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Please Stop the Insanity

It's like Endless September all over again...

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#1 taerKitty



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Posted 22 October 2011 - 08:12 PM

Can we close registration again? Even if we gate the FNGs to only one or two posts a day, that's still one or two dead brain cells. Multiply it by the number of n00bs, and... well you get the picture. Could we turn on the 'karma' feature so we can vote their dumbass threads into oblivion? Or maybe give them a kiddie pool to wade in. Something, please!
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#2 Ice Nine

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Posted 22 October 2011 - 09:08 PM

'taerKitty', on 23 Oct 2011 - 01:12 AM, said:

Can we close registration again? Even if we gate the FNGs to only one or two posts a day, that's still one or two dead brain cells. Multiply it by the number of n00bs, and... well you get the picture. Could we turn on the 'karma' feature so we can vote their dumbass threads into oblivion? Or maybe give them a kiddie pool to wade in. Something, please!


Ban everyone who joined 8 July 2008 or later! They're the worst.

Oh, you think I wasted my thousandth post, huh?

Here's the celebratory music. Everyone, turn your headphones all the way up, because this shit is Japanese.


Edited by Ice Nine, 22 October 2011 - 09:35 PM.

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#3 Jilliop



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Posted 22 October 2011 - 10:05 PM

I resent that. I rarely post, and have yet to really contribute, but I'm not a nuisance by any means. It's just that since we opened registration all the way up, everyone with the title FNG lacks grammar, and not only that, but they hardly contribute anything. There are indeed FNGs who have posted more than me, and I've been a member for about 4 or 5 months.
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#4 238232



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Posted 22 October 2011 - 10:21 PM

I'd lean more towards what Jilliop has said, but here's my 2c:

'taerKitty', on 23 Oct 2011 - 01:12 AM, said:

Or maybe give them a kiddie pool to wade in. Something, please!

This may be something to consider, one of the Aussie forums has had some success in devoting an entire section to relatively noobish questions, which has at the very least stopped most of such stuff from being posted in the other sections. Those who are in a helpful mood can stick their heads in there, those who don't can ignore it.

That said, as a still very new guy, the above is worth about as much as you paid for it.
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#5 gehaga



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Posted 22 October 2011 - 10:23 PM

I agree with with taerkitty. These FNG's are annoying. I may technically be an FNG but I've been lurking this site for 3 years now and I can assure you that I am not part of the cancer.
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'Draconis', on 16 Jun 2012 - 12:10 AM, said:

Send me a PM with your address, credit card info, a scandalous picture of your mother, and your social security number. Okay, I'm kidding about the social. And the credit card.

#6 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 23 October 2011 - 02:33 AM

'Ice Nine', on 23 Oct 2011 - 02:08 AM, said:

Ban everyone who joined 8 July 2008 or later! They're the worst.

Don't you love me anymore?

But in all seriousness... this is the inevitable fate of all online communities, but I would argue that it is beneficial in the long run. There is a confirmation bias in effect when we reminisce about the good old days when all the fucking new guys weren't here. The problem is that (in our minds) we are comparing the known contributions of older member to the unknown future contributions of new members. It is easy to simply dismiss them, to insist that they will never amount to anything. But noobs don't stay noobs forever.

Edited by Daniel Beaver, 23 October 2011 - 02:36 AM.

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#7 Uranium234



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Posted 23 October 2011 - 07:43 AM

F*ck you ass hole I can mod as good as any of you because I was nerfing for 4 years then I became a member so none of this Sh*t would happen!!!!!

:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Piss me of much

#8 DudeRadster



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Posted 23 October 2011 - 08:01 AM

I'm a FNG but I've been lurking this site for well over a year. Something that comes to my mind when I think about this "Insanity" is to make FNG's make one post per week and make them have a total log-in time before they can even start doing that. Also, you could just expand the administration team.
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#9 taerKitty



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Posted 23 October 2011 - 09:05 AM

'Uranium234', on 23 Oct 2011 - 12:43 PM, said:

Piss me of much

Stop making it so easy.


Seriously, if you post in correct English (capitalization, spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.), and your posts have substance (something new as opposed to "Hai, gaiz! I shoved a crayola into my NF and it shoots 75' angled!") then you're not dragging down the site.

But, so many posts seem lacking even these basic requirements.

Another thought might be to prevent FNGs from starting new threads. So many new threads from new names are abysmal. That still doesn't prevent them from necro'ing, posting a one-line text-only message in the Mod/PJ thread, or failing to search.
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#10 spencerak



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Posted 23 October 2011 - 09:07 AM

I too agree with taerkitty, FNGs are very annoying, but there are a handful of them who aren't illiterate dumb asses such as DudeRadster. Maybe the admins, if they had the time, could make a sort of code of conduct quiz that you need to take before you can become a member.

Edited by spencerak, 23 October 2011 - 09:07 AM.

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'Langley', on 31 Mar 2013 - 3:41 PM, said:

Holy shit it's Captain Slug.

#11 CuppaSteve



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Posted 23 October 2011 - 09:13 AM

Earlier the FNG's had a rating bar on their posts that nobody used and seemingly had no use other than as a review tool, or at least it looked that way. The Admins could put that back in, and if a post gets rated down "x" number of times then they could automatically get a week off and the thread gets deleted/locked. That way, the ones with actual sense don't get knocked off and the n00bs go away.

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#12 evilbunnyo



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Posted 23 October 2011 - 09:18 AM

'taerKitty', on 23 Oct 2011 - 2:05 PM, said:

Stop making it so easy.

Don't be too harsh on him taer he's only 12.
Anyways I agree the FNG's are becoming a problem. However mass banning and just complete shut down of the system isn't the way to go. The post count per day would be a good way to start. In every bunch of grapes there's always a couple ones bigger and better than the rest and a couple that shrivel up and become tartar. Vacc and Langley have been doing a good job handling the bad ones and for that they deserve a round of applause. If any of us ran this site there wouldn't be many people on here. The real issue with tbhe FNG's is not that they are young and stupid but that they don't pay any fucking attention when Vacc shuts down a thread and says the exact reason why. That would help everyone.

Rants over. Here's to none of us getting banned.

I forgot all about taers kiddy pool idea.
I think we could have a new sub forum made where FNG's can only post. After they post a certain amount in there then the admins could review and see if they are worthy of becoming members. This way we root out the stupids without putting them in the main flow of things.

Edited by evilbunnyo, 23 October 2011 - 09:23 AM.

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#13 foamkiller28



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Posted 23 October 2011 - 10:19 AM

That is a really good idea having a separate forum for the FNGs. I know I am one but I have been on NRev for quite some time so I know what I am doing. Also to answer a lot of your questions and what not about the post count for a day, it is a maximum of 2 posts a day for an FNG. I have to agree with you spencerak that a COC quiz would be best to pick out the retarded FNGs who can't read or write.
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#14 SlightlySane813



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Posted 23 October 2011 - 11:03 AM

I have to say I'm in the middle here because I've seen FNG with brains and without (even though I've seen more without lately).

Maybe a simple couple of questions could be given to determine basic brian ability. This would filter all FNG with brains out from all the other FNG. Just an idea for thought.
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#15 Aeromech



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Posted 23 October 2011 - 12:10 PM

TaerKitty: I feel your pain undoubtedly. I lurked this site for three years before joining, and I think you certainly have a point.

From my experience in lurking this site, however, I understand that these radical suggestions are not ours to make. Vacc or Talio once stated that this site is governed in a totalitarian manner; it is different from other free for all sites. If this is what they want to do that is not something we lose our heads about. Keep reporting the bad threads and let the admins deal with the garbage.

Someone on this post also stated that they are only 12. That is not an excuse. Regardless of your age, these simple rules must be followed. End of story.
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Birch, on 01 Nov 2015 - 1:51 PM, said:

This is so ghetto but so awesome.

#16 Wickbuddy



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Posted 23 October 2011 - 12:36 PM

'CuppaSteve', on 23 Oct 2011 - 2:13 PM, said:

Earlier the FNG's had a rating bar on their posts that nobody used and seemingly had no use other than as a review tool, or at least it looked that way. The Admins could put that back in, and if a post gets rated down "x" number of times then they could automatically get a week off and the thread gets deleted/locked. That way, the ones with actual sense don't get knocked off and the n00bs go away.


I like this. I was a FNG not to long ago (but I was on nrev before, so I knew what I was doing.) But I like the the idea of FNG's sort of leveling up. and once they get a good enough rating they could become a regular member. I also like this because I have seen some FNG's who are pretty good like posting mod guides, or starting interesting topics. Then there are some who ask how to prime a stampede.
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#17 Wickbuddy



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Posted 23 October 2011 - 01:01 PM

sorry for sort of double posting, but here is a example of a good post: good post
Here is a bad post: bad post They should have posted it in trading was their first mistake. 2nd no capitalization, and 3rd he doesn't show any of his work for people to even conisder, which how do I know he is not going to just take your money.
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#18 Uranium234



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Posted 23 October 2011 - 03:07 PM

'taerKitty', on 23 Oct 2011 - 2:05 PM, said:

Stop making it so easy.


Seriously, if you post in correct English (capitalization, spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.), and your posts have substance (something new as opposed to "Hai, gaiz! I shoved a crayola into my NF and it shoots 75' angled!") then you're not dragging down the site.

But, so many posts seem lacking even these basic requirements.

Another thought might be to prevent FNGs from starting new threads. So many new threads from new names are abysmal. That still doesn't prevent them from necro'ing, posting a one-line text-only message in the Mod/PJ thread, or failing to search.

NO man I made a very clean NF with homemade Internals that shoots 80-90 ft. flat with 1.5 inch FBR +#8 washer and hot glue dome. Kind of like this but cleaner by far and a 1/2 PVC coupler and a 100% seal.


Also I bet you would would cut a NF in half and say it shoots 1000000000 ft.

Edited by Uranium234, 23 October 2011 - 03:12 PM.

#19 shardbearer



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Posted 23 October 2011 - 03:12 PM

Kiddie pool's a great idea.
FNGs can only post in the kiddie pool, still restricted to 2 posts/day.
After ~10 posts, admin evaluates them, and if they're good they're a full member, if not, they stay in the kiddie pool.
And maybe, instead of suspending people, just make them a FNG again.
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#20 iDrag0m1r



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Posted 23 October 2011 - 03:23 PM

'Aeromech', on 23 Oct 2011 - 5:10 PM, said:

Someone on this post also stated that they are only 12. That is not an excuse. Regardless of your age, these simple rules must be followed. End of story.

Regardless of age? It's illegal to even JOIN a fourm if you're under 13. This kid should get a ban until he hits 13.

'shardbearer', on 23 Oct 2011 - 8:12 PM, said:

Kiddie pool's a great idea.
FNGs can only post in the kiddie pool, still restricted to 2 posts/day.
After ~10 posts, admin evaluates them, and if they're good they're a full member, if not, they stay in the kiddie pool.
And maybe, instead of suspending people, just make them a FNG again.

The problem is, our mods don't have the time or ethic to make a system like this and run it.

I'd have to go with Ice Nine on this, exept that would ban me too.

Edited by iDrag0m1r, 23 October 2011 - 03:24 PM.

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#21 Zorns Lemma

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Posted 23 October 2011 - 04:28 PM

'238232', on 23 Oct 2011 - 03:21 AM, said:

This may be something to consider, one of the Aussie forums has had some success in devoting an entire section to relatively noobish questions, which has at the very least stopped most of such stuff from being posted in the other sections.

'evilbunnyo', on 23 Oct 2011 - 2:18 PM, said:

I forgot all about taers kiddy pool idea.
I think we could have a new sub forum made where FNG's can only post.

'foamkiller28', on 23 Oct 2011 - 3:19 PM, said:

That is a really good idea having a separate forum for the FNGs. I know I am one but I have been on NRev for quite some time so I know what I am doing.

'shardbearer', on 23 Oct 2011 - 8:12 PM, said:

Kiddie pool's a great idea.

You guys forgot about Nerf(?>HQ|Revolution)
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#22 IrishMonk



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Posted 23 October 2011 - 04:30 PM

'Uranium234', on 23 Oct 2011 - 8:07 PM, said:

NO man I made a very clean NF with homemade Internals that shoots 80-90 ft. flat with 1.5 inch FBR +#8 washer and hot glue dome. Kind of like this but cleaner by far and a 1/2 PVC coupler and a 100% seal.


Also I bet you would would cut a NF in half and say it shoots 1000000000 ft.

If you could tell us what you used to actually attain your so-called 100% seal, maybe I would believe you. And actually TaerKitty would probably do something innovative like this: http://nerfhaven.com...95

But, you probably wouldn't know that because of a roughly 90 - 99% chance that you don't know how to use the search function correctly. It's nothing personal; I'm just pointing out a general trend.

On topic, I wholeheartedly agree with the idea of a Code Of Conduct quiz.

Edited by IrishMonk, 23 October 2011 - 08:51 PM.

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#23 Catastrophe



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Posted 23 October 2011 - 07:34 PM

I've been lurking for a little while, reading threads and whatnot. I guess I feel that there are some FNGs who can use proper grammar and spelling. At the same time, I know what the worst of the internet can be like, and I understand having some sort of regulations for new members.

That said, I'd rather not be limited in how I can contribute (if I do). I feel that the current settings are decent enough for what they do.

Maybe we can come up with some idea that lessens the load on the administrators and moderators? They have lives too (or at least I think they do :P ). I feel that Voting Up/Down on posts would be a good way to control new members. 5 down votes, and they receive a 1-2 week ban. Again, and they receive a 2-3 month ban (or something of the like).
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#24 DX-Robert


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Posted 23 October 2011 - 07:52 PM

Just simply ignore the posts, topics, and people that you don't want to read. This has been working just fine for the past 6 years. Nerfhaven is a resource anyway, you are supposed to take the info you need, post the info you need to share, and disregard what is not useful to you. Those various systems to manage posting are unnecessary.
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#25 Swatsonia



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Posted 23 October 2011 - 08:42 PM

I wholeheartedly disagree upon the blanket "kill off anyone that joined after 2008" idea.

I do agree though, this new batch of FNGs have presented many woeful, poor quality posts and topics.

However, a proving system would be a good idea, but an absolute pain to initiate, not to mention, would make flaming a whole lot easier.
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