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newest longshot singling

first ever (i hope)

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#1 some random hobo

some random hobo


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Posted 28 September 2011 - 04:15 PM

the behemoth
get your stock longshot
also you have to have at least one and half feet of cpvc a deploy (ar removed of course)lsfg barreling and glue lots of it on to the mod first completly gut the longshot of everything (including the bolt) but leave the trigger and catch
now to the plunger take the bolt sled off if you didnt already then take the barrel completly out of the plunger you see that black piece yeah take the barrel comletly out of that and put the cpvc in then fill the gap with hot glue then put it back in the plunger remember that lsfg barreling glue it on to the cpvc so that the cpvc is sticking out a little it add the springs you want i did ls,nf,and a recon spring in there now use a saw or dremil on the longshot all the way to the back of the clip holder this is where the deploy will go then screw the longshot back together and pull out some liquid nails adhesive for the caulc gun and were going to glue the deploy on but first rip off the back stock of the deploy and then its ready to glue on it should look like this after its finished and painted
this takes any dart and gets great ranges
longshot 100ft
deploy 50ft
first writeup so tell me how i did

Edited by some random hobo, 28 September 2011 - 04:30 PM.

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when you`ve reached the point of ridiculous[size="5"][/size] MAKE IT MORE RIDICULOUS

#2 some random hobo

some random hobo


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Posted 28 September 2011 - 04:17 PM

Thank you all for the advice I will be sure to remember it for the next time I post, it won`t happen again.

Edited by some random hobo, 29 September 2011 - 07:03 AM.

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when you`ve reached the point of ridiculous[size="5"][/size] MAKE IT MORE RIDICULOUS

#3 Bchamp22795



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Posted 28 September 2011 - 04:37 PM

'some random hobo', on 28 Sept 2011 - 9:17 PM, said:

dont know how to post pics so i failed sorry :blush:

For future reference:
Pictures are posted by doing - The Source Code of the Picture with no spaces. You have to put the pictures on a photosharing site like Photobucket or Flickr, and they will provide the source code.

Suggestions for future posts:
-Correct punctuation, grammar, and capitalization
-Pictures...Don't post a writeup without them.
-Measurements. "Sticking out a little" doesn't cut it here.
-Explain in more detail. Make sure your post is understandable. A writeup is supposed to be helpful for those who want to copy or improve your work. When I saw this, not only do I not really understand what is going on, I have no intention of ever doing this or consider telling somebody to follow this writeup.
-Lastly, don't post simple things such as singling a longshot unless its completely groundbreaking. This can go in the Modification/Paintjob Picture thread. If people want to know more about it, they will tell you, and then you can make a good writeup to help them.

Just some friendly advice,
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#4 T-REX



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Posted 28 September 2011 - 04:52 PM

Most people on this forum speak English.
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#5 taerKitty



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Posted 28 September 2011 - 05:31 PM

- 'i'. Capitalization isn't just your friend, it's what will keep you from getting banned.

- 'didnt'. Punctuation isn't just your friend, ... etc.

- 'completly'. Spelling isn't just your friend, yadda, yadda.

- Pics are your friend. Post them or your topic is just asking to be closed.

Also, see http://nerfhaven.com...ndpost&p=305094 on my thoughts on what an NH-level writeup should contain/strive for. I'd comment on your mod, but I can't make heads or tails out of what you posted, unlike Mr. I-Duct-Taped-My-UMB-Muzzle.



At risk of sounding like I deliberately tried to 'go meta':

See the 'Edit' button in the lower-right of just below your first post? Use it to add additional information, like what I'm doing right now. Don't post two posts in a row unless you ...

Well, unless you know when that is possibly acceptable. What you added... isn't.

Edited by taerKitty, 28 September 2011 - 05:33 PM.

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Fugly is a feature.

#6 bennorco



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Posted 28 September 2011 - 06:17 PM

'T-REX', on 28 Sept 2011 - 9:52 PM, said:

Most people on this forum speak English.

You're my hero...but aren't all these posts backseat moderating? I may be mistaking, and backseat moderating without meaning to. Lol.

Edited by bennorco, 28 September 2011 - 06:17 PM.

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Buy this stuff^

#7 flamingeyes245



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Posted 28 September 2011 - 07:17 PM

Um... is that english? I refuse to read blocks of text with no punctuation. On a side note those ranges are BS. Unless you angled it in which case they're invalid anyways. Otherwise, do what taerKitty says if you plan on being a member of this site for any period of time. Rules exist for a reason.
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Keep your friends close,
And your Nerf guns closer.

External Modification contest, check it out!

Using anything I write as a sig makes your penis shoot rainbows. Bitches LOVE rainbows

#8 Bchamp22795



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Posted 28 September 2011 - 09:35 PM

'bennorco', on 28 Sept 2011 - 11:17 PM, said:

You're my hero...but aren't all these posts backseat moderating? I may be mistaking, and backseat moderating without meaning to. Lol.

I don't think so for two reasons.
1) No one said anything on the UMB thread.
2) He is new and specifically asked for our thoughts and advice.

If it is though, someone please say something for future reference.
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    Vacc is Legend

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Posted 29 September 2011 - 07:17 AM

We have the fucking report function, which you people make copious use of I might add, for a reason. If you see an issue, write a report and move on. The next topic I see with people backseat moderating I'm just gonna start handing out suspensions.

Now, Hobo...what the fuck was that? Incomprehensible jibberish is generally extremely erotic in....well, life. None of what you just did flies here. It's so fucking awful, that I'm gonna count this as your first and last warning. Take the time read and absorb the code of conduct, or get banned.
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