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Georgia War: C.O.S.T.C.O.H.

No Hoppahz!?

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#1 flyingchicken



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Posted 26 October 2014 - 01:44 PM

Chicken’s Old School Testicular Carnival Of Horror

Old school? What does that mean?

It means that this war is NO HOPPERS! That’s right; bring your speedloaders, your RSCBs, your clips, but leave your hoppers at home. We’re gonna war like it’s 2009.

Date: Saturday, December 13th, 2014

Time: First round starts at 10:00 am. Most of us will be there by 9:30. We play until dusk.

Location: McCurry Park, Fayetteville, GA 30214

It’s a big park, and we’re only using a small part of it. The parking lot is right off of McElroy Road, as you can see in the picture:

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What to bring:

1) BLASTERS, Bring at least one reliable PRIMARY, a springer PISTOL, and an AWFUL (if you wish to participate in Awfuls rounds).

- Blaster restrictions: DO NOT bring anything crazy overpowered. No homemade airguns or singled Titans/Hydro Cannons/drain blasters. If I deem your blaster to be too powerful, I WILL ask you to put it down.

- Realistic blasters are dumb.

- If you need a blaster, most people will loan you one if you ask nicely.

- Blaster hits DO NOT count, however this does not mean you can strap a large shield to your blaster.


2) DARTS: You may use stock micros, stefans (slugs and domes), megas, discs, whatever. I recommend at least 200 darts per person.

- Dart restrictions: no 3/0s or “deathdarts.” All darts must have at least one inch of foam.

- Special disc rule: discs that bounce off of trees will still count as a hit.

If you don’t have darts to use, WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED. You are free to use darts from the Community Dart Box, but please pick them up with us and return them at the end of the war.

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(dart fit may vary)



- There is no limit to the number of melee weapons you can carry.

- Melee weapons MUST be covered in foam. If it is deemed unsafe to be hit by, it will not be allowed.

- A melee weapon applies as both a blaster and a dart. You MAY block darts. You MAY throw melee weapons. You may even attempt to block a melee weapon with your blaster.

- HOWEVER, melee weapons that hit/skid/bounce on the ground before hitting someone DO NOT count as hits. If a thrown melee weapon hits a blaster, it is considered dead and will not count if it ricochets.


- LUNCH, I would NOT LIKE to see people running off for a 45-minute lunch break. I personally think it is much more efficient to just bring one with you. Trust me, a turkey sandwich tastes just fine after you have been Nerfing for a few hours. You are free to do what you want though.
- WATER, hydration is important.
- SUNSCREEN (just in case)
- EYE PROTECTION: PRESCRIPTION GLASSES DO NOT COUNT AS EYE PROTECTION. You must be wearing something that completely covers your eyes. I don’t care if you’re over 18 or not, YOU WILL BE WEARING THEM.
- Money/Blasters for trading. We like to do a lot of this down here, so bring what ya got.
- Intelligence, Don't be an idiot.
- A good attitude. Don’t be a crybaby.
- Please do not bring any open alcohol, illicit drugs, or real firearms to this event.
- We will be renting the pavilion for the day, so I would really appreciate if people brought a few dollars to contribute.



Speed Pistols
Royal Rumble
Carpe Testiculum
Civil War
Capture the Flag
Defend the Core
Defend the Fort
Action Pistols

Robot Mind Control
Freeze Tag
Melee Variations
Zing Variations
SAMBO Variations

Any gametype rules can be explained at the event.

Some rounds will also have prizes, so be sure to bring your A-game if you want to win some cool stuff ;)


Raffle! We will be having one as per the usual. Please try not to bring absolute garbage. We will be doing it as a picked first = gets to pick what they want.

DINNER! If you are part of the awesome kids you will attend dinner with us at a nearby buffet/other restaurant.


SENC People (6)

People that better be there:
A side of Nerf

If you’re in the Southeastern U.S. and you’re interested in coming to this event, we’d love to have you! Here’s a video of a war we had earlier this year:

Feel free to ask any questions!

Edited by flyingchicken, 12 December 2014 - 12:05 AM.

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#2 Lord Draconical

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Posted 26 October 2014 - 02:00 PM

Oh you know im DTF, thats down to foam for all of you perverts out there. ;)

I'll be at this war, I highly anticipate bringing codename I.A.N. as well.

I'll be bringing a huge box of promo stuff from Zing as well as all the Melee my poor car can handle along with LOANER blasters of all varieties. Who knows, if I like you, you can use some of my crossbows for a round.
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// V''''V

#3 flyingchicken



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Posted 29 October 2014 - 09:52 PM

For those of you who haven't seen these, here are pictures of the park we're playing at.

The area is made up of tall trees that are grouped fairly close to each other. There's a light amount of foliage, but it's mostly pine straw. It's closed in nicely by concrete walkways, so boundaries are obvious.

We've never played at this location before, but I am super excited to finally have something other than an open field.

View from the parking lot:

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Across from the parking lot, in front of a pavilion:

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Turned slightly right, the rest of the area. The pavilion is right up against the area:

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The pavilion; a perfect staging area:

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Just to the left of the pavilion is a decent sized playground:

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Turn left just a bit more to see another big area that would work great as well. It's a bit more open, with less foliage, but is also a little more prone to noise from the road:

Posted Image
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#4 A side of nerf

A side of nerf

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Posted 28 November 2014 - 10:26 PM

Put me down as a maybe!

P.S. Totally digging the 'no hoppers' rule.

Edited by A side of nerf, 28 November 2014 - 10:29 PM.

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Southeast Nerf Contingent

#5 chipspeed



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Posted 30 November 2014 - 08:31 PM

hello all. my name is chip. wondering if when u may b having one of those wars in macon. would love to come up that way but transportation is a issue.
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#6 flyingchicken



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Posted 30 November 2014 - 09:09 PM

'chipspeed', on 01 Dec 2014 - 01:31 AM, said:

hello all. my name is chip. wondering if when u may b having one of those wars in macon. would love to come up that way but transportation is a issue.

Hi Chip! The locations of our wars depends on where the good playing areas are and where people are most willing to drive to. Most of our wars are in Fayetteville, a few are in Hampton.

There aren't wars in Macon at the moment because no one hosts anything there. However, if you organize a war in your area, I'm sure some of us would be happy to attend!
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#7 chipspeed



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Posted 01 December 2014 - 11:14 AM

'flyingchicken', on 01 Dec 2014 - 02:09 AM, said:

Hi Chip! The locations of our wars depends on where the good playing areas are and where people are most willing to drive to. Most of our wars are in Fayetteville, a few are in Hampton.

There aren't wars in Macon at the moment because no one hosts anything there. However, if you organize a war in your area, I'm sure some of us would be happy to attend!

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#8 chipspeed



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Posted 01 December 2014 - 11:26 AM

i have never been to a war before. wont even know where to start hosting one. wondering do u have to reserve a park or just show up & use facilities? we do have some nice places here that would b good for something like that. it would b interesting to have something like that here. how far do the regulars u have travel to play in these wars? how big of a crowd shows up normally? is there a certain age that is required? there r a lot of kids that like playing nerf.
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#9 flyingchicken



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Posted 01 December 2014 - 11:52 AM

'chipspeed', on 01 Dec 2014 - 4:26 PM, said:

i have never been to a war before. wont even know where to start hosting one. wondering do u have to reserve a park or just show up & use facilities? we do have some nice places here that would b good for something like that. it would b interesting to have something like that here. how far do the regulars u have travel to play in these wars? how big of a crowd shows up normally? is there a certain age that is required? there r a lot of kids that like playing nerf.

I highly recommend trying to come to one of our wars. Hosting your own war is not a good idea if you don't have a good amount of experience. I know transportation may be an issue, but I promise that it's more than worth it.

To answer your questions:
- Many wars in the NIC are held in public parks; for this war, we will be reserving the area so we have it to ourselves. Our other location is private property that we have permission to use.
- We often have people driving more than 7 hours up from Florida.
- A typical crowd at our wars is 10-15, but this war is looking to be larger than that.
- We don't have an age requirement, but at least 10 years old is okay, though we prefer at least 13.
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#10 flyingchicken



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Posted 14 December 2014 - 07:40 PM

Half of my body is dead, must be time to recap.

+ Waking up stupidly early for a war 10 minutes away from my house. Got there before 8:30 and started setting up my hosting area.

+ Hosting possibly the first war where hopper clips were specifically banned. It really changed the dynamic from previous wars, and really threw me back to when I went to my first war back in 2009.

+ Having the biggest war turnout of the year - I think we had 25 people on that field!

+ So many new people, I think roughly half of the attendees were new/inexperienced NIC Nerfers. Twiggy, Jake, Critco, Brock, Daniel(s), Wyatt, everyone else I know I'm forgetting, thank you for coming out and hanging tough with us.

+ Using a location that we've never used before, and it turned out to be absolutely fantastic. The sheer amount of tree cover in a smaller field really helped facilitate the action.

+ Falling even more in love with my Crossbow. It's comfortable, powerful, and accurate; I'm excited to finish my second one.

+ Giving out all my loaner NFs, including the latest additions: Douche Waffle and Cream Dream.

+ Naming Critco and Brock as Team Airtech. I loaned them my 2 modded AT2Ks and they used them admirably. Especially Brock, he came in 2nd place in at least 2 FFA rounds! New guy of the day, right there.

+ Playing rounds we've never played before; Action Pistols, Headhunters, and Royal Rumble.

+ Action Pistols was incredibly amusing. The gist of the game is like so: the only shots that count are the ones made whilst doing a cool action move, such as spinning, sliding, jumping, etc. I got out super early, but it was still fun and definitely something we'll do in the future.

+ Seeing Bobo's face when I announced Headhunters.

+ Winning Headhunters! I got 6 headshots and then a barrel tap to win the round. Gonna be fun to do it with hoppers.

+ Royal Rumble working very well, also another one to do in the future.

+ Intense standoffs with Zaxbys, especially in the last RR game.

+++++ USING ROGUE'S LONGSHOT THAT WAS BUILT BY FORSAKEN ANGEL. Specifically, this one. It was probably the first time it had been used in 3 years, and was probably only shooting around 75', but I'll be damned if I didn't use it well (second place in Royal Rumble). Thank you Drac for letting me use it! Wherever Rogue is, I hope that he felt his legendary weapon was still crushing souls.

+ Intense standoff with Twiggy during the SAMBO round.

+ Winning a NIB Thunderbow in the raffle; my first dildo launcher!

+ Dinner at Golden Corral, and talking shit and mod party plans afterwards always makes things better

+/- Drac making lunch for everyone, I heard it was good.

+/- The day before the war, having the most unproductive mod party ever with Nathan. Between the two of us, we worked on a breech, a PAS, and two NFs.

+/- Still had to finish war preparations, so I only got 3 and a half hours of sleep due to said mod party.

+/- Rainbow pistols. While no doubt great weapons, they're just flat out too powerful and unfair for pistol rounds. Pistols aren't about putting as much power as you can in a small package, it's about having less power and a smaller blaster. It's the easiest way to change the dynamics of a game. From now on, I'll be regulating pistols in my pistol rounds.

- Hosting this war in a certain way that we've never done before, that only made everything more stressful from the host point of view.

- People not listening, leading to me explaining various rules at least 5 times, was infuriating.

- Capture the AT3K blanket. While amusing in theory, the people down here don't do too well with complex rules, and the round ultimately killed the war's momentum.

- Turns out I get grumpy when I don't eat.

Overall, I was unnecessarily stressed out the whole day, but I learned a lot, and it was a good war for me. My only goal was to host a good war, and to let everyone else have the most fun they could have. I've gotten a bunch of great feedback, which has made me feel better. Thanks again to all who came out; keep an eye on the forums for February's Georgia war!

In case you're curious, here's the war data I collected; all the rounds in the order we played them, and approximately how long they lasted:

1. - Two Speed Pistols rounds = ~13 minutes
2. - FFA 3:15 (primaries) = ~21 minutes
3. - Wingman (primaries) = ~21 minutes
4. - Wildard = ~7 minutes
5. - SAMBO FFA = ~11 minutes
6. - Royal Rumble = ~8 minutes
7. - Speed Pistols and Action Pistols = ~15 minutes
8. - Headhunters = ~13 minutes
9. - Wingman (primaries) = ~13 minutes
10. - Capture the Flag/AT3K Blanket = ~17 minutes
11. - Team Deathmatch = ~13 minutes
12. - Wingman (pistols) = 20+ minutes
13. - Royal Rumble = ?
14. - FFA = ~18 minutes

Accounting for lunch, breaks, and dart sweeps, we got in quite a lot of Nerfing.

Waiting on our professional pictures, but until then, here's a picture during team picking, just so you know I wasn't joking about attendance:

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I am so omniscient; if there was to be two omnisciences, I would be both!

#11 flyingchicken



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Posted 27 January 2015 - 09:39 AM

Sorry for the slight necro/triple post. The war video is now up!

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I am so omniscient; if there was to be two omnisciences, I would be both!

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