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Near-Semi-Auto Rifle

Quick Blast + Magstrike = Blast-Strike!!!

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#1 Banshee



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Posted 14 July 2011 - 07:38 PM

This is sort of a write up on building your own Blast-Strike. I say “sort of” because I’m going to roughly explain my process to you, but with this modification, it’s fairly easy to see what I did through a single picture. “Now, what is it?” you’re asking? It’s a sort-of-semi-automatic rifle using a Nerf Magstrike and a Super Soaker Quickblast.

This is a Quick Blast:

Posted Image

Inside the Quick Blast is a very simple air tank that functions like any air tank with a pin release. What makes this tank unique is that inside of it is a plunger with an O-ring and a spring. When you pump air into it, the pressure pushes the plunger out the back, and then when you pull the trigger, the plunger pushes all the air out the front. It’s quite interesting, it’s like a springer/tank hybrid. I’m sure you could achieve higher performance by adding a spring or replacing it, but I’m not doing that for now.

The reason I use this tank is because the plunger coming out of the back keeps the air pressure coming from the Magstrike bladder perfectly consistent. Testing with other tanks didn’t yield as nice results as this tank.

This is the basic design of the gun:

Posted Image

This gun functions very simple. You pump up the bladder 25-30 times, press the original Magstrike trigger valve which releases air into the tank, and then you can fire. I can get 5 streamlines into the RSCB and I can fire them all on about 25 pumps.

This is a closeup to show you what I have inside:

Posted Image

The air release valve is meant to extend through the shell so it can be pressed with my trigger finger as I tip the gun downward to load a new shot. I use this design so there is no wasted air between shots if I had just linked the bladder to the tank. That means more shots for my pumps.

Posted Image

The rate of fire is awesome for the range. The key here is the check valve. You can not use this design without the check valve, if you do, all your air from the tank will escape through the air release valve. Put the check valve after the air release valve before the tank.

All put together:

Posted Image

I’ve integrated 2 hornet tanks and their own AirTech 3000 pump on the side as well as a separate trigger on the front. I painted the pump handles, trigger, and the front green part of the gun because I thought it looked stupid, and there you have it! The Blast Strike!

The other side:

Posted Image

Now, the important questions. How does it handle? The answer is, VERY well. It fires as fast if not faster than any pump action Nerf gun. You can fill the tank in the time it takes you to tip the gun to load a new dart into the RSCB’s barrel. Meaning you can fire this as fast as you can work your RSCB. In my case, I can load 5 streamlines and I can fire them all in about 3 seconds flat. This isn’t including the time it takes you to pump the gun, but if you’re like me, then you are constantly pumping your blaster in a Nerf war.

Ranges? With the RSCB and streamline darts with a single BB stuffed in the tip, using a 4 inch thinwall PETG barrel, I’m currently getting about 95 feet with every shot. Some better stefans and a better barrel fit, and I should be breaking 100 feet with this baby no problem. New primary? I think so!

In case anyone is wondering about the Hornet tanks, they get about 70 feet with 4 inch CPVC barrels from 5 pumps out of a AT3K pump. It’s what I had on me at the time, a smaller diameter pump would be better, and I plan to swap the barrels out for PETG whenever the hell it finally gets to my house… They’re linked together and fire at the same time, and the trigger is on the front between the bottom barrel and the pump.

You can see it in action in this video here, check it out!!!

Question, comments??
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#2 Banshee



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Posted 14 July 2011 - 07:53 PM

'Just Some Bob', on 15 Jul 2011 - 12:49 AM, said:


So cool.
I've been working on something comparable using a SuperSoaker Hydro Cannon instead of the MS, and you've validated a few of the details I was worried about. Mine should be a little different, though - I hope to retain enough of the QB shell to keep the automatic trigger, and thereby have a chance at full-auto (using a hopper/chopper ... or just *maybe* if I can make it work (BIG 'if' there) an RSCB with a small hose to puff air into the back at the right time (inspired by Carrtoon's BBB)

Sounds Awesome Bob, can wait to see it!
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#3 WicketTheModder619



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Posted 14 July 2011 - 07:58 PM

Super awesome! I need to go find a Quick Blast to replicate this. A Pulse Strike tank runs on the same concept of compressing a spring inside of the airtank. I think it would be neat to make a large ammo version using a Pulse Strike tank and a ball hopper (stores in back of head). Or a larger version of the shotgun RSCB I have on my Pulse Strike.

Edited by WicketTheModder619, 14 July 2011 - 07:59 PM.

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#4 blitz



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Posted 14 July 2011 - 09:03 PM

Must, must, must make one. Like really.

I'd make some sort of dual trigger, when it goes forward it fills the tank, when pulled it fires.

Overall, that is a serious piece of work, great job.
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#5 ejrasmussen



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Posted 15 July 2011 - 12:21 AM

It seems like this would work good with a hopper, have you tried one out?
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#6 Banshee



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Posted 15 July 2011 - 12:41 AM

'ejrasmussen', on 15 Jul 2011 - 05:21 AM, said:

It seems like this would work good with a hopper, have you tried one out?

No, I have a feeling it would work, but I've never even tried a hopper on any gun. By design, they don't look like they would work well with streamline darts, and I only have a handful of stefans.

Edited by Banshee, 15 July 2011 - 12:42 AM.

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#7 ahtanie



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Posted 15 July 2011 - 01:27 AM

Very nice Banshee! :)
The tank functions the same way as a Super Soaker Shot Blast tank. Would you happen to know how their sizes compare?
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#8 makeitgo



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Posted 15 July 2011 - 09:08 AM

Great. Now I have to go and get one of these Super Soakers.
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#9 Banshee



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Posted 15 July 2011 - 11:03 AM

'ahtanie', on 15 Jul 2011 - 06:27 AM, said:

Very nice Banshee! :)
The tank functions the same way as a Super Soaker Shot Blast tank. Would you happen to know how their sizes compare?

I don't own a shotblast, but from pictures I've seen, I would say they're pretty close in size. The Shotblast tank looks a little wider, but a little shorter.
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#10 Strikemod



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Posted 15 July 2011 - 11:41 AM

Very nice! If only I hadn't wasted a 2k tank and a magstrike bladder on a project for a friend... I'm guessing that most/all tanks that use a pin would be compatible? If so, I have a new project. :ph34r:
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#11 Banshee



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Posted 15 July 2011 - 01:34 PM

'Strikemod', on 15 Jul 2011 - 4:41 PM, said:

Very nice! If only I hadn't wasted a 2k tank and a magstrike bladder on a project for a friend... I'm guessing that most/all tanks that use a pin would be compatible? If so, I have a new project. :ph34r:

I think any tank would work, but I went with that tank because I can hear it fill with air, you can hear the rod come out of the back. I tested with an AT2K tank, and I never really knew when it was full and it didn't seem to get to a very high pressure because the darts isn't go very far at all. So I'm not really sure, but I left this mod very generalized so anyone can apply their own twists, hopper clips, different tanks, breeches, etc. The possibilities are endless, and I'm excited to see what someone will do with the concept.

Edited by Banshee, 15 July 2011 - 01:34 PM.

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#12 popatachi



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Posted 15 July 2011 - 06:35 PM

Could you hold down the button that refills the tank and have everything work? I ask only because would you be able to put the button behind the trigger so that when you release it (the trigger) perhaps it could press down the button to refill the tank.
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#13 Curly



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Posted 15 July 2011 - 07:59 PM

'popatachi', on 15 Jul 2011 - 11:35 PM, said:

Could you hold down the button that refills the tank and have everything work? I ask only because would you be able to put the button behind the trigger so that when you release it (the trigger) perhaps it could press down the button to refill the tank.

In this design I doubt it, but there are ones that can (like the recently revived semi-auto 2k). He made it require a fill button so no air is wasted from the second tank if you don't pull the trigger quickly. If you have an incredibly thin connection between the tanks you can efficiently have a semi-auto system, but when ergonomically placed a fill button is fine.
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#14 chavez guy

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Posted 15 July 2011 - 08:10 PM

'Curly', on 16 Jul 2011 - 12:59 AM, said:

(like the recently revived semi-auto 2k)

I was going to mention that, haha. My design isn't as comfortable (not does it look nearly as effective) as Banshee's though. I will probably end up re-arranging the push button to make it similar to this, since my semi-auto attempt didn't work.
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#15 238232



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Posted 16 July 2011 - 12:21 AM

'Banshee', on 15 Jul 2011 - 12:38 AM, said:

The rate of fire is awesome for the range. The key here is the check valve. You can not use this design without the check valve, if you do, all your air from the tank will escape through the air release valve. Put the check valve after the air release valve before the tank.

My knowledge of air systems is fairly bad (and with no practical experience), but how does this happen? Without the check valve the only way I can see air flowing back into the Magstrike bladder is if it's at a lower pressure than the Quickblast tank, but from when you're filling the tank shouldn't they be at the same pressure? Or is there an element of timing when you're filling the tank?
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#16 chavez guy

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Posted 16 July 2011 - 12:26 AM

'238232', on 16 Jul 2011 - 05:21 AM, said:

My knowledge of air systems is fairly bad (and with no practical experience), but how does this happen? Without the check valve the only way I can see air flowing back into the Magstrike bladder is if it's at a lower pressure than the Quickblast tank, but from when you're filling the tank shouldn't they be at the same pressure? Or is there an element of timing when you're filling the tank?

He means that after he pushes the push button valve for the air to go from the bladder into the tank, without a check valve right before the tank, all the air just comes out the push valve thing when you release the button. The check valve stops the air from going in that direction. I know from experience, the check valve IS vital.
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#17 238232



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Posted 16 July 2011 - 12:42 AM

Right, so the air is getting released from the tank to atmosphere through the valve. Thanks!
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#18 Banshee



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Posted 16 July 2011 - 12:43 AM

'chavez_guy', on 16 Jul 2011 - 05:26 AM, said:

He means that after he pushes the push button valve for the air to go from the bladder into the tank, without a check valve right before the tank, all the air just comes out the push valve thing when you release the button. The check valve stops the air from going in that direction. I know from experience, the check valve IS vital.

Correct. The air gets released from the valve. There are several ways I could put the tank fill button as a single stage operation, but I chose not to, because to use an RSCB, you have to tip the gun downwards to allow another dart to fall into the barrel. In the time it takes me to do so, I could push that button and fill the tank, seeing as it takes a fraction of a second to do so. That way it ensures me that I'm not losing air by trying to put both triggers in one. It would be simpler, yes, but not any less effective than it already is.
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#19 Kyrativ



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Posted 16 July 2011 - 01:12 AM

Meh I've got a busted magstrike, I might scrap the piston and do this to it, does I require that super soaker or could it work with any air tank?
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#20 Banshee



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Posted 16 July 2011 - 01:44 AM

'Kyrativ', on 16 Jul 2011 - 06:12 AM, said:

Meh I've got a busted magstrike, I might scrap the piston and do this to it, does I require that super soaker or could it work with any air tank?

It will work with any air tank, but the results will depend on what tank you use. I've stated my reasons for using this tank previously, so if you use something else, let me know how it goes.
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#21 chavez guy

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Posted 16 July 2011 - 10:00 AM

'Banshee', on 16 Jul 2011 - 06:44 AM, said:

It will work with any air tank, but the results will depend on what tank you use. I've stated my reasons for using this tank previously, so if you use something else, let me know how it goes.

I know you were asking Kyrativ, and not myself, but I thought I should share that I pulled this off using a 3k tank, and Merzlin pulled it off using a 2k tank a while ago, but I'm not sure if Merzlin ever suck it inside a shell or anything.
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#22 Banshee



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Posted 16 July 2011 - 10:49 AM

'chavez_guy', on 16 Jul 2011 - 3:00 PM, said:

I know you were asking Kyrativ, and not myself, but I thought I should share that I pulled this off using a 3k tank, and Merzlin pulled it off using a 2k tank a while ago, but I'm not sure if Merzlin ever suck it inside a shell or anything.

Exactly, it can be done, but you said you weren't getting 100 ranges with your 3K tank, right? I am, so I can't recommend any tank but the one used if I want to guarantee people 100 foot ranges.
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#23 chavez guy

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Posted 16 July 2011 - 12:26 PM

'Banshee', on 16 Jul 2011 - 3:49 PM, said:

Exactly, it can be done, but you said you weren't getting 100 ranges with your 3K tank, right? I am, so I can't recommend any tank but the one used if I want to guarantee people 100 foot ranges.

I havent actually range tested yet, but I do not have a tape measurer that long. Nor do I have any quality stefans at the moment. I can't guarantee 100 foot ranges, but I think it would be very likely provided the bladder is banded enough, considering when there is enough pressure in a 3k tank it can hit 140'.
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#24 angelfalcon



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Posted 16 July 2011 - 08:18 PM

All you need to do to make this a fully semi-auto blaster is to add a decently sized hopper (6+ darts) and make the trigger dual action, as stated previously. The trigger going forward has to push the button, the trigger pulling backward fires the gun. Add that to the hopper's removal of the need to tilt the gun down, and you've got a blaster that can fire as fast as you can pull the trigger.

I don't know how much force it takes to operate that Magstrike valve though, so you'd probably need a stronger trigger spring. A longer trigger pull would probably help too.
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According to your mom, size matters. My blaster is four feet long. What about yours?


I measured mine and I got about 11 inches.

#25 Banshee



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Posted 16 July 2011 - 11:51 PM

'angelfalcon', on 17 Jul 2011 - 01:18 AM, said:

All you need to do to make this a fully semi-auto blaster is to add a decently sized hopper (6+ darts) and make the trigger dual action, as stated previously. The trigger going forward has to push the button, the trigger pulling backward fires the gun. Add that to the hopper's removal of the need to tilt the gun down, and you've got a blaster that can fire as fast as you can pull the trigger.

I don't know how much force it takes to operate that Magstrike valve though, so you'd probably need a stronger trigger spring. A longer trigger pull would probably help too.

You would need a pretty strong spring. It would be uncomfortable to operate if you ask me. I like my design, I don't care for hoppers, they're cumbersome, so if you want to try it, go ahead. Tell me how it works out for you.
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