit anymore.

That is all. Nerf on.
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Spectre of the CFM

#14 Nazgul Lord

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Posted 26 May 2004 - 03:04 PM

Sounds like a cool area to nerf in. Btw how is the site coming along? :P
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Nazgul Lord of the CFM

#15 Black Wrath

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Posted 26 May 2004 - 06:28 PM

Sounds like a cool area to nerf in. Btw how is the site coming along? :P

Okay Mike, thanks for not telling me, you asshole.

Anyways, the fucking pictures are getting there, okay guys? I'll have them up by Friday, when I'm at Mike's house.

Blink, I want the Spears shrine.

Nazgul, the site is fine, ask Mike over Msn. No more about it! Plus, don't anger Cx with chatroom like conversations through posting... remember what happened last time. Let's keep the thread on topic/track with good posts.

Anyways, dart making will commence after exams, and like I said... second week of August is our target date.

Tell your friends... please tell your friends!

That is all biatches, Nerf On.

P.S. I'm sorta grounded for a week, I shouldn't be posting. Mike should take all questions... *NUDGE NUDGE*(Fag(I didn't mean it))
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Xx_Black-Wrath_xX of The Canadian Foam Militia

Not in the game anymore, but it was great while it lasted. Thanks for the great years of fun, NH!
Resident "Spawn of Talio"

#16 Nazgul Lord

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Posted 26 May 2004 - 07:41 PM

Alright back on topic. Second week of August would be the 14th if I'm correct. Also jon will be able to come again but this time he wont leave halfway during the war, and definately no arjun! :P
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Nazgul Lord of the CFM

#17 blink 182

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 07:04 AM

April 14th sounds good to me. I think I have my cousin from Italy at my house on the day but I’m sure my parents won’t mind that I skip a day.(He is staying for 3 weeks!) It would be cool if I could bring him along. Just to see what I’ve been up to lately. Hey when was our war last year. Was it not on the 14th of something??? Creepy?

I will sell the shrine for 65 yen and that my final. (Jokes jokes)
Ps. I learned dammit!
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#18 Half Newb Half Nerfer

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 09:59 AM


Who the hell is this jackass? Anyways, my moms like "tell them its a possibility" wich basically means no. I'm sure when my dad comes home he'll totally crush my hopes. My moms also making me ask if theres a liability waver or some shit like that. (This is so lame!) My dad will probibly say that its to far to drive. Actually, I just found out my uncle lives in Missuaga. So, I could take a bus there (On Friday)and stay with him. Then in the morning go to the war, then get bussed back home after the war. Well, thats probibly the only chance I have of going to the war. My mom ALSO wants to know If anyone there will have a cellphone. I also have some qestions...

1: What time does the war start

2: What time does it end

3: How many people will be there

4: Who The Hell is Arjun
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#19 Black Wrath

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 03:23 PM


Who the hell is this jackass? Anyways, my moms like "tell them its a possibility" wich basically means no. I'm sure when my dad comes home he'll totally crush my hopes. My moms also making me ask if theres a liability waver or some shit like that. (This is so lame!) My dad will probibly say that its to far to drive. Actually, I just found out my uncle lives in Missuaga. So, I could take a bus there (On Friday)and stay with him. Then in the morning go to the war, then get bussed back home after the war. Well, thats probibly the only chance I have of going to the war. My mom ALSO wants to know If anyone there will have a cellphone. I also have some qestions...

1: What time does the war start

2: What time does it end

3: How many people will be there

4: Who The Hell is Arjun

Oh my dear f-ing tap-dancing messiah.

A liability waver? Okay, hold up. No. It's play at your own risk, Nerf has always been that way. However, you can trust us to not be stupid like some of the sotries I've heard over the past. We play with glasses, like last time, it's our safety precaution. If your mom would like the CFM's letter to parents, ask for it.

Now, onto your supposed appearance. I would love for you to come and join us, the more the better. I think your public transit idea would work if your parents would let you. Tell me where abouts your uncle lives, and I can give you bus routes to get you to the war site (route 9 would be your best bet from Square One).

Mike and I have cell phones, don't worry about that. Like I said, that letter to parents is getting awful lonely on my harddrive.


1) 11:30 am August 14th 2004. Rain or shine. Shine will probably be what the weather is like... you never know with Southern Ontario though.

2) 4:30 pm August 14th 2004. This may depend on when parents arrive at the war location. We may decide to play longer, we may decide to call it a day early. We don't know yet.

3) So far, 9, and if you attend, that would make 10. If Blink brings his cousin, that would make 11. This will be a great war, and we're definatly going to have a bigger roster this time.

4) Arjun is a kid that Jeeves brought along to MMNO. Big mistake. Not only was the kid a lying cheat, his was just plain annoying. He wasn't willing to do anything, and didn't really want to Nerf. Why are you bringing back these memories? Anyways, after all of that, he stole some darts from me, but I let him off because he paid me extra before the war. Then, all he could think about was buying my Ln'L for 10$. I don't think so. He was so fixated on it that I told him not to come back.

I hope that is a good enough explanation for you!

Blink, I think it would be awsome for your cousin to come along, the more warriors, the better it will be. Now, I still have your flags and such, as well as your team arm bands. I think we will be using them this time guys, alright?

P.S. I'll put down 90 Yen on the Britney Shrine.

To all you people, if you already have friends interested, let me know about it. Ryan will be there again, with his Mshot, and will be playing. Mike may bring along Nick, a friend who is also interested. Also possibly attending is Vince. Vince was going to come last time, but had a conflict in his timetable and couldn't make it. I may bring Lukas and Mark along too, I've yet to decide.

With all of that said... my hands hurt. Yeah.

Okay, I can't think of anything very important right now, other than keep suggestions/questions coming. I will have more information later on, when it's needed. If you go back to the old thread, you'll see that we're doing things much the same, so new questions may have old answers.

Thank you and good night.
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Xx_Black-Wrath_xX of The Canadian Foam Militia

Not in the game anymore, but it was great while it lasted. Thanks for the great years of fun, NH!
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#20 Half Newb Half Nerfer

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Posted 28 May 2004 - 06:31 PM

1: I would like the CFM letter to parents.

2: Theres A 60% chance of me coming.

3: I probibly suck at Nerfing since I barely ever have.

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#21 Nazgul Lord

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Posted 28 May 2004 - 06:54 PM

I might need that letter also, I think I deleted it. Also if you guys need a camera to take some pics, my dad will let me this time. " I probably suck at nerfing since I barely ever have," does not make sense. But I see what you mean. :lol:
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Nazgul Lord of the CFM

#22 Black Wrath

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Posted 28 May 2004 - 11:51 PM

1: I would like the CFM letter to parents.

2: Theres A 60% chance of me coming.

3: I probibly suck at Nerfing since I barely ever have.



1) Mike has the letter hiding among his 15 gigs of explicitly illegal adult material. I don't.

2) 60% is nearly 2/3! I like this notion very much. Sounds good... just keep begging.

3) We don't care. We all suck from time to time... it's when you suck that counts.


Jeevie, the camera sounds good. I may bring my own. Um, about the letter to parents... refer to figure 1).

That is all.
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Xx_Black-Wrath_xX of The Canadian Foam Militia

Not in the game anymore, but it was great while it lasted. Thanks for the great years of fun, NH!
Resident "Spawn of Talio"

#23 Half Newb Half Nerfer

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Posted 29 May 2004 - 09:17 PM

Thanks, thanks.

Um, This may be a littile off topic but, I want some guns and wondered If anyone coming to the war has them. (So I can pick them up at the war.) So, I'll post them.
Sharp Shooter 2
Nite Finder
Lock 'n' Load
Extra Powerclip Clips

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#24 Black Wrath

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Posted 30 May 2004 - 01:57 PM

Yeahh, very off topic.

I can't get you any of those guns, although I have most of them. I can get them for myself from my loving friends, but not for you man, I'm sorry. Plus, they demand outrageous prices.

On to the topic at hand.

So the war date has nearly been set. My parents agree with it all, Blink's mom said yes, Mike's mom said yes, and thats all we know so far. The pictures of the place will arrive late... thanks to my boundless pile of CGC 1D0 homework. Gotta love exam times... it's when the teachers realize they forgot a week's worth of lessons that will definatly be on the exam, and they try to jam it into you in the form of 6 hours of homework.

I love school.
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Xx_Black-Wrath_xX of The Canadian Foam Militia

Not in the game anymore, but it was great while it lasted. Thanks for the great years of fun, NH!
Resident "Spawn of Talio"

#25 Nazgul Lord

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Posted 30 May 2004 - 03:39 PM

Alright, ill have to ask my parents on the date. Stupid summer school, and gay civics careers course is keepin me busy in july. :P
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Nazgul Lord of the CFM

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