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Another Vancouver Nerf War?


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#51 Hunter



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Posted 15 June 2004 - 05:58 PM

Can't you bring all the people that came last time? Atleast try for a few people. Your brother can come, does he have any Nerfing buddies?
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#52 Hunter



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Posted 17 June 2004 - 09:15 PM


On Friday I will be calling those who came to the last VANS to confirm times/guests/ect. I need to know who will be leaving early and who will be comming late. I also need a confirmed number of guests from each of you and your groups.

I hope to see you all there on Saturday at 10 am.

Newsletter (Compliments of the MMNO guys)

We can also figure out this Clan thing.... That would be cool.

Mike: If I don't get a hold of you tomorrow, I need you to post this information. How many guests? Do you need to leave early? Are you picking up Cadmond? What is happening with the clan website? I asked you some of this stuff before and u didn't get back to me.

Nello, Jappo, and Lord Dis are going to come at 12. Try to come as early as possible. I don't know why you're all late, but don't come too late. Come for lunch. There will still be quite a few of us to try some smaller games, mod, show off guns, talk, trade ideas, other sorts of stuff, before lunch.

Please note I am bring flagging tape, flags, boxes, pop (about 1 for everyone) some small snacks.

By the way, my Brass modded Blastfire isn't working. Maybe I could get a hand with it. I'll bring some basic modding stuff, including a car plug-in which converts it to an outlet (for the Dremel). I saw your mod, Mike. Beautiful. But, one question. Where are those guns that are on your website but you never brought to the last VANS? ie. Crossbow, Splitshot, RF20, and you mentioned something about a WF.....

Just remember
-Arsenal, Weaponry, and Ammunition
-10am at the top of the park
-over at 4
-have a good, positive attitude

Edited by Hunter, 17 June 2004 - 09:27 PM.

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#53 Zero Talent

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Posted 18 June 2004 - 12:31 AM

Mike: If I don't get a hold of you tomorrow, I need you to post this information. How many guests? Do you need to leave early? Are you picking up Cadmond? What is happening with the clan website? I asked you some of this stuff before and u didn't get back to me.

Sorry to take so long to get back to you on this Hunter, I've lost track of time in the past week. Still feels like Monday. I had two that were going to go, but ditched out for other appointments. I admit I only rallied this around the beginning of last week, however, so this is probably to be expected. My sincerest apologies, as this war will probably have fewer participants than last.

I'm not sure where Cadmond stands, the last time I chatted with him he noted that his mother was dubious as to the trip, which is regrettable. I would think he would have alerted us by now if such a decision had been made, though.

I'll need to leave around 16:00 to be back in time to set up for the commencement speech, but from the times you noted that shouldn't be terribly early. I should be at the park about 30 minutes or so early, with or without Cadmond.

The website is in limbo, and you can feel free to design whatever you would like. Thus far I'm struggling with trying to remember how to incorporate proper backgrounds with Cascading Style Sheets, because I haven't made a website in over a year. I would suggest you start making some of the content, though, if you wish. I'm setting it up to the original specifications, where there will be sections regarding:

Upcoming Wars:
Pretty much everything Hunter has posted in times past, with links on where it is, how to get there, and anything else of note.

The Clan:
All locals get a reference, which they can fill out with profile information regarding Name, S/N, general location, active arsenal, links to any guns they have up for barter, links to NHQ/NH profiles if desired, Personal site links, the occasional off-topic site link, a picture, and anything else anybody feels is necessary for this section. Bandwidth isn't much of a problem, so we could even have small pictures for every gun in our arsenals, if we want.

General description, with a pictorial tour, of the different locations we have games at. So far, this will be filled out with the whopping addition of ONE location, that being Carisbrooke. Should detail where it is, its usual uses, and any other useful information. Maybe even a topographical map for the dorks.

War Log:
Roll call, highlights, pictures, stories, the whole shindig.

Missing in Action. Or just missing action. We list their names/avatars, and a name they can contact to get involved with the next war. This is a place for anybody who we've tried to contact regarding the war, but have failed. Essentially any Nerf who has ever lived near Vancouver. Examples would include Stefan, Gaebo, Felspar (I believe).

Local Dealers:
Updated by anybody who has stopped by a store and browsed the Toy Section, whether personally or through one of the [hopefully] many webmasters. Includes the name of the store, address/location, the types of blasters and price, and the date updated. No information is too sketchy in the mad search for Nerf blasters!

For Sale:
If anybody has blasters up for sale or trade, throw them in here, with a description, price, and hopefully a picture. Updated as webmasters recieve the information.

Thanks to...:
Includes a word of gratitude to anybody who has helped out with the wars, whether through driving, foodstuffs, photography, or contribution to the progress of VANS.

Reel simple. Anybody who wants their profile on the site, write it up yourself in this fashion:

Name: Mike
Avatars: Zero Talent, Zero, Mike, RegressiveDreamer
General Descript: UBC Student going into second year Mechanical Engineering in the fall. I'm a big fan of airguns, programming, the bass guitar, ska and rock music, and generally anything constructive.
Working Arsenal:
SS2 [1/2" PVC+Crayola]
Crossbow [1/2" PVC, Partially homemade]
2x Lock 'n Load [1/2" PVC, Partially homemade]
Blastfire [CPVC Barrels]
Wildfire [Dual-tank, Clip load]
Nite Finder [1/2" PVC+Crayola PPK mod]
Max Shot [1/2" CPVC mod]
Garden hose handle homemade
Profile Links: NH, NHQ.
Website: N/A, as far as I'm concerned.
Personal links: Air-power

The general idea is that this site is not mine, it's open to any of the regulars who know how to [or are interested in learning] FTP and write HTML/CSS. So Hunter, I welcome you to work on whatever you'd like, we can always change the site format to whatever ideas and work you've done.

Edited by Zero Talent, 18 June 2004 - 01:01 AM.

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"'Revere me as hot! All others are not! THIS, I COMMAND!'"
- Death

#54 Hunter



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Posted 18 June 2004 - 10:55 AM

I am very disapointed in the lack of guests this time around. Depending on Nello and Jappo, we may have less people than last time. Zero, do whatever you can to contact Cadmond, we need all we can get. Because Jappo and Nello and Lord Dis may be comming late to the war, it will be just a few of us to start out. I will be at Carisbrooke at 10, at the top of the park. North Van guys, just come ASAP.

To address the issue of having a bit of extra time in the morning, we can do the following:
Show off guns/mods
Have small games (be around 5 or 6 people, I guess)
Twidle our thumbs

Remember, guys. Even if there are a few less people than last time, we will still have fun. I'm trying to get another friend into Nerf, so I will be keeping the numbers up, hopefully. I need some... recruiting to start, so to speak. It sounds stupid, but it's a fact. Last war, Jappo and Nello's group was the biggest, and by far, most impressive. I think we should make it an inter-clan thing. What area can bring the most people who are avid Nerfers? Schweet.

Zero, 16:00 is when it will end anyways. I think we should be close to tired then, if your not already tending to your wounds from my Brass Max Shot. :D

Please post any last minute changes, cancellations, or confirmations today. I will be checking the board every few hours due to the fact I'm off school and I have alot of work to do before VANS. I still need to mod some guns, make more darts, buy flagging tape, bring pop and snacks, pick up some big boxes, shoot myself... you know.

I need all attendees to try to think of some good Nerf games. I had a list last time, which has been misplaced. Due to my schedule today, I wont have time to make a new one. Just think of some good games, some classic and some original.

The VANS pictures should be up soon. It's out of my hands now so we can only really wait. Cx must be busy. If you have a good digital camera, please bring it to the war. We will try to collect war pictures, profile pictures, arsenal picutes, ect for the website.

The website....
I can get alot of info together, and will be doing that for the majority of the day. I only know HTML, so nothing I make would be, how do you say it.... tres beau? I can definitely try, I need to run by my parents about the whole makin-a-website thing. If I start messing it up, I could get Zero to help a bit with the start up. We'll talk about it tomorrow. I would be glad to run it/update it, though. I really just need a nice, original layout.

Well, I'm off to do stuff. I will try to call some of you today. My phone number on request of PM. I should answer within 2 hours. That is how long my day will be.

Have a great day getting things ready for tomorrow, sleep lots, and imagine yourself getting hit with Stefans left and right.

Oh, Mike. I'll bring my Brassed Max Shot. If I have extra time today, I'll make you a pair of Nerf Nun-chucks.

Fun fact: For a 100% chance of blocking a Nerf dart fired from a brassed Max Shot, with an 80cm long pair of Nerf nunchukas, one would have to spin one end at 762.0Hz. The tip would be moving at Mach 6.95.

Please note, all attendees must read the Newsletter (compliments of the MMNO guys)

It will be a warm one, dress appropriately.

Edited by Hunter, 18 June 2004 - 04:59 PM.

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#55 Zero Talent

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Posted 18 June 2004 - 07:58 PM

No need, I've had a pair of foamed nunchukas since I was a wee boy... Why do you think I posed the initial question? Besides, if I could spin the thing at 762.0Hz, I'd be less of a geek and more of a God... Like Thor or something. ;)

As to the website, I'm not sure what kind of website you're thinking... I figured that for our relatively small group, a shared FTP access webhost would work just fine, with no need for any database support. I just don't see much use in a forum or such server-side nick-knacks when NH works perfectly well for our use. It takes less than five minutes to update a site, so I can't see information bottlenecking anywhere based on a simple system of E-mailing the webmaster[s]. The way you speak of it, it sounds like you want to provide the server and everything yourself... Which would be a good exercise for you, certainly, but not really necessary.

Now, the regrettable news... I asked Cadmond to post here, but apparently he didn't bother... He's not coming. This was a business trip for his mother that apparently became unnecessary as the day approached, and I think we all know how exciting Vancouver is otherwise, so he's stuck back in Seattle.

That puts us at.. What? 8 people?

But small games can still be fun, I say. I doubt there will be twiddleage of thumbs at any point tomorrow. At least not for me... I'll actually need to clear out at 17:00, in order to show up early for my speech tomorrow. I couldn't get a hold of the organizer of the event today, and he hasn't OK'ed the latest incarnation of my speech, nor has contacted me regarding it, so I suspect I'll need to be early in case of revisions, clashes, and asinine throwing of large, heavy objects.

Increasing the number of attendees would definitely help, but I'm fully willing to show up for an eight-person war, and any games in the future.

Oh, and while I'm here, I should mention that I'm going to be selling a New In Box Nite Finder, imported from Scorching California. If anybody wants it, the going rate is about $8CDN. I may also be interested in trading for an automatic or other spring pistol, if you feel like parting.

Edited by Zero Talent, 18 June 2004 - 08:57 PM.

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#56 Hunter



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Posted 19 June 2004 - 05:52 PM

VANS was great!

Unfortunately, the attendance was... sub-par. I am disapointed of those who cancelled within the last week, leaving the attendence a bit short. Even more so to those who said they would make it and decided not to even bother comming. Oh well for you.

It was fun, even with the smaller number of people. Played so Base Raid, CTF, Team Deathmatch, ect.

Next VANS will probably be a Saturday in late August. We are looking at a new location, a wearhouse in Port Coquitlam. We have access to this location on weekends (sorry again, Stefan). There are plenty of boxes to set up, cover will be great, and so will objective missions (ie. Hostage, Bomb, Raid, ect).

Please note: The next VANS may be an Invitational, due to the lack of dedication shown by some of you lately. All I can say is....

I'll keep you updated on the next one.

Thanks a ton, Nello, Zero, Turtle, and ~~steelsoul~~.

Attending to my welts,
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#57 Nello



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Posted 19 June 2004 - 06:03 PM

VANS was fun, even though we only had 6 people there. I finally sold off some of my PETG and picked up a NightFinder. If we're thinking of a war on Saturday in late August I can only do the 28th. I'm on holidays from the 6th to the 14th, and my family is moving on the 21st and 22nd. My brother would have to book that day off from work within the next few weeks, so if we could finalize a date within 2 weeks he could come. I had fun at VANS today and we will hopefully have more people at the next one.
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#58 Zero Talent

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Posted 19 June 2004 - 06:43 PM

My lip hurts. Damn your 750 headshots!

I'll see what I can do about getting those two automatics up and running, and fixing up that sad, decrepit Blastfire.

Thanks to those who came out, and to those who didn't... Well, I'd still welcome you to next war. Hunter just gets bitter, you know... :P

We need to hold a war which Stefan can attend. Simple as that. It's summer, after all, and I'm sure not all of you have 9 to 5 weekday jobs... If you do, share the wealth. ^_^
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"'Revere me as hot! All others are not! THIS, I COMMAND!'"
- Death

#59 Hunter



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Posted 19 June 2004 - 06:53 PM

The problem is, if it isn't a weekend the wearhouse will not be available to us.

For now, everyone please check your calendars for the 28th. Please post your availability.
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#60 Stefan



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Posted 19 June 2004 - 11:39 PM

Well, barring any disasters (ie. I'm not qualified for anything), I ought to be out of the pet store dregs and working a real 9-5er. Should free up weekends soon, though I'm not looking very hard until August...

I'd be coming alone anyhow.. Any friends who I could sucker into coming would just sit and sulk and insist they're too cool.

Seeing as how I've got 90% mega/arrow weps, I might have to get around to making some mega->micro adapters before then.
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#61 Raiden



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Posted 19 June 2004 - 11:47 PM

I really wish I could have made it to VANS, and I am sorry for only being able to give you a week or two notice that I couldnt make it hunter, however if we could finalize a date as much as possible before the next acctually VANS I should be able to schedule the time off, I need to give my manager 4 weeks notics ^_^ .
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#62 Turtle



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Posted 20 June 2004 - 02:17 PM

Hey guys!!
Vans was aswome i has so much fun. I only came home with a few welts on leg. Feel sorry for Zero, that really must of hurt, being shot in the lip. :P

anyways, i am as of now free on the 28th. i have vacation in early August but so far nothing in the later times of the month.

The warehouse will be so much fun! (ive been there myself). Nice and big, lots of cover (as what Hunter already said) i agree that it is a great idea. I think that a nice change of location will be good.

Turtle out! :D
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They rock,
They are funny,
And they are just plain cool
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#63 Zero Talent

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Posted 20 June 2004 - 02:33 PM

I'd be coming alone anyhow.. Any friends who I could sucker into coming would just sit and sulk and insist they're too cool.

I know that only too well. I almost suckered one into coming out, but he bailed ("his students' recital") a few days before the war.
One more target for us to repeatedly miss is always welcome!
Speaking of which, better work on that accuracy...

Appendage: My mech practicum starts August 30th, so I should already be in Vancouver by the 28th, with all due hope. Which should mean attending will be a breeze... A really long, public transit-enabled breeze.

Edited by Zero Talent, 20 June 2004 - 02:44 PM.

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"'Revere me as hot! All others are not! THIS, I COMMAND!'"
- Death

#64 Hunter



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Posted 20 June 2004 - 03:18 PM

Please refer to the new thread, Vancouver Area Nerf Series 3.
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