This is a Quick Blast:

Inside the Quick Blast is a very simple air tank that functions like any air tank with a pin release. What makes this tank unique is that inside of it is a plunger with an O-ring and a spring. When you pump air into it, the pressure pushes the plunger out the back, and then when you pull the trigger, the plunger pushes all the air out the front. It’s quite interesting, it’s like a springer/tank hybrid. I’m sure you could achieve higher performance by adding a spring or replacing it, but I’m not doing that for now.
The reason I use this tank is because the plunger coming out of the back keeps the air pressure coming from the Magstrike bladder perfectly consistent. Testing with other tanks didn’t yield as nice results as this tank.
This is the basic design of the gun:

This gun functions very simple. You pump up the bladder 25-30 times, press the original Magstrike trigger valve which releases air into the tank, and then you can fire. I can get 5 streamlines into the RSCB and I can fire them all on about 25 pumps.
This is a closeup to show you what I have inside:

The air release valve is meant to extend through the shell so it can be pressed with my trigger finger as I tip the gun downward to load a new shot. I use this design so there is no wasted air between shots if I had just linked the bladder to the tank. That means more shots for my pumps.

The rate of fire is awesome for the range. The key here is the check valve. You can not use this design without the check valve, if you do, all your air from the tank will escape through the air release valve. Put the check valve after the air release valve before the tank.
All put together:

I’ve integrated 2 hornet tanks and their own AirTech 3000 pump on the side as well as a separate trigger on the front. I painted the pump handles, trigger, and the front green part of the gun because I thought it looked stupid, and there you have it! The Blast Strike!
The other side:

Now, the important questions. How does it handle? The answer is, VERY well. It fires as fast if not faster than any pump action Nerf gun. You can fill the tank in the time it takes you to tip the gun to load a new dart into the RSCB’s barrel. Meaning you can fire this as fast as you can work your RSCB. In my case, I can load 5 streamlines and I can fire them all in about 3 seconds flat. This isn’t including the time it takes you to pump the gun, but if you’re like me, then you are constantly pumping your blaster in a Nerf war.
Ranges? With the RSCB and streamline darts with a single BB stuffed in the tip, using a 4 inch thinwall PETG barrel, I’m currently getting about 95 feet with every shot. Some better stefans and a better barrel fit, and I should be breaking 100 feet with this baby no problem. New primary? I think so!
In case anyone is wondering about the Hornet tanks, they get about 70 feet with 4 inch CPVC barrels from 5 pumps out of a AT3K pump. It’s what I had on me at the time, a smaller diameter pump would be better, and I plan to swap the barrels out for PETG whenever the hell it finally gets to my house… They’re linked together and fire at the same time, and the trigger is on the front between the bottom barrel and the pump.
You can see it in action in this video here, check it out!!!
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