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Nerf ''FN P90''

My first nerfhaven topic, hope you like it!

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#1 Zumatrix



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Posted 14 October 2011 - 04:18 PM

Well guys, this is my first topic in the Nerfhaven forum.
Comment below and let me know!

In the Netherlands, were I live, we have a site similar to nerfhaven/nerfSG called ''The N-Strike Hyve''.
There, the idea of combining a firefly rev-8 and a Deploy cs-6 to make a so called ''p90''
After a few weeks a friend of mine was willing to sell his cracked up deploy to me for about 15 dollars, the firefly had to be bought new.. Expensive mod this will be!! Here's what you'll end up with:

Here's a list of things and materials that I used (Dutch names translated):
2 components epoxy
Polyester Filling
Dremel (with Cutting disk)
Some sort of saw that u like
Glasses (Protection)
Piece of plastic

First, cut away the deploy grip, so it is strait with the deploy lower part.
Then take away the deploy cocking mech, and cut a slide in the right sort of canal where the cocking mech is sliding through.
Now comes a shitty part: Bending the metal cocking mech to the right, and pulling it through the slide you made.

All we need from the firefly is the lower part (every part under the trigger)
First take a saw of choice and cut away until you have this:

Now we're gonna glue the firefly and deploy together (not yet the stock of the deploy) so we can still open it.
I'am using epoxy..
Now take your firefly trigger, and cut it so it fits in, than take a random piece of plastic, and link the firefly trigger, to the orange stripe of the deploy trigger. MAKE IT STRONG!!
Then, screw the 2 shells together, put you deploy stock on it, and look for the proper fit (no gaps) glue it to the deploy shell, and ur done! A little filling can make the job cleaner, (see the white stuff on my second pic)

I know that it isn't good of an scale, but perhaps some of you guys can try to make it even sexier!
It's very comfi, and since I modded the deploy, shoots not that bad!

Sorry for no pics, is it me or is there no way to upload picture's? Meh, don't wanna make a flickr account or something..
Well, anyways, I'll be modding alot more, longshot's and a WIB, recon, OMW kit's al the good stuff!!

Ranges are:

I know that it is all black, and that is indeed not that smart, but this blaster is for selling, and the buyer will also get the opportunity to give it his own color scheme, so I just basecoded it, waiting for a further color scheme..

Here is a dutch video about it, so for those guys who like to see me brabble in dutch:

:ph34r: Zumatrix :ph34r:

Don't forget to comment below, ask, gimme tips, let me know!

Edited by Zumatrix, 16 October 2011 - 05:42 AM.

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#2 Blue



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Posted 14 October 2011 - 04:40 PM

Looks cool. Use the IMG tags to make an image appear, and you should probably post a picture of the internals so others can try to replicate it.
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#3 Sinister Sinistar93

Sinister Sinistar93


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Posted 14 October 2011 - 04:46 PM

A very cool end result. Decent write up, really needs pictures though. Other than that good job.
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#4 DeathTrap2468



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Posted 14 October 2011 - 05:58 PM

I like the Idea, but other Anti-milsim people will hate. Be warned. Ps, what ranges is it getting? Did you do any mods to the internals?

Edited by DeathTrap2468, 14 October 2011 - 05:59 PM.

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#5 Aeromech



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Posted 15 October 2011 - 12:00 AM

Paint that thing hot pink right now! Black/dark gray nerf blasters are never a good way to go. At least keep the tip orange, though in my opinion that's not enough.

Anyway, I do think it's a very creative cosmetic enhancement. The deploy stock and firefly handle offer huge amounts of extra room, I see a lot of potential for LEDs and other cosmetic mods to be integrated into the shell, if you have the desire and/or time.
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Watch my shitty videos

Birch, on 01 Nov 2015 - 1:51 PM, said:

This is so ghetto but so awesome.

#6 Ozymandias



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Posted 15 October 2011 - 02:02 AM

'Aeromech', on 15 Oct 2011 - 05:00 AM, said:

Paint that thing hot pink right now! Black/dark gray nerf blasters are never a good way to go. At least keep the tip orange, though in my opinion that's not enough.

'Zumatrix', on 14 Oct 2011 - 9:18 PM, said:

In the Netherlands, were I live...

Different culture, broseph.

Anyways, damn nice piece of work. Keep it up!
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#7 Zumatrix



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Posted 15 October 2011 - 03:19 AM

'DeathTrap2468', on 14 Oct 2011 - 10:58 PM, said:

I like the Idea, but other Anti-milsim people will hate. Be warned. Ps, what ranges is it getting? Did you do any mods to the internals?

I edited the forum, with ranges, 40 feet (15 meters) in advance.. Internal mods? Well AR and seal, but further no.. This thing is more of an ''role play'' blaster than an ''nerf war'' blaster I think.
:ph34r: Zumatrix :ph34r:

Edited by Zumatrix, 16 October 2011 - 12:55 PM.

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#8 Zorns Lemma

Zorns Lemma

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Posted 15 October 2011 - 05:32 AM

Pretty nice shell work, though if you're going to create a guide about it having more pictures will help out in letting others recreate it.

copy and paste what's in here into your first post to embed images

[img]http://replace this part with the link to your image.jpg[/img]

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#9 DeathTrap2468



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Posted 15 October 2011 - 09:13 AM

'Zumatrix', on 15 Oct 2011 - 08:19 AM, said:

I edited the forum, with ranges, 40" in advance.. Internal mods? Well AR and seal, but further no.. This thing is more of an ''role play'' blaster than an ''nerf war'' blaster I think.
:ph34r: Zumatrix :ph34r:

Ah, I see. But if I were you, I'd take that thing and make a internal powerstock, and throw some springs in it, but that's just me. I like insane ranges and power. :D
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#10 DeathTrap2468



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Posted 15 October 2011 - 09:15 AM

Sorry for the double post, internet=stupid.

Edited by DeathTrap2468, 15 October 2011 - 09:16 AM.

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Life sucks, get used to it.

#11 pjotrkuh



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Posted 15 October 2011 - 02:13 PM

Well well, you took my advice on Posting Topics, nice job aside from the pictures not being there,
I know that www.may.com is a free image hoster without much difficulties......

And you know my opinion about blasters being black........

Welcome to the 'Haven.....

Edited by pjotrkuh, 15 October 2011 - 02:14 PM.

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#12 Blue



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Posted 15 October 2011 - 03:35 PM

The tags you used killed the link so now you have to go to the thread code and find and copy paste the link to see the image. I don't know about other image sites, but for photobucket all you have to do is copy paste the line that starts with IMG (don't click on any icons in the Nerfhaven posting browser)

Email & IM
Direct link
HTML code
IMG code <----------- That one
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#13 Lein



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Posted 16 October 2011 - 12:51 PM

'Zumatrix', on 15 Oct 2011 - 08:19 AM, said:

I edited the forum, with ranges, 40" in advance.. Internal mods? Well AR and seal, but further no.. This thing is more of an ''role play'' blaster than an ''nerf war'' blaster I think.
:ph34r: Zumatrix :ph34r:

So it only gets around 3 feet?

Edited by Lein, 16 October 2011 - 01:35 PM.

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#14 NickBurp



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Posted 27 October 2011 - 09:57 PM

You got the wrong measurements, boy. 40" is around three feet...
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#15 arfink



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Posted 28 October 2011 - 12:35 AM

Cool mod, clean work. Needs crazy paint. :) Please see EIK's work for inspiration. http://nerfhaven.com...=1
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#16 Zumatrix



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Posted 28 October 2011 - 12:11 PM

'NickBurp', on 28 Oct 2011 - 02:57 AM, said:

You got the wrong measurements, boy. 40" is around three feet...

40 feet, sorry.. '' icon is inch right :-)
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