This is an idea inspied by the XXL Bazooka. Many have not seen one but if you look at the internals it is entirly powered by a draw spring running the length of the plunger and not a traditional compression spring like in most springers, reverse plunger or otherwise.
First our test subject: the oft mocked but incredibly available, affordable, and commfortable Recon. You can see the draw spring we are going to use there next to the barrel.

Here is the exact sum of what we will be putting into this. And we will be putting it right into the plunger system right about where it is placed here.

Here is a pic of the only annoying part: negotiating the draw spring into place on the bolt. I used a coat hanger with a hooked end.

Here is a shitty pic down the barrel. See all that sweetness in there? Yeeeeaaaaahhhh.

Here is some "hard data" I gathered. I used the same Raider drum filled with the same unmodified streamilines on the same day from the same firing position. The difference is one Recon had basic AR removals done, the other had AR removals and the draw spring addition.

Here is a bit more artistic of a representation. A "big fat pace" is about 3.5 feet. I didnt care about exacts because I am not looking to measure distance: I am looking to measure percentage increase.

RESULTS: The numbers show an overall increase of minimum, average, and maximum range across the board. Average increased from about 12 paces to about 16, so 33%. Yeah: an average increase of 33% to a normally shitty reverse plunger using about $1 of hardware. On top of that the max range increased 18% and the min range increased about 44%.
Now, I'd like to have run more tests but I'll be straight-up and tell you my clever way of securing the I-bolt was ripped to shreds after 22 shots. Last time I ever not use epoxy for anything.

I would love it if someone beat me to doing this with a powerstock, but that is my next plan. If you like the comfort, look, and ROF of the N-Strike line I cannot recommend this mod more. Also, this is just one spring: I'm sure there are others that could do the job as good or better.
EDIT: Re-mathed

Edited by SonReeceSonJensen, 25 April 2011 - 05:34 PM.