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New Nerf Guns

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#1 Talio


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Posted 28 June 2011 - 04:14 PM

Coming Sept. 10th:

Posted Image

Link to a page about them.

That is all I know. If you have a reasonable question I will forward it along. I've requested some more pictures. I'll post them if I get them.
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#2 utahnerf



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Posted 28 June 2011 - 05:15 PM

That orange...... fuckin' awesome.
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#3 dfp



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Posted 28 June 2011 - 05:24 PM

try www.sgnerf.blogspot.com
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#4 Ozymandias



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Posted 28 June 2011 - 10:10 PM

'dfp', on 28 Jun 2011 - 10:24 PM, said:

try www.sgnerf.blogspot.com

Read This.
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#5 chavez guy

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Posted 29 June 2011 - 12:01 AM

I have a feeling that either small plungers, reverse plungers (or both) are going to be used here, considering it probably takes a lot less air to fire a little disc than a relatively large chunk of foam with plasticky rubber-esque stuff on it. I wonder if people will start making home-made discs (and blasters & home-mades to fire them) as counterparts to stefans and slugs.

I wonder if the sight on the first vortex one is just like a reflex sight, but in a plastic shell.
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#6 Kyrativ



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Posted 29 June 2011 - 12:54 AM

The vigilon and praxis dont seem to interest me but the nitron has quite a long stock which hopefully, though probably not, means a long plunger...if these even use plungers. The proton also looks pretty sweet, It seems like it would be a good back up since its so simple to load yet it maintains the reliability and simplicity of a single shot.

That is all the speculation I will engage in for this series.

Edit: derp the nitron is likely a flywheel gun, not a plunger; based on the grey cylinder sticking out infront of the mag.

Edited by Kyrativ, 29 June 2011 - 11:17 AM.

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#7 Equilox



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Posted 29 June 2011 - 01:04 AM

Never mind, I missed the shit about the new stuff, there is a video I ran across that shows the new vortex line, they appear to fire rubber discs, more accurately and with more power than I am used to seeing out of a disc gun. I am pretty psyched for some disc guns to come off the hasbro line

Edited by Equilox, 29 June 2011 - 01:11 AM.

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#8 Shralla



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Posted 29 June 2011 - 02:33 PM

Why does everyone think that these guns are going to use a familiar plunger or reverse plunger setup? How, exactly, would you propel AND put sufficient spin on a disc by blowing a bunch of compressed air at it from behind? I would be very surprised to see plungers in these blasters, and find it far more likely that it's a new propulsion system.

I'm a little bit bummed that we aren't going to see any new N-Strike guns this year, and that the stupid orange re-releases are of a bunch of blasters that nobody cares about. How many versions of the crappiest Nerf gun (Maverick) do we really need? Is that blaster really that popular, especially after the Spectre came out? Of all three retailer exclusive guns, the one that got a nod from Nerf is the battery-powered Barricade? And the Raider, really? Not the Long Strike?

I'm just hoping this isn't going to make the actually good blasters hard to find.

Edited by Shralla, 29 June 2011 - 02:38 PM.

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#9 Y-Brik



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Posted 29 June 2011 - 03:03 PM

'Shralla', on 29 Jun 2011 - 7:33 PM, said:

Why does everyone think that these guns are going to use a familiar plunger or reverse plunger setup? How, exactly, would you propel AND put sufficient spin on a disc by blowing a bunch of compressed air at it from behind? I would be very surprised to see plungers in these blasters, and find it far more likely that it's a new propulsion system.

I'm a little bit bummed that we aren't going to see any new N-Strike guns this year, and that the stupid orange re-releases are of a bunch of blasters that nobody cares about. How many versions of the crappiest Nerf gun (Maverick) do we really need? Is that blaster really that popular, especially after the Spectre came out? Of all three retailer exclusive guns, the one that got a nod from Nerf is the battery-powered Barricade? And the Raider, really? Not the Long Strike?

I'm just hoping this isn't going to make the actually good blasters hard to find.

Agreed with your thoughts on propulsion, though Nerf has been known to, well, nerf their own designs ever since they came across their lovechild Recon design. I take issue with your view of the Nstrike lineup. The Maverick is consistently Nerf's best selling blaster, at a reasonable price point, cool functionality, and general reliability among stock blasters (It IS a piece of shit from a modders' perspective)- it's earned its 2 repaints a year. The spectre is an overengineered Mav- the less ammo capacity and increased price make it a far cry from the Mav's replacement. As for the LSk, if you really want one, there's one in the works for this year (I won't say too mich for fear of ruining the 'suprise'). And Raiders are one of my favorite ReClones, that and the Recon itself.
/end pointless rant about child's toys.
/begin more relevant rant about companies' promises to this community.
@Hasbro- you released this info on the Facebook page ages ago! Why just now let us know? If Hasbro can't keep up its send of supplying new information to the community, I fail to see why we're holding back from speculation threads (such fun little shitstorms those) and reporting the news when it crops up on the net instead of waiting an extra 2 months for a piss-poor release given secondhand!
Well, that's enough ranting. The disc-shooters look cool after all....

Edited by Y-Brik, 29 June 2011 - 08:59 PM.

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As I said I have not not alot of testes yet but I will be once I finish the mod.

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#10 Shralla



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Posted 29 June 2011 - 04:09 PM

I've never used a Maverick that wasn't junk. The ranges are crap, and I'm not sure what reliability you're talking about, because the rotation mechanism seizes up and hitches all the time because it's stupidly tied into the trigger pull. The Maverick is pretty much the only Nerf blaster that just doesn't fire for no real reason at all. The Spectre is significantly more expensive than The Maverick, but considering that the Mav which used to be $7 at Walmart is now $10 pretty much everywhere you look, and the fact that the Spectre offers similar functionality with considerably more reliability and greater ranges even stock than the Maverick, I find the Spectre to be a much better deal.

Granted, these repaints are obviously based on sales potential, and I suppose every little kid has a Maverick because it's cool looking. I guess I just mad.

I'm still legitimately confused about the Barricade though. I don't think basing a repaint of one of the retailer-exclusive guns on sales is necessarily fair, since obviously the Walmart gun is going to sell the most, being the most popular store. Where's the Barrel Break repaint? Somebody finally releases a double-barreled shotgun that doesn't suck and is backed by Nerf engineering, and nobody cares? I'm starting to feel like I should stock up on them before they disappear from stores, because it doesn't seem like it's getting any love from Nerf.

How IS the Raider anyway? I've had somewhat neutral experiences with all the ones I've used, both modded and not. It just doesn't seem like the ridiculous ammo capacity and overall cool design is worth the somewhat lackluster performance that I've found. Of course, I could have just been using crap blasters.

I also don't like that the 35-round drum magazine was designed to be nearly impossible for most people to effectively use in anything except the Raider, because it completely obstructs the supporting grip of anybody who's right-handed when used in a Longshot or a Long Strike, but now I'm just ranting about blasters in general.
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#11 Talio


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Posted 29 June 2011 - 05:50 PM

1. I had a clear maverick that fired streamlines amazingly. Had at least 30-40 feet in a fairly straight line completely unmodded. I gave it away and kind of regret it. I don't know if I got lucky or what, but I was amazed at how well it shot.

2. I'm pretty sure the Barricade paragraph you wrote makes sense to anyone. You're just saying things now.

3. Raiders are as good as any of the reverse plunger guns which is to say "not really good". But you gotta remember they don't design this shit for us. If anything they make it more difficult to mod in the long run. For what they're trying to do, which is make really cool toy guns, they're doing a bang up job. The raider is a fun gun to play around with. But there's a very good reason that most of us are using homemades now.

TL:DR: You're taking Nerf guns too seriously.
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#12 Shralla



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Posted 30 June 2011 - 04:37 AM

Nah, it's whatever. It just seems like an odd selection of blasters for the new paint job, and I'm kinda bummed that I don't care about any of them. The Vortex line definitely has my interest though.
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#13 debandgeek12



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Posted 30 June 2011 - 09:09 AM

'Y-Brik', on 29 Jun 2011 - 8:03 PM, said:

@Hasbro- you released this info on the Facebook page ages ago! Why just now let us know? If Hasbro can't keep up its send of supplying new information to the community, I fail to see why we're holding back from speculation threads (such fun little shitstorms those) and reporting the news when it crops up on the net instead of waiting an extra 2 months for a piss-poor release given secondhand!

This update, however, gives us approximate prices for each of the Vortex blasters, which is something new.
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#14 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 30 June 2011 - 10:30 AM


TL:DR: You're taking Nerf guns too seriously.

(That's kinda what we do on this site)

I'm sort of excited for these vortext guns, though I would rather they weren't vomit green.
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#15 Talio


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Posted 30 June 2011 - 06:44 PM

'Y-Brik', on 29 Jun 2011 - 8:03 PM, said:

@Hasbro- you released this info on the Facebook page ages ago! Why just now let us know? If Hasbro can't keep up its send of supplying new information to the community, I fail to see why we're holding back from speculation threads (such fun little shitstorms those) and reporting the news when it crops up on the net instead of waiting an extra 2 months for a piss-poor release given secondhand!
Well, that's enough ranting. The disc-shooters look cool after all....

I missed this. So let me speak for everyone when I say shut your fucking mouth you ungreatful cunt.
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#16 evilbunnyo



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Posted 01 July 2011 - 01:46 AM

I took a look at this disc shooted I had lying around and I think I might know how the non electronic guns work. This disc shooter has this horseshoe shaped part that squeezes with the trigger pull firing a disc. It seems pretty plausible as a firing mechanism.
Or the only other possible option I see is that the discs are just propelled by momentum of a plunger hitting them head on. That though wouldn't give much distance or the spin so my money is on the first idea.
As for the electronic one, its gotta be a flywheel system of some sort.
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#17 thedom21



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Posted 01 July 2011 - 09:11 AM

I think the design will be something like what is the tornado.
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#18 Shralla



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Posted 01 July 2011 - 01:09 PM

'Daniel Beaver', on 30 Jun 2011 - 3:30 PM, said:

(That's kinda what we do on this site)

I'm sort of excited for these vortext guns, though I would rather they weren't vomit green.

They're not vomit green! They're tactical vomit green.
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#19 nerfnut23



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Posted 10 July 2011 - 05:43 PM

'Shralla', on 29 Jun 2011 - 9:09 PM, said:

I've never used a Maverick that wasn't junk. The ranges are crap, and I'm not sure what reliability you're talking about, because the rotation mechanism seizes up and hitches all the time because it's stupidly tied into the trigger pull. The Maverick is pretty much the only Nerf blaster that just doesn't fire for no real reason at all. The Spectre is significantly more expensive than The Maverick, but considering that the Mav which used to be $7 at Walmart is now $10 pretty much everywhere you look, and the fact that the Spectre offers similar functionality with considerably more reliability and greater ranges even stock than the Maverick, I find the Spectre to be a much better deal.

Granted, these repaints are obviously based on sales potential, and I suppose every little kid has a Maverick because it's cool looking. I guess I just mad.

I'm still legitimately confused about the Barricade though. I don't think basing a repaint of one of the retailer-exclusive guns on sales is necessarily fair, since obviously the Walmart gun is going to sell the most, being the most popular store. Where's the Barrel Break repaint? Somebody finally releases a double-barreled shotgun that doesn't suck and is backed by Nerf engineering, and nobody cares? I'm starting to feel like I should stock up on them before they disappear from stores, because it doesn't seem like it's getting any love from Nerf.

How IS the Raider anyway? I've had somewhat neutral experiences with all the ones I've used, both modded and not. It just doesn't seem like the ridiculous ammo capacity and overall cool design is worth the somewhat lackluster performance that I've found. Of course, I could have just been using crap blasters.

I also don't like that the 35-round drum magazine was designed to be nearly impossible for most people to effectively use in anything except the Raider, because it completely obstructs the supporting grip of anybody who's right-handed when used in a Longshot or a Long Strike, but now I'm just ranting about blasters in general.

Yes, the Maverick is crap, hence why none of us other than someone in a real emergency would be caught dead with one, modded or not, god forbid at a nerf war.

And the Raider is like a Recon with a fancy stock and pump action. and a lopsided magazine that reminds me of an FG42-inspired sin to Nerf. Fun to shoot at a bunch of empty cans at work but for modding? Nah.

And on top of that, I just wish that they'd bring the Longshot back. It was a great design- well, compared to the schmutz that is the Longstrike.
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#20 durka durka

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Posted 10 July 2011 - 05:56 PM

Does it really matter what people think of old blasters, especially in a thread titled "new nerf guns"?

The electronic blaster in the vortex line bulges out in right in front of the disk mag in a shape that suggests the use of flywheels.

The use of foam disks brings up more questions than the new blasters themselves. How will the disks compare to nerf darts and our stefans and slugs? Can the disks be modded to be more stable in flight? Can homemade disks be easily made? I don't think we'll figure most of this out until the line is released. How these blasters are received will most likely be determined by how the new ammo type performs.
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#21 Kyrativ



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Posted 11 July 2011 - 10:40 AM

So after seeing some pictures and such of the captain America shield thing it got me wondering if the suspected flywheel blaster will use 1 wheel or 2...
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#22 Ozymandias



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Posted 11 July 2011 - 03:54 PM

'Kyrativ', on 11 Jul 2011 - 3:40 PM, said:

So after seeing some pictures and such of the captain America shield thing it got me wondering if the suspected flywheel blaster will use 1 wheel or 2...

It is definitely 2 wheels. I can't link you to it because of the rules, so Google 'Nitron Video' and you'll find it.
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#23 Buffdaddy


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Posted 11 July 2011 - 04:26 PM

It appears to be two wheels. I'm guessing the disc shape makes it aerodynamic enough to fly without spinning. Everything else disc based before these, it's just a flat circle of foam, which absolutely requires spin.
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#24 evilbunnyo



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Posted 11 July 2011 - 07:27 PM

I'm not sure that the disks are foam. After watching one of the videos and hearing the sound it made when it hit something it sounds like plastic not foam.
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#25 evilbunnyo



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Posted 27 July 2011 - 10:11 PM

Double post my bad.
Was browsing ebay and look what I found.
Looks like someone in california got their hands on a pack of refils. I can't make out a price but since he selling it for 20$ I assume its around there.
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