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New "sonic Series"

Basically clear with green tint.

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#1 burning-ice



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Posted 05 December 2010 - 05:51 PM

Ok, so I was at my local TRU today for christmas shopping, I (as usual) scanned the nerf isle and made a discovery, http://www.google.co...iw=1003&bih=507 (google link to page full of the blaster line pics).

Any thoughts, opinions, etc? (Also, I didnt know where to post this so admins please move it accordingly).

Edited by burning-ice, 05 December 2010 - 05:52 PM.

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#2 NerfGeek416



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Posted 05 December 2010 - 05:55 PM

It is bullshit, but at least the NF is there. That implies that there will be at least one reliable gun available in the sea of motorized crap. Oh well. Most of the people here already have at least one of these, spending more moiney on a different color doesn't make that much sense.
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#3 burning-ice



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Posted 05 December 2010 - 05:58 PM

NerfGeek416, on Dec 5 2010, 04:55 PM, said:

It is bullshit, but at least the NF is there. That implies that there will be at least one reliable gun available in the sea of motorized crap. Oh well. Most of the people here already have at least one of these, spending more moiney on a different color doesn't make that much sense.

Very true, I was imagining an double NF of this series painted black on the inside (so the shell would be black with greenish tint) , and insanely modded.
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#4 Avatar of WoeBrian

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Posted 05 December 2010 - 06:24 PM

Old news, search before you post.
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rawray7, on 10 Jan 2003 - 06:35 AM, said:

maybe i can get my wussy 12-year-old followers into nerfing shape. they preformed poorly at armageddon, the only good move i saw by any of them was when my brothers friend (about 11, kind of tall for his age, asian, short hair) shot VACC (when almost everyone was watching). There were only three people left in the game and VACC had just capped off the other kid, pistol style.



#5 badger


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Posted 05 December 2010 - 07:11 PM

Yes, they decided to make some extra cash by releasing the same blasters that have been out for some time now (with the NF and Mav being out the longest of them all) with a new shell color. I kind of like the look of them, though I am not about to buy any of them.

I do have to say that I saw the Sonic Maverick at a TRU this past week and I played with the cocking mechanism. It actually seemed to have some more strength in the spring. The AR will eliminate that extra force, but it was quite apparent, at least with the one I was holding, that they may have stronger springs in them.
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#6 Drax



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Posted 05 December 2010 - 07:30 PM

Badger, you make a good point about the NF. I find it funny how we make this big stink over how Nerf is recoloring their guns with the clear and sonic series, but the NF has been through 4 iterations (5 if you count the yellow/orange logos). First gen, Dart Tag, Grey/Green, Yellow logo, Orange logo.

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#7 Kid Flash

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Posted 05 December 2010 - 07:39 PM

Drax, on Dec 5 2010, 07:30 PM, said:

Badger, you make a good point about the NF. I find it funny how we make this big stink over how Nerf is recoloring their guns with the clear and sonic series, but the NF has been through 4 iterations (5 if you count the yellow/orange logos). First gen, Dart Tag, Grey/Green, Yellow logo, Orange logo.

you are wrong... they have the blue/yellow and the yellow/grey. there are like 6-8... then you could count all the other ones, like the star wars gun and the ctf set.
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#8 shardbearer



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Posted 05 December 2010 - 08:09 PM

Oh, and the Disk Shot and Element sorta count.
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#9 Drax



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Posted 05 December 2010 - 08:33 PM

shardbearer, on Dec 5 2010, 08:09 PM, said:

Oh, and the Disk Shot and Element sorta count.

Well those would be just reshellings, not simply recolorings, like the Deploy/Longstrike/Raider/AT is to the Recon.

Explosives aren't really my style. I prefer thermite.

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#10 durka durka

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Posted 05 December 2010 - 09:19 PM

I don't remember anyone making a huge deal over the different nitefinder colors or making it a point to buy them just because they looked different.
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#11 LotusNerf



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Posted 05 December 2010 - 09:52 PM

I don't think I will buy any blaster of the Sonic Series. This is only a marketing trick by Hasbro, because they saw how well the clear series blasters sold. If they chose translucent blue as the color, then I might consider buying one because of how sick it would be, but green and orange is just ugly.
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#12 Salindin Naz

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Posted 05 December 2010 - 10:37 PM

LotusNerf--If you want a blue one, just get one of the plain clear ones and give if a spray of that colored clear coat that Krylon makes. A very light coat on the inside of the shell would do the trick. For that matter, if you can give it a VERY light coat, most any paint would work from the inside.


Edited by Salindin_Naz, 05 December 2010 - 10:39 PM.

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#13 VelveetaAvenger



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Posted 05 December 2010 - 10:37 PM

They make me think of Ninja Turtles, so I'll be buying a nightfinder and maverick at least.
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#14 phillypretzel



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Posted 06 December 2010 - 10:06 AM

Are these a TRU exclusive?
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#15 utahnerf



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Posted 06 December 2010 - 04:01 PM

I think they would look pretty cool with a splitfire or something...... pretty similar colors going on here.

Edited by utahnerf, 06 December 2010 - 04:02 PM.

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#16 Captain



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Posted 06 December 2010 - 04:49 PM

I kind of like these. I wanted to buy another Nitefinder anyway, so this is an option. I'm sad that my clear NF didn't come with red darts though, I wanted some.

Excitement aside, this really is just another color gimmick to sell more blasters. I feel like Hasbro should just put more effort into coloring them to begin with rather than changing it (but of course they probably just care about sales, so the more the merrier for them). I do agree that a color other than green would be cooler. Transparent red would be sweet.
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#17 knexpert66



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Posted 06 December 2010 - 05:38 PM

I saw something that said this was coming out. Nerf is wasting their time on this crap if you ask me.
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